Podcast on Eco-cultural pluralism, Extractivism, and the Kichwa people of Ecuadorian Amazonia

Katy Machoa & Paola Minoia
Katy Machoa & Paola Minoia.Photo: Tuija Veintie

Paola Minoia: “Together with Katy,
I have been interviewed by the Podcast series on Extractivism and Alternatives.” The series is part of different initiatives coordinated within the unit of Development Study of the university of Helsinki, among which the forthcoming Exalt Conference 2020 on “Concurrent crises and sustainable futures: global extractivism and alternatives” in October 2020.

“In this podcast, we talked about the project, how Katy and I met and started our collaboration, and why we think that intercultural knowledge is related to different forms of justice: from epistemic to environmental and territorial. Katy spoke of her lived experiences in the Ecuadorian Amazon and, in particular, of evictions and destruction of villages in the Nankints community due to new mining exploitations.”

The podcast is accessible through this link. There are three versions: one integral version including presentations in Spanish by Katy and translations by Paola, one in Spanish, and one in English only.

“I hope you enjoy this conversation, and please let us know what you think!”

Discussing intercultural education, politics and activism

In January, members of our research group were actively participating in discussions about intercultural education, politics and activism in two public events organized at the University of Helsinki.

At the Night of Science, the annual block party for science and research, Tuija Veintie and Johanna Hohenthal gave a public talk on intercultural education and the “good life” in the Ecuadorian Amazonia. The talk provided an overview of the intercultural bilingual education in Ecuador and politics of good life (Buen vivir). The former Ecuadorian government promoted the politics of good life, including plurinationality, interculturality and quality education, but at the

Tuija Veintie and Johanna Hohenthal at the Night of Science on 16 January 2020. (Photo: Eija Ranta)

same time the education policy reforms led to a decrease in Indigenous self-determination with regard to their educational system, as well as to diminishing number of schools and educational institutes providing instruction in Indigenous languages and respecting Indigenous knowledges and perspectives.


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“Paquetazo” in Ecuador – schools closed for demonstrations

Text: Tuija Veintie

On Tuesday, 8 October, all schools in Ecuador suspend their classes to guarantee the safety of their students, announced the Ministry of Education of Ecuador. In Pastaza province the classroom doors in schools and at the Amazon State University (UEA) have stayed closed for several days, from Thursday 3 October. Going to classes would be difficult, and possibly dangerous, because transportation in Puyo and around the province is paralysed by roadblocks and demonstrations. The demonstrations started last week after President Lenin Moreno had announced the paquetazo, a package of economic measures to reduce the fiscal deficit of the country.

Santa Clara, Monday 7 October. Photo. CONFENIAE

The paquetazo includes tax and labor reform as well as elimination of fuel subsidies. As an immediate effect of these reforms, the fuel price rose with 100% overnight. Ecuadorian transport unions declared a national strike starting on Thursday, 3 October. The strike ended all bus, truck and taxi transportation in the country. Moreover, the bus, truck and taxi drivers blocked the roads in the main cities of the country stopping all motor traffic. The transport unions ended their strike on Friday 4 October in the evening, but civil society organisations, including the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), Confederation of the Ecuadorian Amazonian Indigenous Nationalities (CONFENIAE), and the United Workers Front (FUT) continue demonstrations against paquetazo.

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Resistance of Kichwa people of Santa Clara against Piatúa hydroelectric power plant

Text and photographs: Tuija Veintie

River Piatúa in Santa Clara, Pastaza still flows free.

Piatúa is a secret river. It has power that no other river has. If I am feeling bad, tired or stressed, I go to the Piatúa river and in the river I start feeling good again. The river cures me” says an upper secondary school student in Santa Clara, Ecuador. Our research group is currently conducting research activities in this region and our interviews with and photographs taken by upper secondary school students show the special role that river Piatúa carries for the students as a sacred river and an important place for recreation and social gatherings. For the students, their families and the small-scale farming the river is a necessary source of water. In addition, the river Piatúa brings income to the local people through tourism as the clean water and landscapes attract tourists interested in nature, recreation and water sports.

Clouds have been gathering over future of the crystal-clear waters of river Piatúa. The Piatúa hydroelectric power plant project, run by Genefran S.A., is located in Santa Clara, between the provinces of Napo and Pastaza. Local Kichwa organisation, PONAKICS (Pueblo originario Kichwa de Santa Clara), claims that the power plant project threatens the environment, livelihoods and culture of the Indigenous communities in the Santa Clara area. Furthermore, the power plant project violated the rights of the Santa Clara Kichwa people as the construction work initiated without prior consultation.

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Radio comunitaria sobre los retos de la educación en la Amazonía

Redacción: Katy Machoa

Dialogo sobre los retos de la educación con el Ex Ministro de Educación
Entrevista con Milton Luna Ex Ministro de Educación quién durante sus 6 meses de gestión se comprometió en la reapertura de las escuelas comunitarias, dicha reapertura corresponde a una demanda realizada en las diferentes movilizaciones realizadas por los pueblos y nacionalidades del Ecuador. Con su salida del ministerio el pasado 26 de junio ¿Cuál es la perspectiva de la EIB en el Ecuador?.
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Acceso a la educación superior desde las comunidades
El acceso a la educación superior para la juventud de los pueblos y nacionalidades del Ecuador tiene particularidades que no han sido consideradas por la implementación de la prueba ser bachiller, misma que es obligatoria para todo estudiante de tercer año de bachillerato. La particularidades como el acceso a internet, una computadora, transporte y los esfuerzos personales, familiares y comunitarios que se realizan desde el territorio de las comunidades son compartidas por Elias Kuja Rector de la Unidad Educativa Bilingue “Kumay”.
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Pluralismo ecocultural y educación intercultural en territorios amazónicos

En abril de 2019 organizamos panel coordinado en el XVII Encuentro de Geografía de América Latina (EGAL 2019) que tuvo lugar en Quito, Ecuador. Les hacemos llegar abajo dos de las ponencias presentadas en este panel sobre ‘Pluralismo ecocultural y educación intercultural en territorios amazónicos’.

