Conference: Conflict of public values and private interests? European media in 2012

Conflict of public values and private interests? European media in 2012
Time: 9.30-16.46 , Friday 27th of April, 2012
Venue: University of Helsinki, lecture hall,Unioninkatu 35

There is historically a close connection between the media and the ideal of democracy. It is a common understanding that the media is guided by the values of the freedom of speech, the plurality of platforms, and diversity of contents. However, according to many scholars, in the last decades this connection has been seriously challenged by economic and commercial values. It is claimed that due to this, a major change in the social role of the media has taken place, and that it is not public interest but the interests of the shareholders that the media serve today.  Not everybody agrees, however. The counter argument is that European media are still a long way from full commercialisation, and that the media are still able to successfully defend their democratic function.

The conference ”The conflict of public values and private interests? European media in 2012” addresses the tension between the democratic aims and the commercial gains experienced in the field of European media and communication. The speakers include internationally well known European scholars as well as the representatives of media companies. The conference is open to public, but registration is recommended.

The conference is free of charge and open for everyone, however, the number of participants is restricted due to limited seating; therefore, participation requires registration. Please register at latest by April 20.

09:30 Morning coffee
10:00 Opening of the Conference
Dr. Mervi Pantti, Head of the Media and Global Communication programme
Session 1: Is there a crisis in European media?
Professor Josef Trappel, University of Salzburg
Professor Jeanette  Steemers, University of Westminster
Dr. Ismo Silvo, Chief Operating Officer, Operations, YLE
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 Session 2: Controlling the Internet: whose responsibility?
Professor Niklas Bruun, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law
Professor Laura Berges, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dr. Johanna Jääsaari, University of Helsinki
13:00 Lunch break (lunch at own cost)
14:00 Session 3: Does PSM still have a future?
Professor Barbara Thomass, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
MP Ilkka Kantola, Chair, YLE Administrative Council
Professor Helena Sousa, University of Minho
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 Session 4: How to accommodate public values and private interests in European media 2012?
Professor Anker Brink Lund, Copenhagen Business School
[CEO Valtteri Niiranen, Federation of the Finnish Media Industry]
Dr. Kari Karppinen, University of Helsinki
16:45 Closing of the Conference

Professor Hannu Nieminen, hannu.nieminen(at), tel. +358 91912 4838
Coordinator Pauliina Shilongo, pauliina.shilongo(at), tel. +358 01912 3752
