Into the Forest

Text and photos by Riikka Kaukonen

We had already been conducting fieldwork for a bit over one month in the city of Puyo and the communities surrounding it, as we stood in front of a small monoplane on the late morning of 22nd of October. The past months we had concentrated on the experiences of indigenous students of different levels of higher education:

What were the main obstacles they had faced during their education history?

How they saw the relationship between occidental epistemology present in the educative system, and the cosmovision and worldviews of their respective backgrounds?

How could the intercultural and bilingual education programs strengthen the identity and self image of the indigenous nationalities of Pastaza, while engaging with the rich multiplicity and differences that exists between and inside these groups?

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Greetings from the autumn conferences in the North: key messages on diversifying and decolonizing academic research

Text by Johanna Hohenthal

This autumn the project members participated in several conferences and seminars in the Nordic countries that all somehow addressed the themes of decoloniality, interculturality and diversity in academic research. First, on 15-18 August, the 4th Annual Conference of the World-Ecology Research Network (WERN) was held in Helsinki, Finland. The WERN has an important decolonial commitment focusing on the “critique of Nature/Society dualism as a cosmology and world-historical practice of domination”. In this year’s conference, the keynotes, panels and working groups discussed on topical issues related to expropriation, capitalocene, extractivism, and power relations in academic research. The second event was a two-day seminar “Doing diversity/interculturality/decoloniality in development research” organized by the Finnish development research doctoral network (UniPID DocNet) in Tvärminne, Finland, 27-28 September. The presentations and discussions in the seminar largely centered around the questions on how to decolonize and diversify thinking and practices in the academic teaching and research work. In the following week, 5-6 October, the reflection on these themes continued in the first workshop of the research network Decolonial critique, knowledge production and social change in the Nordic countries (DENOR) in Gothenburg, Sweden. As stated by the leader of the network, Adrián Groglopo, in his welcoming words, the decolonial initiative is especially important in the Nordic context, because the Nordic “race” has for long enjoyed its privileged position on the expense of other nations and even been put on the pedestal as a model that the others should follow. Finally, the 10th conference of the Nordic Latin American Research Network (NOLAN) was organized in Oslo, Norway, 25-26 October. The conference addressed important issues related to human and environmental rights and the state of democracy that have implications especially for the lives of indigenous and other minority groups in Latin America. The conference also had a number of interesting working group sessions on indigenous identity, environmental governance and education.

In this writing, I will briefly return to the key messages from the above meetings that are significant also for our project. See also the related forthcoming text written by Paola Minoia in Convivial Thinking. Continue reading “Greetings from the autumn conferences in the North: key messages on diversifying and decolonizing academic research”

Asamblea educativa y pedagogía de la Nacionalidad Kichwa de Pastaza, Ecuador, como aporte a la construcción de la Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en la Amazonía

Texto: Andrés Tapia

En la comuna ancestral Kichwa de Canelos, ubicada en el interior de la provincia de Pastaza, se llevó a cabo la Asamblea educativa y pedagógica de la Nacionalidad Kichwa de Pastaza, el 25-26 de septiembre, una actividad convocada por el Consejo de la Nacionalidad Kichwa de Pastaza (Pastaza Kikin Kichwa Runakuna PAKIRU) en seguimiento de las resoluciones tomadas por las bases de las comunidades, pueblos y asociaciones Kichwas de Pastaza en su congreso ordinario realizado el pasado mes de agosto.

Foto: Andrés Tapia

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Strengthening the knowledge and ancestral wisdom of the peoples from the north and south

Text and photos by: Andrés Tapia

As part of an international advocacy campaign of the indigenous peoples and local communities of North, Central and South America and Southeast Asia, a meeting was organized between the peoples from the south and north for the strengthening of ancestral knowledge, strategies and joint actions for the defense of the territories. The meeting was held in the ancestral Yurok territory, located in the north of California, the United States, in 2-7 September.

