1. Are grades automatically registered?
  2. I am creating a personal exam for a student. Why cannot I add them as a participant?
  3. The student informs me that they cannot see their exam in Examinarium. What should I do?
  4. The student cannot register for the exam because the system says there are no attempts left. What should I do?
  5. I want to create the exam in more than one language.
  6. Should I automatically translate the questions to several languages?
  7. One exam room allows access to Finlex site. What should I do if I do not want to allow access to this site?
  8. Can I set more than one exam period for the exam? Must I then have separate course datas in Oodi?


1. Are grades automatically registered?

Locked grades marked as the grade for the whole course are automatically registered from Examinarium. Grades marked as a partial course grade are not automatically registered. When using personal exams, make sure that the student has a registration in Sisu for the same “implementation” that the exam is connected to.

2. I am creating a personal exam for a student. Why cannot I add them as a participant?

Examinarium adds the university user names to its database with the first login. You can add the student as a participant, or as an examiner or an evaluator for a colleague’s exam, only after they have logged in for the first time in https://examinarium.helsinki.fi.

3. The student informs me that they cannot see their exam in Examinarium. What should I do?

The problem may be in Sisu or Examinarium. In Sisu, check that there is an unexpired implementation set for the same course, and that the student has registered for it. In Examinarium, check that 1) you have created an exam for the implementation in question, 2) the exam is public and 3) the exam period has not expired.

4. The student cannot register for the exam because the system says there are no attempts left. What should I do?

The exam settings define the number of attempts allowed before assessment. In addition to finished exams, Examinarium counts aborted exams as attempts. Assessment makes it possible to take finished exams again. You can reset aborted exams in Examinarium by going to dashboard, opening the exam, clicking Aborted exams and choosing Release.

You can change the maximum trial count in the exam settings. The default setting for attempts allowed before assessment is 1.

5. I want to create the exam in more than one language.

There are two options: a) you can make the exam questions in more than one language and put them under the same question e.g. in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Please write each question on a different row. Remember to write the name of the exam in all languages available in the exam. b) You can create a separate exam for each language.

6. Should I automatically translate the questions to several languages?

Correspondingly to general examinations, if the student wants the language of the exam questions to be different from the teaching language, they must inform the examiner at least 10 days before the intended exam day, assuming they have the right to request a different language. As an examiner, you can translate the question into several languages by default a) by writing the language versions in the same question, or b) by creating separate exams for different languages.

If there are very few students who want to have questions in different language, you can also create a personal exam for them. Just translate the questions you choose for the personal exam (without question randomization). Inform the students in advance, whether you need prior notice about the language or not.

7. One exam room allows access to Finlex site. What should I do if I do not want to allow access to this site?

In exam settings, for “Software” choose “No Finlex”. When you choose this option, the student cannot make a reservation for an exam room with access to Finlex. Correspondingly, if Finlex is needed in the exam, choose the option “Finlex”.

8. Can I set more than one exam period for the exam? Must I then have separate course implementations in Sisu?

The exam can have only one exam period at a time. Your options are then to either set another exam period after the first one has ended or copy the exam and set a new exam period for the copy. Students can make reservations for the exam rooms four weeks in advance so if the gap between the periods is longer than that, the students cannot make overlapping reservations for them. You do not have to make to another implementation in Sisuif it is valid during both exam periods.