Seminar on Researching the European Union: European Union’s economic governance

17 April 2023, 14.00-15.30 (EEST in Helsinki, which is 13.00-14.30 CEST in Brussels)

Location: University of Helsinki, Faculty of Law, Room: P668

Welcome to join us for the third Seminar on Researching the European Union. The aim of the seminar series is to present and debate recent research on the EU coming from the University of Helsinki and beyond. This third session presents research from the Norface-funded SEPAROPE project and the European Research Council funded EUGenDem project on European Union’s economic governance.

ChairJohanna Kantola (University of Helsinki)


Markus Ojala (University of Helsinki): Return of the Living Dead? Encounters with “market discipline” in the eurozone

Barbara Gaweda (University of Helsinki): Looking for the ‘social’ in the European Semester: European Parliament and the ‘socialization’ of the European Semester (co-authored with Anna Elomäki, Tampere University)

Päivi Leino-Sandberg and Antti Ronkainen (University of Helsinki): House always wins! An empirical study of the ECJ case law on EMU 2010-2020

The seminar series is organised jointly by the Centre for European Studies (CES) and Erik Castrén Institute (ECI) in the University of Helsinki.

Please register for the event here.


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