Thank you from the Climate University co-coordinator

It’s been almost four years since I began at Climate University as a co-coordinator, and the years as a post-doc have been really an eye-opener into the world of climate and sustainability education. It has been great to work with all of you in designing quality online education together, teaching together, and being a part of this wonderful community of teachers, students, staff and other collaborators gathered around a common agenda.

For a project, I think Climate University has been exceptionally successful, and I’m happy to see the network still going strong and expanding. Especially the newly joined UAS member universities have been a great step forwards, resulting in an even better coverage and of the Finnish higher education field.

For me personally, the time has come to head for new challenges, as I will be transitioning to a new position at LUT after the holidays, into teaching maths and physics for engineering students. Laura will update you on new co-coordinator(s) in the autumn, but this shouldn’t cause the other network members any headaches or new arrangements.

My warmest thanks to all of you friends, colleagues and collaborators. I wish all of you a relaxing summer and good summer vacations, and I am sure we’ll meet with many of you Climate University members in the future, so don’t be strangers!

With best wishes,


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