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Andrés Tapia se une al equipo de investigadores

(English version below)

En septiembre, nos complace dar la bienvenida a nuestro equipo de investigación a un nuevo investigador, Andrés Tapia. Andrés es licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Central del Ecuador con una Maestría en Biodiversidad de Bosques Tropicales y su Conservación en la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) de España. Tiene también una tecnología en Medios de Comunicación y Economía en el Instituto Popular Superior de Härnösand en Suecia. Actualmente es Dirigente de Comunicación, Promoción y Fortalecimiento Organizativo de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana (CONFENIAE), periodo 2016-2020, donde ha sido también parte del equipo técnico en temas de ambiente, territorio y biodiversidad desde el 2010. Ha sido parte del equipo técnico de la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE) desde hace varios años. Ha liderado varias campañas en defensa de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y es fundador y líder de la red de comunicadores comunitarios “Lanceros Digitales”. Representante de base de la comunidad Unión Base, Comuna San Jacinto del Pindo de la Nacionalidad Kichwa de Pastaza.

En este proyecto, Andrés se enfocará en estudiar cómo el concepto de “territorio” podría contribuir a las políticas educativas públicas que reconocen el pluralismo ecocultural para la calidad del sistema educativo ecuatoriano.

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Un nuevo libro: Prácticas pedagógicas para el fomento de la interculturalidad en el contexto universitario

(English version below)

Un libro editado titulado: Prácticas pedagógicas para el fomento de la interculturalidad en el contexto universitario: la experiencia de la Universidad Estatal Amazónica en convenio con la Universidad de Málaga, fue publicado en julio. El libro fue compilado por Dr. Juan J. Leiva Olivencia de la Universidad de Málaga, España, y Dra. Rosaura Gutiérrez Valerio, de la Universidad Estatal Amazónica.

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La importancia y los desafíos de la educación intercultural bilingüe en Pastaza: pensamientos de Rosaura Gutiérrez

Texto: Rosaura Gutiérrez & Johanna Hohenthal

¿Qué hace que la educación intercultural bilingüe sea tan importante en Ecuador y Pastaza y resulta celebrarla? En general, la educación intercultural bilingüe destaca la igualdad, equidad, paridad, complementariedad y el intercambio entre los distintos cuerpos de conocimiento en un contexto culturalmente diverso[1].

Foto: Johanna Hohenthal

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Vivencias / Celebración / Ceremonia Ritual de Saberes y conocimientos que articula el Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en la Provincia de Pastaza

Texto y fotos: Victor Aurelio Llangari, docentes, padres de familias de la Unidad Intercultural Bilingüe San Jacinto

Las prácticas vivenciales dentro de los pueblos y nacionalidades de la Amazonía son de vida, por lo tanto se puso énfasis en este saber en la Institución Educativa en el año 2017 con los procesos interculturales: primera ceremonia  ritual asentamiento de los árboles  de Cedro y Guayacan en la memoria del Dr. Thomas May, Biólogo, docente de la Universidad Estatal, quién llegó a la amazonia en un proyecto de Cooperación Internacional con la GIZ (Agencia de cooperación Alemana). Segunda ceremonia  ritual  de lanzamiento de la oferta San Jacinto sumakkuskakamay kawsaypacha chakiñan (sendero turístico ecológico San Jacinto) Continue reading “Vivencias / Celebración / Ceremonia Ritual de Saberes y conocimientos que articula el Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe en la Provincia de Pastaza”

First week of visits to the schools

Text by Johanna Hohenthal

In the beginning of June, we started our visits to upper secondary classes of schools of Pastaza province together with the new members of the Ecuadorian research team. Besides the leading researchers Ruth Arias, Rosaura Gutiérrez and Mayra Espinosa, three engineers who have graduated from the UEA have joined the working team. They all come from the nationality of Kichwa and therefore also help in translation in Kichwa language and bring their cultural knowledge to the project.

Researcher team (upper row from the left: Efren Merino, Darling Kaniras, Johanna Hohenthal, Cristofer Alvarado; lower row from the left: Fernando Aldaz, Mayra Espinosa, two students), together with Alba Castillo (lower right), the rector of school Amauta Ñampi in Puyo. Photo: Rosaura Gutiérrez.

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Experiencing the activities of the collective Retomando Raíces

Text by Paola Minoia

We met the members of the collective of Retomando Raíces, a very active group of students from the different nationalities of indigenous, afro-ecuatorians and mestizos sharing experiences of inclusion and interculturalism. The group is growing, now counting around 50 members. What we heard at the meeting of 10 May, like every Thursday in their wooden choza [hut] located in the premises of the university, is that their wish is to become an officially recognized scientific association of the university. So far, during their three years of activity, they are considered a cultural-socializing group, and the official scientific recognition would gather more institutional support.

Retomando Raíces meeting in the traditional choza; photo: Johanna Hohenthal

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