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Research on supernatural, paranormal, superstitious and magical beliefs
Research on other cognitive, social cognition, personality, clinical and social psychology topics
Research on the psychology of food consumption, eating, and health
Research in higher education
Measures in databases


  1. Lindeman, M., Marin, P., Schjødt, U., & van Elk, M. (2020). Non-religious identity in three Western European countries: A closer look at nonbelievers’ self-identifications and attitudes towards religion. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 30, 288–303.
  2. Lindeman, M., van Elk, M., Lipsanen, J., Marin, P., & Schjødt, U. (2019). Religious unbelief in three Western European countries: Identifying and characterizing unbeliever types using latent class analysis. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 29, 184-203. Link
  3. Gervais, W. M., van Elk, M., Xygalatas, D., McKay, R. T., Aveyard, M., Buchtel, E. E., Dar-Nimrod, I., Klocova, E. K., Ramsay, J. E., Riekki, T., Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., & Bulbulia, J. (2018). Analytic atheism: A cross-culturally weak and fickle phenomenon? Judgment and Decision Making, 13, 268-274. Link
  4. Lindeman, M. (2018). Towards understanding intuition and reason in paranormal beliefs. In G. Pennycook (Ed.) The New Reflectionism in Cognitive Psychology: Why Reason Matters (pp. 33-55). Hove, United Kingdom: Psychology Press.
  5. Gervais, W.M., Xygalatas, D., McKay, R.T., van Elk, M., Buchtel, E.E., Aveyard, M., Schiavone,S.R., Dar-Nimrod, I., Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., Riekki, T. Klocová E.K., Ramsay, J.E., & Bulbulia, J. (2017). Global evidence of extreme intuitive moral prejudice against atheists. Nature Human Behaviour, 1. Link
  6. Lindeman, M. (2017). Paranormal beliefs. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, pp. 1-4. New York: Springer.
  7. Lindeman, M. (2017). Miksi ihmiset uskovat yliluonnolliseen. Teoksessa: Voiko se olla totta? Skeptisiä näkökulmia nykymenoon (toim. T. Raevaara), ss.183-203. Helsinki: Ursa.
  8. Lindeman, M. & Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. (2016). Does poor understanding of physical world predict religious and paranormal beliefs? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 736-742. Link
  9. Lindeman, M. & Lipsanen, J. (2016). Diverse cognitive profiles of religious believers and nonbelievers. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 26, 185-192. Link
  10. Lindeman, M. & Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. (2016). Let us be careful with the evidence on mentalizing, cognitive biases, and religious beliefs. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, 33-34. Link
  11. Shtulman, A. & Lindeman, M. (2016). Attributes of God: Conceptual foundations of a foundational belief. Cognitive Science, 40, 635-670. Link
  12. Lindeman, M., Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. & Riekki, T. (2016). Skepticism: Genuine unbelief or implicit beliefs in the supernatural? Consciousness and Cognition, 42, 216-228. Link
  13. Lindeman, M., Riekki, T., & Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. (2015). Individual differences in conceptions of soul, mind, and brain. Journal of Individual Differences, 36, 157-162. Link
  14. Lindeman, M., Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., Lipsanen, J. (2015). Ontological confusions but not mentalizing abilities predict religious belief, paranormal belief, and belief in supernatural purpose. Cognition, 134, 63-76. Link
  15. Riekki, T., Lindeman, M., & Raij, T. (2014). Supernatural believers attribute more intentions to random movement than skeptics: An fMRI study. Social Neuroscience, 9, 400-411. Link
  16. Lindeman, M. (2014). Spirituality studies are in need of differentia: A reply to Garssen and Visser. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 202, 178. Link
