Dear participants,

We are pleased to tell you that we got many interesting abstracts of very good quality for our Freedom of Expression Conference on May 8-9th. Therefore we decided to construct two parallel sessions on Thursday and Friday afternoons.

Some of you have wished to give your presentations on a certain day and we will take these wishes into consideration.

The deadline to submit your papers and/or Ppt slides is 25 April 2014 as already mentioned in the CfP. There is no page limit to the papers, but obviously if you write in more detail, your feedback is also more detailed. On the other hand, as there are quite many presentations, the participants might not have time to read very long papers.

Please send your papers to We will publish them in the blog so that all participants can view and print them before the conference. Please note that we will not be handing print-outs of the participants’ presentations and papers, so be sure to download them or print them in advance if you like. We will however hand out copies of the keynote speakers’ slides.

We will publish a more detailed program when we have got all the papers. The amount of presentations is about 30 and the estimated time for each presentation is 20 minutes (12 minutes presentation and 8 minutes for questions and discussion).

Also please note, that if you want to take part in the excursion to the Finnish public service broadcasting company YLE, you need to register separately under:

Please follow the Blog site for further information.

Currently there is one change in the program. Instead of the president of Finnish Supreme Court Koskelo, the comment speaker on Friday will be associate professor Bjørnar Borvik (University of Bergen), who wrote his doctoral thesis about freedom of expression and right to private life. Borvik will make a speech about how the European Convention of Human Rights and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights has affected the Norwegian jurisprudence.

Lastly, we ask that you kindly cancel your registration if for some reason you cannot participate in the seminar. In this way we can offer your place to someone else.

We look forward to seeing you in Helsinki,


Päivi Tiilikka & Jenna Mäkinen