

Pr. Anne Duprat, professor in Comparative Literature at the University of Picardie Jules Verne. She specialises in the theory of fiction and European studies from the XVIth and XVIIth centuries and in the relations between Renaissance Europe and the Arab world. She directs the collections Imago Mundi (Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne) and Mediterranea (éd. Bouchène) and contributes regularly to the work of the Center for Research on Travel Writing. She is the author of Vraisemblances. Poétiques de la fiction en France et en Italie (Champion, 2009), and co-director of Fiction et Cultures (Paris, 2010), Récits d’Orient en Occident (PUPS, 2008) and Histoires et savoirs. Anecdotes scientifiques aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles (2012). For her complete bibliography, click here.

Dr. Johan Schimanski, professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Oslo and visiting research professor of Cultural Encounters at the University of Eastern Finland, member of several editorial boards among which those of Fafnir: The Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research and Literary Geographies. His research areas encompass borders, national identity, postcolonialism, Arctic discourses, Welsh literature, science-fiction, genre theory, literary forgeries and literary museums. He continues to collaborate with UiT the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø, where he was previously affiliated. He is co-author of Passagiere des Eises: Polarhelden und arktische Diskurse 1874 (Boehlau, 2015) and co-editor of Border Aesthetics: Concepts and Intersections (Berghahn, 2017), Border Poetics De-limited (Wehrhahn, 2007) and Arctic Discourses (2010). The full array of his works can be found here.