  17. Lindeman, M., Heywood, B., Riekki, T., & Makkonen, T. (2014). Atheists become emotionally aroused when daring God to do terrible things. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2, 124-132. Link
  18. Lindeman, M., Svedholm, A. M., Riekki, T., Raij. T. & Hari, R. (2013). Is it just a brick wall or a sign from the universe? An fMRI study of supernatural believers and skeptics. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 8, 943-949. Link
  19. Riekki, T. J. J., Lindeman, M., Lipsanen, J. (2013). Conceptions about the mind-body problem and their relations to afterlife beliefs, paranormal beliefs, religiosity, and ontological confusions. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 9, 112-120. Link
  20. Svedholm, A. M. & Lindeman, M. (2013). The separate roles of the reflective mind and involuntary inhibitory control in gatekeeping paranormal beliefs and the underlying intuitive confusions. British Journal of Psychology, 104, 303-319. Link
  21. Riekki, T., Lindeman, M., Aleneff, M., Halme, A. & Nuortimo, A. (2013). Paranormal and religious believers are more prone to illusory face perception than skeptics and non-believers. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27,150-155. Link
  22. Svedholm, A. M. & Lindeman, M. (2013). Healing, mental energy in the physics classroom: Energy conceptions and trust in complementary and alternative medicine in grade 10-12 students. Science & Education, 22, 677-694. Link
  23. Lindeman, M. & Svedholm, A. M. (2012). What’s in a term? Paranormal, superstitious, magical and supernatural beliefs by any other name would mean the same. Review of General Psychology, 16, 241-255. Link
  24. Lindeman, M., Blomqvist. S., & Takada, M. (2012). Distinguishing spirituality from other constructs: Not a matter of well-being but of belief in supernatural spirits. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200, 167-173. Link
  25. Lindeman, M., Riekki, T., & Hood, B.M. (2011). Is weaker inhibition associated with supernatural beliefs? Journal of Cognition and Culture, 11, 231-239. Link
  26. Lindeman, M., Svedholm, A. M., Takada, M., Lönnqvist, J-E. & Verkasalo, M. (2011). Core knowledge confusions among university students. Science & Education, 20, 439-451. Link
  27. Lindeman, M. (2011). Biases in Intuitive Reasoning and Belief in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Psychology & Health, 26, 371-382. Link
  28. Lindeman, M. (2011). Usko yliluonnolliseen johtuu intuitiivisesta ajattelusta (Supernatural beliefs stem from intuitive reasoning), Aviisi, 13, 28. Link
  29. Svedholm, A. M., Lindeman, M. & Lipsanen, J. (2010). Believing in the purpose of events – Why does it occur, and is it supernatural? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 252–265. Link
  30. Lindeman, M. (2008). Intuitio ja usko yliluonnolliseen vaihtoehtolääkinnän suosion selittäjänä (Intuition, belief in supernatural, and the popularity of complementary and alternative medicine). Duodecim, 124(19), 2171 – 2177. Link   English summary
  31. Lindeman, M., Cederström, S., Simola, P., Simula, A., Ollikainen, S., & Riekki, T.  (2008). Sentences with core knowledge violations increase the size of N400 among paranormal believers. Cortex, 44, 1307-1315. Link
  32. Lindeman & Aarnio (2007). Superstitious, magical, and paranormal beliefs: An integrative model. Journal of Research in Personality 41, 731-744Link
  33. Aarnio, K. & Lindeman, M. (2007).  Religious people and paranormal believers: Alike or different? Individual Differences, 28(1), 1-9. Link
  34. Lindeman, M. & Saher, M. (2007). Vitalism, Purpose and Superstition. British Journal of Psychology, 98(1), 33-44. Link
  35. Lindeman, M. & Aarnio, K. (2007) The Origin of Superstition, Magical Thinking, and Paranormal Beliefs. An Integrative Model. Skeptic, 13 (1), 58-65. Link   Also published in French (2009): L’origine des superstitions, un modèle récent en psychologie cognitive. Science et pseudo-sciences, 1, 284,10-15. Also published in German (2010): Der Ursprung von Aberglauben, magischem Denken und paranormalen Überzeugungen, Skeptiker, 2, 62-70.
