Probiootit ja suoliston hyvinvointi

Taustaa mikrobiologisten tieteellisten tutkimusten pohjalta

Ohessa on tiivistettynä probioottien yleisimmät vaikutusmekanismit sekä katsaus ihmisen puolustusjärjestelmän toiminnasta yhteistyössä suoliston omien mikrobien kanssa, joita on jokaisen elimistössä noin kymmenen kertaa enemmän kuin ihmisen omia soluja! Osaa termeistä voi klikata ja päästä Solunetin sivuille, jossa selitetään termejä, jotka saattavat olla vieraita.

Probiootit ovat FAO:n ja WHO:n määritelmän eläviä mikrobiperäisiä ravintolisiä, jotka hyödyttävät oikein annosteltuna kuluttajaa parantamalla suoliston tasapainoa (FAO/WHO yhteistyöryhmän raportti 2002). Nykyisin ajatellaan, että probioottiset maitohappobakteerit voivat auttaa muun muassa ärtyvän suolen oireyhtymän tai atooppisten tautien hoidossa. Ihmisen suolisto on hyvin kiinnostava ympäristö etsiä uusia probiootteja, ja tutkimusta on tehty viime vuosikymmeninä hyvin paljon. Käytännössä monet suoliston omat bakteerit toimivat kuten probiootit, vaikka suurinta osaa ihmisestä valmiina löytyviä bakteerikantoja ei olekaan kaupallistettu. Voitaisiinkin toisaalta sanoa, että ihmisen suolisto on luonnostaan normaalitilassa täynnä probiootteja.

Probioottien vaikutustavat voidaan jakaa kolmeen pääkategoriaan (Lebeer ym. 2010). Ensimmäiseksi useat probiootit inhiboivat patogeenien kasvua eli estävät sairautta-aiheuttavien mikrobien lisääntymistä ruoansulatuskanavassa. Tämä vähentää esimerkiksi todennäköisyyttä saada vatsatauti. Toiseksi probiootit parantavat suoliston epiteelirajan toimintaa muokkaamalla useita eri geenien ilmentymistä suolistossa. Nämä muutokset johtavat esimerkiksi liman tai mikrobien kasvua vähentävien peptidien tuottoon, sekä epiteelin liitoskohtien vahvistamiseen, mikä estää mikrobien pääsyn kudoksiin, mikä vaaditaan infektiotilan syntymiseksi. Kolmantena probiootit pystyvät muokkaamaan isännän immuunivastetta eli puolustusjärjestelmän toimintaa sekä paikallisesti suolistossa että jopa koko kehon laajuisesti.

Bakteereilla on soluseinä, jonka molekyylit ovat olennaisia probioottien toiminnan kannalta. Ne pystyvät vuorovaikuttamaan isännän solujen pinnoilla olevien reseptorien molekyylien kanssa ja sitä kautta muuttamaan eri geenien ilmentymistä suolistossa. Useimmat nykyisin tunnetut probiootit kuuluvat Gram-positiivisiin maitohappobakteereihin, joiden soluseinä koostuu peptidoglykaanista, jonka pinnalla on lisäksi teikohappoja ja polysakkarideja. Soluseinän päärakenneosat ovat samanlaisia eri lajien välillä, mutta erilaiset rakenneosien muokkaukset aiheuttavat suuria eroja vaikutuksille, joita bakteeri aiheuttaa sen päästessä ruoansulatuskanavaan. Kuitenkin nykytiedon avulla on mahdotonta tehdä selkeää jakoa niiden bakteerien solujen makromolekyylien ominaisuuksien kannalta, jotka ovat hyödyllisiä tai haitallisia ihmisen terveydelle.