Contribución de la categoría territorio al Sistema de Educación Bilingüe de la Nacionalidad Kichwa de Pastaza.

Andrés Tapia (Universidad Estatal Amazónica / Confeniae)

Andrés Tapia y Ruth Arias en el encuentro de geógrafos de América Latina (EGAL), Quito, abril de 2019

En la década de los 90s emerge el Movimiento Indígena del Ecuador como un actor protagónico de la vida política nacional a partir del Primer Levantamiento de 1990 que sitúa a la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador CONAIE en el mapa político nacional. En el caso de la región amazónica, sería la marcha histórica Allpamanda, Kawsaymanda, Jatarishinchik la que sitúa en el panorama político a las nacionalidades amazónicas. En 1988 se crea la Dirección Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe DINEIB, cristalizándose uno de los puntos centrales de la lucha del movimiento indígena por una educación propia, autónoma e independiente. En este contexto se enmarca la necesidad de una educación intercultural que responda a la cosmovisión de los pueblos indígenas y que recoja en sus contenidos la amplia gama y expresiones socio-culturales e identitarias que parten de los conocimientos tradicionales o ancestrales de los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas (eco-culturales).

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Waorani: a triumph in the defense of the territory

Text and photo by Katy Machoa, Amazonian Kichwa, former leader of the CONAIE women

“Your map has no use… We do not recognize the government’s name bloque 22. Our ancestral territory is not an oil block, it’s our life, and these are our words, our crossed spears”
Oswaldo Nenquimo (2019)

Waorani people dancingThe first reaction of the pekenani (wise elder) representatives of 16 Waorani communities of Pastaza, organized in CONCONAWEP, after the sentence of Judge Pilar Araujo of the Provincial Court of Pastaza that accepted the action for protection and stated that constitutional right of prior, free and informed consultation had been violated, was to dance and sing. The audience hall was flooded by the energy of the Waorani voices and by the dance that drew the glorified dignity. So small was the space that shortly the energy spread to the outskirts; surely that energy connected with its territory, as well as with all the hearts defending the Amazonian life.

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Waorani: la defensa del territorio triunfa

Redacción y foto: Katy Machoa, Nacionalidad Kichwa Amazónica, Ex–Dirigente de la Mujer CONAIE

“Su mapa no sirve… No reconocemos que el gobierno llame bloque 22. Nuestro territorio ancestral, no es un bloque petrolero, es nuestra vida,  estas son nuestras palabras, nuestras lanzas cruzadas”
Oswaldo Nenquimo (25 de abril 2019)

Waorani people dancingLa primera reacción de los y las “pekenani” (anciano/a sabio/a) representantes de 16 comunidades Waorani de Pastaza, organizadas en CONCONAWEP, tras escuchar la sentencia de la jueza Pilar Araujo de la Corte Provincial de Pastaza en la que se aceptaba la acción de protección y se reconocía la vulneración al derecho constitucional de la consulta previa, libre e informada fue bailar y cantar. La sala de audiencia quedo inundada por la energía de las voces waorani y por la danza que dibujaba la dignidad enaltecida, tan pequeño quedo el espacio que en poco tiempo se esparció a las afueras y con seguridad esa energía se conectó con su territorio, así como se conectó con los corazones que defendemos la vida amazónica.

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Taller sobre interculturalidad y educación

– Colaboración entre FLACSO y UEA

Redacción y Fotos: Mayra Espinosa

Figura 1. Docentes participantes en el proceso de inducción al taller.

El día viernes 8 de marzo de 2019 se llevó a cabo el curso taller de “Interculturalidad y Educación” en la Universidad Estatal Amazónica. Participaron un total de 28 personas: 20 docentes de la UEA de los Departamentos de Ciencias de la Vida y Ciencias de la Tierra, Cuatro estudiantes de las nacionalidades indígenas que se interesaron por participar del taller y 4 personas del Laboratorio de Interculturalidad de FLACSO.

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Thinking about development and good living

Text and photograph by Tuija Veintie

Picture of Paola Minoia with Mikko Ylikangas.
Paola Minoia presenting at Development Days 2019. On the left: Mikko Ylikangas, Academy of Finland.

At the end of March our Helsinki based research group members participated in Development Days 2019, the annual conference organized by the Finnish Society for Development Research. This year the conference theme “Repositioning global development: changing actors, geographies and ontologies” invited the conference participants to critically examine and redefine the meanings of development, and discuss alternatives to the dominant discourses on development.

In his keynote lecture Ashish Kothari presented examples of alternatives from around the world, including self-governance initiatives, economic transformations and different educational initiatives that are rooted in local cultures and ecologies. He urged the audience to examine the structural roots of sustainability and inequity, and vision alternative futures from the grassroots up.

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