  36. Lindeman, M. & Aarnio, K. (2006).  Paranormal beliefs: Their dimensionality and correlates. European Journal of Personality, 20: 585-602. Link
  37. Aarnio, K. & Lindeman, M. (2005).  Paranormal beliefs, education, and thinking styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 1227-1236. Link
  38. Saher, M. & Lindeman, M. (2005). Alternative medicine: A psychological perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 1169-1178. Link
  39. Aarnio, K. & Lindeman, M. (2004). Magical Food and Health Beliefs: A Portrait of Believers and Functions of the Beliefs. Appetite, 43, 65-74. Link
  40. Pyysiäinen, I., Lindeman, M. & Honkela, T. (2003). Counterintuitiveness as the hallmark of religiosity. Religion 33(4): 341-355. Link
  41. Lindeman, M., Pyysiäinen, I. & Saariluoma, P. (2002). Representing God. Papers on Social Representations, 11, 1-13. Link
  42. Lindeman, M., Keskivaara, P. & Roschier, M. (2000). Assessment of magical beliefs about food and health. Journal of Health Psychology, 5, 195-209. Link
  43. Tamminen. S. & Lindeman, M. (2000) Wartegg – luotettava persoonallisuustesti vai maagista ajattelua? (Wartegg – a valid personality test or magical thinking?) Psykologia, 4, 325-331.
  44. Lillqvist, O. & Lindeman, M. (1998). Belief in astrology as a strategy for self-verification and coping with negative life-events. European Psychologist, 3, 202-208. Link
  45. Lindeman, M. (1998). Motivation, cognition and pseudoscience. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 39, 257-265. Link


  1. Marin, P. & Lindeman, M. (2021). How do people perceive the relationship between science and religion? The roles of epistemic and ontological cognition. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Advance online publication. Link
  2. Jonauskaite, D., et al. (in press). Universal patterns in color-emotion associations are further shaped by linguistic and geographic proximity. Psychological Science.
  3. Jonauskaite, D. et al. (2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66, 101350. Link
  4. Riekki, T., Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., & Lindeman, M. (2018). Empathizers and systemizers process social information differently. Social Neuroscience, 13, 616-627. Link
  5. Lindeman, M., Koirikivi, I. & Lipsanen, J. (2018). Pictorial Empathy Test (PET). An easy-to-use method for assessing affective empathic reactions. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 34, 421-431. Link
  6. Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., Halme, S., & Lindeman, M. (2018). Empathizing and systemizing are differentially related to dimensions of autistic traits in the general population. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 18, 35-42. Link
  7. Riekki, T., Salmi, J., Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., & Lindeman, M. (2018). Intuitive physics ability in systemizers relies on differential use of the internalizing system and long-term spatial representations. Neuropsychologia, 109, 10–18. Link
  8. Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., Ojala, S. J., & Lindeman, M. (2018). Male brain type women and female brain type men: Gender atypical cognitive profiles and their correlates. Personality and Individual Differences, 122, 7-12. Link
  9. Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M., & Lindeman, M. (2018). Actively Open-Minded Thinking: Development of a shortened scale and disentangling attitudes towards knowledge and people. Thinking & Reasoning, 24, 21-40. Link
  10. Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. & Lindeman, M. (2017). Intuitive and deliberative empathizers and systemizers. Journal of Personality, 85, 593-602. Link
  11. Lindeman, M., & Lipsanen, J. (2017). Mentalizing: Seeking the underlying dimensions. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 9, 10-23. Link
  12. Lindeman, M. (2016). Empathizing-Systemizing Theory. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, pp. 1-3. New York: Springer.
