
Listen to Frank Trentmann discuss “consumerism” with Bridget Kendall (BBC) and the sociologist Lyla Mehta and political scientist Eduardo Gómez on BBC ForumFor the podcast, click here

Historyextra: Professor Frank Trentmann talks to us about his book Empire of Things, which considers how our patterns of consumption have changed over the centuries. Listen here

BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed: Empire of Things is a “magnum opus and a fine read” (Laurie Taylor, BBC) Listen the programme here. The discussion starts at 11 minutes 36 seconds.

On Monocle Weekly, Frank Trentmann tells us why we’re a society of collectors and consumers. Listen here. The interview starts at 38 minutes and 39 seconds [Chapter 4]

The Economist asks: Frank Trentmann on consumer cultures

ABC/Australia: “How consumer culture makes the world go around” Listen here

ABC/Australia: “So much stuff: a history of consumerism” Listen here

WAMC/Northeast Public Radio, USA: Listen here

Inside Culture, with Fionn Davenport, RTE Radio 1, Ireland Listen here (jump to 36 minutes 40 seconds to listen to the relevant part of the programme)

Top of Mind with Julie Rose, BYU Radio, United States. The interview starts at 52 min 30 sec. Listen here

Moncrieff Highlights– Newstalk (Ireland) Listen here

Talk Radio Europe – TRE:  Listen here

CBC Radio, Canada, Listen here

BYU Radio, USA; The Matt Townsend Show: “World of Consumers, How to Be a Stoic, Benefits of Nostalgia” Listen here (18 min 48 sec from start)

Other interviews

Wie uns der Konsum zu besseren Menschen gemacht hat“, Frank Trentmann im Gespräch mit Liane von Billerbeck, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 2017-06-01

Gegenstände sind Teil unseres Ichs“, Frank Trentmann im Gespräch mit Jonas Reese, Deutschlandfunk, 2017-08-13

Buchtipp: Ein überraschendes, großartiges Buch von Frank Trentmann. Fast 1100 spannende seiten, randvoll mit Erkenntnissen über die Geschichte des Konsums, Scobel, 3sat

Watch the discussion of technology and consumer change on the Irish TV series “The Gadget Buzz”, Ireland, here

Historiker über die Konsumgesellschaft: “Konsum ist nicht nur Erwerb“. Im Interview mit Jan Phaff. Taz. 14. Dezember 2017

Empire of Things“. Corporate Knights, The Magazine for Clean Capitalism. September 22, 2016

Read the interview with Die Welt here [in German]

Das Produkt ist kein Gott“. Jeanette Villachica, Wiener Zeitung. Vom 

Books Interview: Frank Trentmann. Times Higher Education. January 21, 2016.

Is Britain a nation of debt bingers? History tells a different story“. Aditya Chakrabortty, The Guardian. 12th January 2016.

“Both in writing and in person, Professor Trentmann…exhibits a knowledge so profound and a manner so exquisite that you could listen to him all day.” Ham & High (Hampstead and Highgate Express)Read the article here