Bakteerien molekyylien tuottaminen ja muokkaaminen on dynaamista. Ruoansulatuskanavassa vallitsevat olosuhteet, kuten happamuus ja erilaisten entsyymien sekä sappihapon läsnäolo vaikuttavat siihen millaisia molekyylejä bakteerit tuottavat ja kuinka paljon. Lisäksi ruoansulatuskanavan olosuhteet vaikuttavat pystyvätkö elimistön reseptorit vuorovaikuttamaan näiden molekyylien kanssa (Lebeer ym. 2010). Ihmisen oma puolustusjärjestelmä vaikuttaa merkittävästi bakteerien selviämiseen ruoansulatuskanavassa. Useimmilla hyvin menestyvillä bakteereilla, jotka valtaavat ruoansulatuskanavan on jokin mekanismi, jonka avulla ne pystyvät suojautumaan ihmisen puolustusjärjestelmää vastaan.

Mielipidekirjoitus EFSA:n toiminnasta probioottien terveysväitteiden suhteen
Why the European Food Safety Authority was right to reject health claims for probiotics, M.B. Katan, Beneficial Microbes, June 2012; 3(2): 85-89

Lebeer S, Vanderleyden J, De Keersmaecker SCJ. 2010. Host interactions of probiotic bacterial surface
molecules: comparison with commensals and pathogens. Nat Rev Microbiol 8(3):171-84.
FAO/WHO yhteistyöryhmän raportti 2002 (

759 thoughts on “Probiootit ja suoliston hyvinvointi

  1. Kuulostaa uskomattomalta, ettei probiooteilla todella ole yhtään hyväksyttyä terveysväitettä! Muistan lukeneeni uutisointia tutkimuksista, jossa selvitettiin ja muistaakseni myös löydettiin eroja yli- ja normaalipainoisten ihmisten suolistojen mikrofloorasta. Ylipäätään suolistomikrobit ovat todella mielenkiintoinen aihe, sillä niin moni asia on loppupelissä kiinni suoliston kunnosta. Odotan tulevaisuudelta mullistavia löytöjä tältä saralta!

    • Suoliston mikrobit vaikuttavat hyvin todennäköisesti moniin kehon toimintoihin ja ovat osana useiden sairauksien synnyssä. Suolistobakteeritutkimuksia on tehty hyvin paljon ylipainoisia ja normaalipainoisia verraten, ja eroja näiden kahden ryhmän välillä on löydetty. Lisäksi hiirillä on tehty tutkimuksia, joissa ylipainoisten hiirien suolistofloora siirrettiin normaalipainoisiin hiiriin, ja haivaittiin niiden painon nousevan (Science. 2010 Apr 9;328(5975):228-31. doi: 10.1126/science.1179721. Epub 2010 Mar 4.
      Metabolic syndrome and altered gut microbiota in mice lacking Toll-like receptor 5.
      Vijay-Kumar M et al.). Lisäksi on tehty tutkimuksia siitä miten suolistobakteerit vaikuttavat erilaisten suolistosairauksien kuten keliakian ja IBS:n syntyyn. Uusinta uutta taitaa tällä hetkellä olla suolistobakteerien ja aivojen välinen vuorovaikutus.

      On kuitenkin vaikeaa sanoa, onko yksittäisen maitohappobakteerin syömisellä laajaa vaikutusta ihmisen omaan mikrobistoon, jonka ekologinen monimuotoisuus on valtavaa kuin sademetsässä. Lisäksi probiootilla ja patogeenilla on yllättävän vähän eroja. Esimerkiksi E. coli -bakteerin kaksi eri kantaa voivat toinen olla probioottinen ja toinen olla patogeeni. Tämän vuoksi en ihmettele, miksi terveysväitteitä on ollut vaikea saada hyväksytyksi EFSA:ssa.

  2. Millaisissa tilanteissa suosittelisitte ihmisiä käyttämään probioottivalmisteita (ravintolisät / elintarvikeet)?

    • Suosittelisin käyttämään probioottivalmisteita antibioottikuurien yhteydessä, matkustaessa ja vatsatautien aikana

  3. Mitä mieltä olette maitohappobakteereja sisältävistä elintarvikkeista, kuten esimerkiksi jugurteista, joiden edelleen mainostetaan mm. edistävän suoliston hyvinvointia ja elimistön vastustuskykyä?