  13. Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. & Lindeman, M. (2016). Testing the Empathizing-Systemizing theory in the general population: occupations, vocational interests, grades, hobbies, friendship quality, social intelligence, and sex role identity. Personality and Individual Differences, 90, 365–370. Link
  14. Kinnunen, S. P., Lindeman, M., & Verkasalo, M. (2016). Help-giving and moral courage on the Internet. Cyberpsychology, 10(4), article 6.
  15. Svedholm-Häkkinen, A. M. (2015). Highly reflective reasoners show no signs of belief inhibition. Acta Psychologica, 154, 69-76. Link
  16. Raij, T. T., Korkeila, J., Joutsenniemi, K., Saarni, S. I., & Riekki, T. J. J. (2014). Association of stigma resistance with emotion regulation — Functional magnetic resonance imaging and neuropsychological findings. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 55, 727–735. Link
  17. Aspelund, A., Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (2013). Political conservatism and left–right orientation in 28 Eastern and Western European countries. Political Psychology, 39,409-417. Link
  18. Raij, T.T., Riekki, T.J.J. & Hari, R. (2012). Association of poor insight in schizophrenia with structure and function of cortical midline structures and frontopolar cortex. Schizophrenia Research, 139,27-32. Link
  19. Raij, T. T. & Riekki, T. J. J. (2012). Poor supplementary motor area activation differentiates auditory verbal hallucination from imagining the hallucination. NeuroImage: Clinical, 1 , 75–80. Link
  20. Lindeman, M. (2010). Intuition ja tieteellisen ajattelun vaativa liitto (The difficult union between intuition and scientific reasoning). Psykologia, 2, 179-182.
  21. Leikas, S., Lindeman, M., Roininen, K., & Lähteenmäki, L. (2009). Avoidance motivation, risk perception, and emotional processing. European Journal of Personality, 23, 125-147. Link
  22. Leikas, S., Lindeman, M.,  Roininen,  K. & Lähteenmäki, L. (2009). Boundaries of regulatory fit: Is it the thought that counts? Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 31, 289-294. DOI
  23. Leikas, S. & Lindeman, M. (2009). Personality, threat identification and emotional processing. European Journal of Personality, 23, 455-474. Link
  24. Leikas, S., Lönnqvist, J-E., Verkasalo, M., & Lindeman, M. (2009). Regulatory focus systems and personal values. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 415-429. Link
  25. Lönnqvist, J-E., Walkowitz, G., Wichardt, P., Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (2009). The moderating effect of conformism values on the relations between other personal values, social norms, moral obligation, and single altruistic behaviors. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 525-546.Link
  26. Leikas, S., Lönnqvist, J-E., Verkasalo, M., & Lindeman, M. (2009). Regulatory focus systems and personal values. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 415-429. Link
  27. Lindeman, M., Hokkanen, L. & Punamäki, R-L. (2007). Hermoverkot, mielenterveys ja psykoterapia (Neural networks, mental health,and psychotherapy). Helsinki: Psykologien Kustannus.
  28. Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (2005). Measuring values with the short Schwartz’s value Survey. Journal of Personality Assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment, 85, 170-178. Link
  29. Hutri, M. & Lindeman, M. (2004). Spontaneous explanations for work events among individuals in an occupational crisis. Journal of Adult Development, 11, 273-280. DOI
  30. Björkholm, S. & Lindeman, M. (2004). Evoluutiopsykologia ja läsnäolo. Teoksessa J. Heinonen, G. v. Hertzen, & Kuusi, O. Nyt on ennen huomista. Saarijärvi: Gummerus. (Evolutionary psychology and presence. In J. Heinonen, G. v. Hertzen, & Kuusi, O. (Eds.) Before tomorrow, Saarijärvi: Gummerus.)
  31. Siren, A., Hakamies-Blomqvist, L., & Lindeman, M. (2004). Driving Cessation and Health in older women. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 23(1),58-69. Link
  32. Hutri, M. & Lindeman, M. (2002). The role of stress and negative emotions in an occupational crisis. Journal of Career Development, 29(1), 19-36. Link
  33. Lindeman, M. (1996). The effect of personal involvement and political experience on conceptions about political actors. International Journal of Psychology Research, 1, 47-52.
