Educational Psychology for Everyone! Episode #1

Junlin Yu: Growth Mindset

In the first episode we are interviewing Dr. Junlin Yu from the University of Helsinki concerning growth mindset and its value for learning.

Transcript of the episode 1

Dr. Junlin Yu is an Academy Research Fellow at the University of Helsinki. His research centres on motivation in educational settings, with a particular focus on growth mindset, achievement goals, and the impact of gender. Currently, he leads a Finnish Research Council-funded project on creating classroom contexts that foster students’ growth mindset (2023-27). Before joining the University of Helsinki, he received his PhD and MPhil from the University of Cambridge.


Read more about the research of Junlin Yu Junlin Yu — University of Helsinki


Yu, J., Kreijkes, P., & Salmela-Aro, K. (2022). Students’ growth mindset: Relation to teacher beliefs, teaching practices, and school climate. Learning and Instruction, 80, 101616.

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Exciting news about recent research topics in Educational Psychology

In the Educational Psychology for Everyone podcast, experts and professionals in the field are interviewed on topics closely related to them. The podcasts are aimed at students, researchers, practitioners working in the field of education, and anyone interested in educational psychology. We will publish some of the episodes in English and some of them in Finnish. The series is hosted by Dr. Katja Upadyaya. Welcome to join us in listening to exciting scientific discoveries and new perspectives on familiar topics!

We will start blogging and announce the new podcasts and videos here soon!

Innostavia uutisia kasvatuspsykologian tutkimusaiheista

Kasvatuspsykologiaa Kaikille -podcasteissa haastatellaan alan asiantuntijoita ja ammattilaisia heille läheisiin teemoihin liittyen. Podcastit on suunnattu opiskelijoille, tutkijoille, kasvatusalan ammattilaisille, ja kenelle vain kasvatuspsykologiasta kiinnostuneille. Sarjaa toimittaa PsT Katja Upadyaya. Osa jaksoista julkaistaan englanniksi ja  osa suomeksi. Tervetuloa mukaan kuuntelemaan huimia tieteellisiä löytöjä ja uusia näkökulmia tuttuihin aiheisiin!

Julkaisemme uudet blogitekstit, podcastit ja videot tällä nettisivulla pian!