  4. Tutkimusten ohella olisi ollut hyvä tuoda esiin, että sanaa “probiootti” ei saa käyttää elintarvikkeissa ilman riittävää tieteellistä näyttöä terveysvaikutuksesta. Ja että tätä riittävää näyttöä ei ole esitetty. Nyt jäi turhan positiivinen käsitys maitohappobakteereita sisältävien tuotteiden vaikutuksesta terveyteen.

  5. Probiootit ovat väitetyiltä ominaisuuksiltaan hyvin lähellä lääkkeitä ja EU-lakien mukaan ruoka-aineet eivät voi olla lääkkeitä, tarkoittaen, että syömättä jättäminen olisi terveydelle haitallista. Lääkkeiden hyväksynnälle on tietenkin aivan omat vaatimuksensa, joten lääkkeen status lienee poissuljettua probioottien kohdalla.
    M.B. Katan perustelee kirjoituksessaan hyvin, miksi Efsa ei ole voinut terveysväitettä hyväksyä. Silti itsekin syön vaihtelevan ja toivoakseni terveellisen ruokavalion ohella LGG kapseleita ja välillä olen flunssassa, toisaalta yleensä terveenä.

  6. Does anyone know what happened to Dimepiece LA celebrity streetwear brand? I am having trouble to proceed to the checkout on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Vanity Fair that the brand was bought out by a UK-based hedge fund for $50 million. I’ve just bought the Dimepiece 90’s Sport Utility Duffle from Amazon and totally love it xox

  7. I oversee a vape shop directory and we have had a listing from a vape shop in the United States that also advertises CBD goods. A Month later on, PayPal has contacted use to claim that our account has been limited and have requested us to get rid of PayPal as a payment method from our vape shop directory. We do not sell CBD product lines like CBD oil. We simply offer marketing and advertising solutions to CBD firms. I have taken a look at Holland & Barrett– the UK’s Top Wellness Store and if you take a close peek, you will see that they sell a somewhat comprehensive stable of CBD goods, particularly CBD oil and they also happen to take PayPal as a payment solution. It emerges that PayPal is employing twos sets of rules to many different firms. Due to this constraint, I can no longer take PayPal on my CBD-related site. This has limited my payment possibilities and right now, I am heavily reliant on Cryptocurrency payments and direct bank transfers. I have checked with a lawyer from a Magic Circle law practice in The city of london and they said that what PayPal is undertaking is altogether not legal and inequitable as it should be applying an uniform criterion to all firms. I am still to talk with a different legal representative from a US law practice in The city of london to see what PayPal’s legal position is in the USA. Meanwhile, I would be extremely appreciative if anybody here at targetdomain could offer me with substitute payment processors/merchants that deal with CBD firms.

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  10. I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to Dimepiece Los Angeles celebrity streetwear brand? I am unable to check out on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Teen Vogue that the brand was bought out by a UK hedge fund in excess of $50 million. I have just bought the Nostalgia Luggage Tag from Amazon and totally love it xox

  11. By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer, and I represent Nutritional Products International. We serve both international and domestic manufacturers who are seeking to gain more distribution within the United States. Your brand recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you today to discuss the possibility of expanding your national distribution reach.We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following: Turnkey/One-stop solution, Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers, Our executive team held executive positions with Walmart and Amazon, Our proven sales force has public relations, branding, and marketing all under one roof, We focus on both new and existing product lines, Warehousing and logistics. Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States, thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner. Please contact me directly so that we can discuss your brand further. Kind Regards, Mark Schaefer,, VP of Business Development, Nutritional Products International, 101 Plaza Real S, Ste #224, Boca Raton, FL 33432, Office: 561-544-0719