  34. Lindeman, M. & Behm, K. (1999). Cognitive strategies and self-esteem as predictors of brace-wear noncompliance in patients with idiopathic scoliosis and kyphosis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 19(4), 493-499. Link
  35. Lindeman, M. (1999). Height and our perception of others: An evolutionary perspective. In: U. Eiholzer, F. Haverkamp & L. Voss (Eds.) Growth, stature and psychosocial well-being (pp. 121-130). Bern: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
  36. Sundvik, L. & Lindeman, M. (1998). Performance rating accuracy: Convergence between supervisor assessment and sales productivity. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 6, 9-15. Link
  37. Sundvik, L. & Lindeman, M. (1998). Acquaintanceship and the discrepancy between supervisor and self-assessments. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 13, 117-126. Link
  38. Lindeman, M. (1997). Elämysperäinen ja rationaalinen ajattelu. Teoksessa: R. Selin, M. Ollikainen & I. Salmi (Toim.). Paholaisen asianajajan paluu. Helsinki: Ursa. (Experiential and rational thinking. In R. Selin, M. Ollikainen & I. Salmi (Eds.), The return of the Devil’s advocate. Helsinki: Ursa)
  39. Lindeman, M. & Selin, R. (1997). Evoluutiopsykologia – kokonaiskuva ihmisestä? (Evolutionary psychology. An overall view of the human being?) Psykologia, 32, 4-12.
  40. Selin, R. & Lindeman, M. (1997). Kritiikin tylsä kärki (The blunt edge of critique). Psykologia, 32, 298-299.
  41. Lindeman, M., Harakka, T. & Keltikangas-Järvinen, L. (1997). Age and gender differences in adolescents’ reactions to conflict situations: Aggression, prosociality and withdrawal. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 26, 339-353. Link
  42. Keltikangas, L. & Lindeman, M. (1997). Evaluation of theft, lying and fighting in adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 26, 467-483. Link
  43. Lindeman, M. (1997). Ingroup bias, self-enhancement and group identification. European Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 337 – 355. Link
  44. Verkasalo, M., Tuomivaara, P. & Lindeman, M. (1996). 15-year-old pupils’ and their teachers’ values and their beliefs about values of an ideal pupil. Educational Psychology, 16, 35-47. Link
  45. Saari, S., Lindeman, M., Verkasalo, M. & Prytz, H. (1996). The Estonia disaster: A description of the crisis intervention in Finland. European Psychologist, 1(2), 135-139. Link
  46. Lindeman, M., Saari, S., Verkasalo, M. & Prytz, H. (1996). Traumatic stress and its risk factors among peripheral victims of the M/S Estonia disaster. European Psychologist, 1(4), 255-270. Link
  47. Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (1996). Meaning in life for Finnish students. Journal of Social Psychology, 136(5), 647-649. Link
  48. Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (1995). Personality, situation and positive-negative asymmetry in socially desirable responding. European Journal of Personality, 9, 125-134. Link
  49. Lindeman, M., Sundvik, L. & Rouhiainen, P. (1995). Under- or overestimation of self? Person variables and self-assessment accuracy in work settings. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 123-134.
