Experiences of travelling

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Here is a compilation of mine and Veera’s trip to Beijing some one and a half month ago. Our focus was to work with teachers in primary schools and meet with scholars at the Graduate School of Education, Peking University. But, still, there is no such thing as a one-way directed experience. So, this is an effort to tell our story visually and multimodally and draw a more comprehensive picture. Like the video, this was a multi-level experience in the sense that we wanted to get into as many dimensions of living in Beijing as possible within one week. In a sense, we compacted time in a similar way that the still and moving images recount 7 days’ events into 6+ minutes. Technically, the musical background has been selected by the editing software. So it cannot be really seen as personal touch. But there are interruptions of still images with very short edited clips to show what are our reactions were like or how we felt during the visit.

Some new approaches to storytelling may be on the way?

Published by

Marianna Vivitsou

Marianna Vivitsou does postdoctoral research at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki. She studies hybrid and online pedagogies; how narrativity, aesthetics and sustainability relate; more-than-human elements and perspectives in storytelling; education as transformative experience; and academic activism.

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