For Assessor

How to log in into E-thesis system?
If you have a username for the services of the University of Helsinki, please click “Login with ID authentication” on the registration page. Also those who have limited access account may use this option.

If you do not have a username for the University of Helsinki services, please use “Authentication with email address and password ” link. (In this case, the email address is not a University of Helsinki email address.)

For this purpose, you should register yourself for the E-thesis system. You will receive an automatically generated email from the E-thesis system concerning the following steps, please follow the instructions in the message.

Logging in takes you to the “Workflows” page.

Workflows page
On the Workflows page there are the following features:

“Tasks you own” lists all the Master’s thesis you should assess.
“Tasks in the pool” list is always empty if you access the E-thesis system as an examiner.
You can access the information on the Master’s thesis by clicking “Under review” or the name of the Thesis.
You can return to “Workflows” page by clicking the link in the upper side of the page.
Evaluation information page
The sections in the evaluation form are as follows:

Work information

The title of the page is the name of the Master’s Thesis. There are links to the electronic files of the work and Urkund report. The deadline set to the Examiners can be seen here as well.


The Examiners may leave comments to each other on examination process and assessment in the
E-thesis system. These comments are meant only for the communication between the Examiners and they will be deleted after the assessment is completed.


Reviewers contains names, email addresses and statement statuses (not approved/approved) of all the people examining the particular Master’s Thesis.

Evaluation help

Link to additional information for Examiners.

Edit Evaluation

The most important part of the Evaluation information is the assessment form. The system contains several alternative forms for various Faculties. The form may include matrixes, text boxes, drop-down lists, and checkboxes.

If only one value is possible for a criteria in an assessment matrix, they are highlighted by grey colour. The already chosen alternatives by other examiners are colour coded according to the colours in the Reviewers column. If the same alternative is chosen by several examiners the background color is black.

You are able to access the assessment form again by clicking the ”Edit Evaluation” link, this locks the other Examiner out of the system. The access for the other Examiner is opened again if you save your own assessment or if you return to ”Work Information” page.

If there the assessment form page is idle or you close the browser without saving, it is automatically available for the other Examiner after 60 minutes.

Please note!

If you work over 60 minutes on the assessment form you are not able to save it anymore as it has been automatically locked and the other examiner might have changed his/her part. It is advised to process long texts elsewhere and use a copy paste command, or alternatively save the written text regularly in shorter intervals.


When you approve the proposed statement (given by yourself or the other Examiner), the system locks your access to the assessment form. However, the assessment form can be edited again if another Examiner changes the proposed assessment.

In other words, the examiners must approve the same assessment statement. The process will automatically proceed after the mutual approval.

Additional information

The system sends emails to the examiners in the following cases:

Master’s thesis is ready for examination
an examiner has approved the proposed assessment (no email is sent to the examiner in question)
an examiner has modified the proposed assessment
examination process is completed