New Fellows in Teachers’ Academy: Olli Ruth and Jokke Häsä

[EN] Since the beginning of 2019, the Faculty of Science has two newly appointed fellows in the Teachers’ Academy of the University of Helsinki: university lecturer Olli Ruth and postdoctoral researcher Jokke Häsä.

The Teachers’ Academy is a network of distinguished university teachers, the only of its kind in Finland. Appointment to the Teachers’ Academy signifies special recognition for teaching merits and scholarship in the field of teaching. Continue reading

Kumpula jaksaa, vai jaksaako? Mental health and stress in studies — Save the date: 15 April 2019

[For English, see below]

Kumpula jaksaa, vai jaksaako?

Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan ja keskustelemaan mielenterveydestä ja jaksamisesta opinnoissa.

Maanantaina 15.4.2019 Kumpulan kampuksella, Physicumin aulassa järjestetään tapahtuma, johon toivotamme tervetulleiksi niin opiskelijat, jatko-opiskelijat kuin henkilökunnan. Continue reading

Experiences from teacher exchange: Helsinki–Milan

Data Science, Statistical Learning, Helsinki–Milan

Text and photo: Teemu Roos

Data Science is a young discipline. Using data in innovative ways has of course been practiced, well, forever, but “data scientist” has become the sexiest job only in the 21st century. Our own data science Master’s programme started in 2017.

About a year ago, I met Professor Guido Consonni from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuorein Milan, Italy. Continue reading