  12. By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer, and I represent Nutritional Products International. We serve both international and domestic manufacturers who are seeking to gain more distribution within the United States. Your brand recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you today to discuss the possibility of expanding your national distribution reach.We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following: Turnkey/One-stop solution, Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers, Our executive team held executive positions with Walmart and Amazon, Our proven sales force has public relations, branding, and marketing all under one roof, We focus on both new and existing product lines, Warehousing and logistics. Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States, thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner. Please contact me directly so that we can discuss your brand further. Kind Regards, Mark Schaefer,, VP of Business Development, Nutritional Products International, 101 Plaza Real S, Ste #224, Boca Raton, FL 33432, Office: 561-544-0719

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  14. I operate a vape shop directory site and we have had a listing from a vape shop in the United States that likewise offers for sale CBD products. A Month later, PayPal has contacted use to say that our account has been limited and have asked us to take away PayPal as a payment method from our vape store directory site. We do not offer for sale CBD products like CBD oil. We solely provide online marketing services to CBD companies. I have looked into Holland & Barrett– the UK’s Leading Health Merchant and if you take a close peek, you will see that they sell a comparatively substantial variety of CBD products, primarily CBD oil and they also happen to take PayPal as a payment solution. It seems that PayPal is applying twos sets of rules to different firms. As a result of this stipulation, I can no longer accept PayPal on my CBD-related site. This has restricted my payment choices and right now, I am intensely dependent on Cryptocurrency payments and direct bank transfers. I have consulted with a solicitor from a Magic Circle law office in London and they said that what PayPal is doing is completely illegal and inequitable as it ought to be applying a consistent standard to all firms. I am still to get in touch with yet another legal representative from a US law firm in The city of london to see what PayPal’s legal position is in the United States. In the meantime, I would be very appreciative if anyone here at targetdomain could offer me with different payment processors/merchants that work with CBD companies.

  15. By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer, and I represent Nutritional Products International. We serve both international and domestic manufacturers who are seeking to gain more distribution within the United States. Your brand recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you today to discuss the possibility of expanding your national distribution reach.We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following: Turnkey/One-stop solution, Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers, Our executive team held executive positions with Walmart and Amazon, Our proven sales force has public relations, branding, and marketing all under one roof, We focus on both new and existing product lines, Warehousing and logistics. Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States, thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner. Please contact me directly so that we can discuss your brand further. Kind Regards, Mark Schaefer,, VP of Business Development, Nutritional Products International, 101 Plaza Real S, Ste #224, Boca Raton, FL 33432, Office: 561-544-0719

  16. Does anyone know what happened to Dime Piece LA celebrity streetwear brand? I am unable to check out on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Elle that the brand was bought out by a UK-based hedge fund in excess of $50m. I’ve just bought the Dimepiece Tribe Utility Duffle from Amazon and absolutely love it xox

  17. I manage a vape shop website directory and we have had a listing from a vape store in the USA that additionally sells CBD product lines. A Month afterwards, PayPal has contacted use to claim that our account has been limited and have requested us to get rid of PayPal as a payment solution from our vape shop submission site. We do not offer for sale CBD product lines like CBD oil. We merely provide web marketing solutions to CBD companies. I have checked out Holland & Barrett– the UK’s Well known Health Retailer and if you take a close look, you will witness that they sell a reasonably considerable stable of CBD goods, primarily CBD oil and they also happen to accept PayPal as a payment solution. It appears that PayPal is applying double standards to different companies. As a result of this restriction, I can no longer take PayPal on my CBD-related online site. This has restrained my payment choices and right now, I am intensely dependent on Cryptocurrency payments and direct bank transfers. I have talked with a solicitor from a Magic Circle law firm in London and they said that what PayPal is undertaking is entirely illegal and discriminatory as it ought to be applying a consistent benchmark to all firms. I am yet to seek advice from yet another attorney from a US law firm in London to see what PayPal’s legal position is in the United States. For the time being, I would be extremely appreciative if anyone here at targetdomain could offer me with substitute payment processors/merchants that deal with CBD companies.