  50. Lindeman, M. & Sundvik, L. (1995). Evaluative bias and self-enhancement among gender groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 269-280. Link
  51. Lindeman, M. (1995). Henkilöhavainnoinnin harhat psykologin työssä. Teoksessa: K. Räikkönen & J-E Nurmi (Toim.), Personallisuus, terveys ja hyvinvointi. Acta Psychologica Fennica, 8. (Judgemental biases in psychological practice. In K. Räikkönen & J-E. Nurmi (Eds.), Personality, Health and Well-Being. Acta Psychologica Fennica, 8)
  52. Lindeman, M. & Verkasalo, M. (1995). Sosiaalisesti suotuisa vastaaminen: kontrolloitava virhetekijä vai osa hyvinvoivan ja rehellisen yksilön persoonallisuutta? Teoksessa: K.  Räikkönen & J-E Nurmi (Toim.), Personallisuus, terveys ja hyvinvointi. Acta Psychologica Fennica, 8. (Socially desirable responding: A factor to be controlled or a trait of a well-functioning and honest individual In K. Räikkönen & J-E Nurmi (Eds.), Personality, Health and Well-being. Acta Psychologica Fennica, 8)
  53. Lindeman, M. (Ed.) (1995). Toden näköiset harhat. Helsinki: Duodecim. (Lifelike illusions. Helsinki: Duodecim)
  54. Lindeman, M. (1995). Miksi uskomme sellaiseen, joka ei ole totta? Teoksessa: M. Lindeman (Toim.), Toden näköiset harhat. Helsinki: Duodecim. (Why do we believe in things that are not true. In M. Lindeman (Ed.), Lifelike illusions. Helsinki: Duodecim)
  55. Lindeman, M. (1995). Arkisen ajattelun ansat. Teoksessa: M. Lindeman (Toim.), Toden näköiset harhat. Helsinki: Duodecim. (The shortcomings of everyday thinking. In M. Lindeman (Ed.), Lifelike illusions. Helsinki: Duodecim)
  56. Verkasalo, M. & Lindeman, M. (1994). Personal ideals and socially desirable responding. European Journal of Personality, 8, 385-393. Link
  57. Lindeman, M. & Mäkelä, A. (1994). Positiivisen ja negatiivisen informaation epäsuhta henkilöhavainnoissa (Positive-negative asymmetry in social perception).  Psykologia, 2, 122-125.
  58. Lindeman, M. & Koskela, P. (1994). Group size, controllability of group membership, and comparative dimension as determinants of intergroup discrimination. European Journal of  Social Psychology, 24, 267-278. Link
  59. Sundvik, L. & Lindeman, M. (1993). Sex-role identity and discrimination of same-sex employees. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 66, 1-11. Link
  60. Lindeman, M. & Sundvik, L. (1993). Impact of height on assessments of Finnish female job applicants’ managerial abilities. Journal of Social Psychology, 134, 169-174. Link
  61. Lindeman, M. (1993). Strength in positive and negative political attitudes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 465-469. Link
  62. Lindeman, M. (1992). Poliittisten asenteiden voimakkuus ja äänestyskäyttäytyminen (The strength of political attitudes and voting behaviour). Sosiologia, 1, 35-44.
  63. Sorvali, H. & Lindeman, M. (1992). Harhautunut tiedonkäsittely – mielenterveyden edellytys (Biased information processing as a prerequisite for mental health). Psykologia, 27, 34-37.
  64. Lindeman, M. (1991). Sex differences in discriminating social information. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6, 229-236.
  65. Lindeman, M. (1989). Sosiaalinen älykkyys ja ihmisten arviointi (Social expertise and social evaluation).  Psykologia, 1, 4-8.
  66. Lindeman, M. (1989). Mihin suvaitsevaisuus hävisi? Sylttytehtailijan näkemys. (Where has tolerance disappeared?) Psykologia, 3, 224-226.
  67. Lindeman, M. (1989). Sosiaalisen tiedon jäsentyneisyyttä ja evaluaatiota sääelevät tekijät (Determinants of social evaluation and organization of knowledge. Psykologia, 6, 454-457.
