The research seminar on Employees participation offered a venue for dialogue between labour law and company law scholars

The second seminar organized by the Academy of Finland Research Project ‘Employee Participation and Collective Bargaining in the Era of Globalization – Nordic and Chinese Perspectives’ gave a unique opportunity to labour law and company law scholars to jointly discuss issues of Corporate Governance and the role of Employees in it. The seminar “Who are the Stakeholders? Comparative Perspectives on Corporate Governance and Employees’ Role in the Corporation“, held on 7-8 May 2015 in Helsinki was co-organized with the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku.

The event was hosted by Ulla Liukkunen, Professor of Private International Law and Labour Law at the University of Helsinki, and Professor Jukka Mähönen, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku.

Opening of the seminar by Professor Ulla Liukkunen
Opening of the seminar by Professor Ulla Liukkunen

The idea behind the seminar was to bring together the perspective of company law scholars and labour law scholars to reach a more comprehensive understanding of the reality and complexity of issues related to corporate governance and employee participation. Such event was surely needed as speakers, coming from various European countries, United States and China, underlined the importance of a holistic approach to the tackled issues and called for more interconnection between company law and labour law perspectives.

The seminar took place in a friendly atmosphere and the mutual respect enabled a genuine exchange of ideas. The insightful presentations gave a great starting point for lively and fruitful discussion that engaged not only speakers but also the audience constituted of scholars and practitioners.

For a full account of the seminar we invite you to visit the project website.