MIRIPS-FI (2012 – 2014)

Determinants of an Inclusive Integration Context

The main objective of the study was to address problems related to the demographic and social changes resulting from the increasing ethno-cultural diversity in Finland and to produce scientific knowledge to support the development of positive intergroup relations and social cohesion in the country.

The multi-disciplinary project studied intergroup relations between the Finnish majority and the fastest growing immigrant group in Finland, the Russian-speaking minority. The project examined the interplay between individual-, group- and societal level determinants of the inclusiveness of the integration context.

MIRIPS-FI project was funded by Kone Foundation (no 4702793) and was a part of the Väestönmuutos programme intended to fund multidisciplinary research projects focusing on phenomena concerning the population change.

The project was also linked to the international MIRIPS research network led by Professor Emeritus John Berry.

The closing seminar for the MIRIPS-FI project was held on Thursday, 23rd October 2014 as a part of 11th International ETMU Days conference in Helsinki. Read more about the seminar here