  18. I manage a vape store directory and we have had a posting from a vape store in the USA that likewise sells CBD products. A Calendar month later, PayPal has contacted use to claim that our account has been restricted and have requested us to take out PayPal as a payment method from our vape shop directory. We do not offer CBD products such as CBD oil. We merely provide marketing professional services to CBD companies. I have looked into Holland & Barrett– the UK’s Top Health and wellness Merchant and if you take a close peek, you will see that they offer for sale a relatively substantial range of CBD items, particularly CBD oil and they also happen to accept PayPal as a payment solution. It seems that PayPal is administering double standards to different firms. Because of this stipulation, I can no longer accept PayPal on my CBD-related online site. This has restricted my payment choices and currently, I am heavily dependent on Cryptocurrency payments and direct bank transfers. I have consulted with a barrister from a Magic Circle law practice in London and they said that what PayPal is doing is absolutely against the law and inequitable as it ought to be applying a consistent criterion to all companies. I am still to seek advice from another lawyer from a US law practice in The city of london to see what PayPal’s legal position is in the United States. Meanwhile, I would be highly appreciative if anybody here at targetdomain could provide me with different payment processors/merchants that work with CBD firms.

  19. I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to Dimepiece Los Angeles celebrity streetwear brand? I am having trouble to proceed to the checkout on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Women’s Health Mag that they were bought out by a UK hedge fund for $50m. I’ve just bought the Dimepiece Open Up Laptop Sleeve from Ebay and totally love it xox

  20. I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to Dimepiece LA celebrity streetwear brand? I seem to be unable to check out on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Elle that they were bought out by a UK-based hedge fund for $50 m. I have just bought the Shatter Ceilings Yoga Duffel from Ebay and absolutely love it xox

  21. Does anyone know what happened to Dimepiece LA celebrity streetwear brand? I am unable to check out on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Vogue that they were bought out by a UK hedge fund in excess of $50 million. I have just bought the Meditate Yoga Bag from Ebay and totally love it xox

  22. I hope you don’t mind me reaching out to you, but I cannot seem to be able to find an online shop that sells: CBD Capsules Nighttime Formula by JUSTCBD and 1000mg Delta 10 THC Peach Rings Gummies by JUST DELTA. I cannot find them anywhere! Thanks! xx

  23. By way of introduction, I am Mark Schaefer, and I represent Nutritional Products International. We serve both international and domestic manufacturers who are seeking to gain more distribution within the United States. Your brand recently caught my attention, so I am contacting you today to discuss the possibility of expanding your national distribution reach.We provide expertise in all areas of distribution, and our offerings include the following: Turnkey/One-stop solution, Active accounts with major U.S. distributors and retailers, Our executive team held executive positions with Walmart and Amazon, Our proven sales force has public relations, branding, and marketing all under one roof, We focus on both new and existing product lines, Warehousing and logistics. Our company has a proven history of initiating accounts and placing orders with major distribution outlets. Our history allows us to have intimate and unique relationships with key buyers across the United States, thus giving your brand a fast track to market in a professional manner. Please contact me directly so that we can discuss your brand further. Kind Regards, Mark Schaefer,, VP of Business Development, Nutritional Products International, 101 Plaza Real S, Ste #224, Boca Raton, FL 33432, Office: 561-544-0719

  24. I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to Dimepiece Los Angeles celebrity streetwear brand? I seem to be unable to proceed to the checkout on Dimepiecela site. I’ve read in The Sun that they were acquired by a UK-based hedge fund for $50 million. I’ve just bought the Dimepiece Ball is Life Unisex Heavy Blend™ Crewneck Sweatshirt from Ebay and absolutely love it xox

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