
Social Psychological Research Programme on Intergroup Relations in Finland

ESSO-group (Etnisten suhteiden sosiaalipsykologit / Social Psychologists studying Ethnic Relations) connects students and researchers working on intergroup relations at the University of Helsinki. The network meets on a regular basis to discuss research-related issues. ESSO also serves as a platform for a doctoral seminar “Cultural and Social Diversities and Intergroup relations” of the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences (University of Helsinki).

This blog presents social psychological research on intergroup relations, identity and immigrant integration carried out in the discipline of Social Psychology, University of Helsinki. You can learn more about our research community and its individual members from the People menu.

ESSO in a nutshell: approach, expertise, contexts and goals


For more information about the group and its activities, please contact .

For professionals interested in our research and in bringing together research, practice and policy: TIET – Tietoa etnisistä suhteista LinkedIn group

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Social Psychology unit, University of Helsinki