  68. Lindeman, M. (1989). Social expertise and extremity in evaluation. Relationships between cognitive complexity, psychological and literary knowledge, group membership, values and evaluation. Research Reports, 9, Department of Psychology, Helsinki: University of Helsinki. (Doctoral dissertation)
  69. Lindeman, M. (1987). Kaikkihan me tiedämme. Tiede 2000, 3, 40-43. (Biases in social inference. Science 2000, 3, 40-43)
  70. Lindeman, M. (1985). Pedagoginen ihmiskuva. Yläasteenopettajien käsitysjärjestelmät sosiaalisen kognition näkökulmasta. Kouluhallituksen tutkimusselosteita, 49. (A social cognitive view of teachers’ belief systems. National Board of Education, Research Reports, 49)


  1. Lindeman, M. & Anttila, J. (2018). Organic food appeals to intuition and triggers stereotypes. International journal of Psychology, 10, 66-79. Link
  2. Leikas, S., Lindeman, M., Roininen, K. & Lähteenmäki, L. (2009). Who is responsible for food risks? The influence of risk type and risk characteristics. Appetite, 53, 123-126. Link
  3. Lindeman, M. (2008). Vaihtoehtolääkinnän prototyyppiset piirteet (The prototypical features of complementary and alternative medicine). Duodecim, 124(22), 2593. Link
  4. Leikas, S., Lindeman, M., Roininen, K. & Lähteenmäki, L. (2007). Food risk perceptions, gender, and individual differences in avoidance and approach motivation, intuitive and analytic thinking styles, and anxiety. Appetite, 48(2), 232-248. Link
  5. Saher, M., Lindeman, M. & Koivisto, U-K (2006). Attitudes towards genetically modified and organic foods. Appetite, 46(3), 324-331 Link
  6. Saher, M. & Lindeman, M. (2005). Alternative medicine: A psychological perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 1169-1178. Link
  7. Lindeman, M., Keskivaara, P. & Roschier, M. (2000). Assessment of magical beliefs about food and health. Journal of Health Psychology, 5, 195-209. Link
  8. Saher, M., Arvola, A., Lindeman, M. & Lähteenmäki, L. (2004). Impressions of functional food consumers. Appetite, 42, 79-89. Link
  9. Aarnio, K. & Lindeman, M. (2004). Magical Food and Health Beliefs: A portrait of believers and functions of the beliefs. Appetite, 43, 65-74 Link
  10. Lindeman, M. (2002). The state of mind of vegetarians: psychological well-being or distress? Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 41(1), 75-86. Link
  11. Lindeman, M. & Stark, K. (2001) Emotional eating and eating disorder pathology. Eating Disorders, 9(3), 251-259. Link
  12. Arvola, A., Saher, M., Lindeman, M. & Lähteenmäki, L. (2001). Kuluttajien mielikuvat terveysvaikutteisten elintarvikkeiden käyttäjistä. (Impressions of consumers purchasing functional foods). Espoo: VTT Biotekniikka.
  13. Lindeman, M., Stark, K. & Keskivaara, P. (2001). Continuum and linearity hypotheses on the relationship between psychopathology and eating disorder symptomatology. Eating and Weight Disorders, 6 (4), 181-187. Link
  14. Lindeman, M. & Sirelius, M. (2001). Food choice ideologies: The modern manifestations of normative and humanist views of the world. Appetite, 37, 175-184.Link
  15. Lindeman, M. & Väänänen, M. (2000). Measurement of ethical food choice motives. Appetite, 34, 55-59. Link
  16. Lindeman, M., Stark, K. & Latvala, K. (2000). Vegetarianism and eating-disordered thinking. Eating Disorders, 8, 157-165. Link
  17. Lindeman, M. & Stark, K. (2000). Loss of pleasure, identity food choice reasons and eating pathology. Appetite, 35, 263-268. Link
  18. Lindeman. M. & Stark, K. (1999). Pleasure, pursuit of health, or negotiation of identity? Personality correlates of food choice motives among young and middle-aged women. Appetite, 33(1), 141-161.Link
  19. Lindeman, M. (1995). Ruoka luo identiteettiä. Tiede 2000, 42-44. (Food choice: a modern way to construct identity. Science 2000, 8, 42-44)


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