DigiSTEAM Virtual workshop

On February 1, 2024, the DigiSTEAM project was launched with a virtual workshop on Zoom. During this two-hour workshop, university staff and students got acquainted with each other and presented their respective university’s STEAM education. The students delivered brief presentations on their research topics related to the project. As Introductory keynote Mr. Tlou Ramatlhodi introduced STEAM South Africa (https://steamsa.net/).

DigiSTEAM Virtual workshop, 1 February 2024, at 4 PM to 6 PM

  • Introduction to University of Helsinki STEAM
    • Master students thesis presentations
    • Flinga: Peer questions for presenters
  • Introduction to University of Eastern Finland STEAM
    • UEF student presentations – “STEAM relationships and ideas for future”
    • Flinga: Peer questions for presenters
  • Introduction to Stellenbosch STEAM
    • Students from Stellenbosch – “Hybridizing ideas for digi and steam for future projects”
    • Flinga: Peer questions for presenters
  • Introductory keynote: STEAM SA
  • Discussion 10 minutes

Later in the project, students will update the blog with a post about their own research topic. Soon, posts from the first mobility week will also appear the blog, when the staff and students of the University of Helsinki and the University of Eastern Finland will travel to Stellenbosch from April 12 to April 21, 2024!


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