Advice For Guests

1. Introduction and Background Information:

· Provide a brief introduction about yourself, your academic background, and your area of expertise.

· Mention any relevant research or projects you have worked on.


2. Preparation:

· Familiarize yourself with the podcast’s format and style by listening to previous episodes.

· Review the topics you will discuss on the podcast.


3. Content Preparation:

· Prepare key points you want to discuss during the podcast.

· Provide any necessary background information or context for the audience.


4. Engagement:

· Engage with the host and other guests respectfully.

· Allow the host to lead the conversation but feel free to contribute your insights and opinions.


5. Timing and Pacing:

· Be mindful of time constraints and keep your responses concise.

· Avoid going off-topic for an extended period.


6. Clarity and Communication:

· Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.

· Avoid using jargon or technical terms without providing an explanation.


7. Promotion:

· Share the podcast episode on your social media channels once it’s released.

· Encourage your network to listen and share the episode.


8. Follow-up:

· Respond to any feedback or questions from the audience after the episode is released.


9. Enjoy the Experience:

· Relax and enjoy the conversation.

· Have fun sharing your knowledge and expertise with the audience.


This text was designed with the help of Chat GPT.