IoT – the breathing air of our lives

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought forth a connected world where devices communicate with ease, transforming the way we live and interact. From smart homes to industrial automation, IoT’s application seems boundless.

By 2025, there could be 75 billion IoT devices connected worldwide. (That’s 10 times the human population!)

Many IoT applications demand incredibly low latency; especially those involved in critical tasks like autonomous vehicles or remote surgeries. This means that data must be transmitted and processed almost instantly. For example, in autonomous vehicles, sensors need to detect and react to changes in milliseconds to ensure safety.

The speed at which IoT systems process and act upon data is crucial for their effectiveness in various real-time applications.

However, there seems to be a challenge holding back this deity from performing at its full potential: energy efficiency.

We fight back with a revolutionary algorithm called the Node-Level Energy Efficiency Protocol (NLEE) which could redefine the efficiency standards for all devices.


The Energy Quandary

IoT devices operate on limited power sources, making energy efficiency crucial for them to function sustainably.

Think of when your phone is in low-battery mode. It optimizes power for essential tasks only.

Idle listening, unnecessary data transmissions, inefficient processing… They all lead to wastage of precious energy resources.


A Beacon of Hope

The key features of the NLEE algorithm are:

  1. Dynamic Power Management: The protocol smartly controls how much power a device uses by paying attention to when it’s active or idle. This helps save energy during idle periods without compromising responsiveness.
  2. Efficient Data Transmission: It’s like a clever traffic controller for data. It only sends the important data, skips sending information that isn’t needed, and compresses data into smaller data. This manages the amount of energy used when sending information.
  3. Optimized Processing: It’s a system that makes sure a device works in a way that doesn’t waste power. It organizes tasks so they use less energy, keeping the device running longer without needing to recharge.

Implications for the Future

  1. Environmental Impact: Reducing energy consumption in IoT devices not only prolongs their operational life, but also contributes to environmental conservation by minimizing carbon footprints.
  2. Extended Device Lifespan: This protocol could potentially extend the lifespan of IoT devices by optimizing energy usage, reducing the frequency of battery replacements, and lowering maintenance costs.
  3. Industrial Revolution: Industries heavily reliant on IoT, such as manufacturing and healthcare, stand to benefit from increased operational efficiency and reduced energy costs.


As researchers and industries unite to refine and implement this protocol, we step closer to a more connected, efficient, and sustainable world of IoT.

The journey towards optimal energy efficiency in IoT devices has just begun, and the NLEE algorithm serves as a guiding light, illuminating a path towards a brighter, more sustainable future.


Written by Kokoro Horiuchi.


Vellanki, M., Kandukuri, S. P. R., & Razaque, A. (2016). Node level energy efficiency protocol for internet of things.