Generation Green welcomes ULLA summer school students

From Monday 1 July till Friday 5 July, total of 175 PhD students from the nine ULLA member institutions (European University Consortium for Pharmaceutical Sciences) participate to the summer school, this time in Helsinki, Finland.

Generation Green is happy to host one of the 44 summer school courses:
EI-1 Understanding the environmental footprint of drug development and use.

Looking forward to inspiring discussions with young pharmacists!
Course material will be added to the website in due time.

Generation Green -työryhmä kiittää kuluneesta vuodesta!

Generation Green -työryhmä kiittää kaikkia yhteistyötahojaan menestyksekkäästä vuodesta 2018!

Teemalla ‘Rinnakkain – Lääkkeet, terveys ja ympäristö’ Tiedekulmassa 12.12.2018 järjestetty farmasian tiedekunnan päivä keräsi liki satapäisen yleisön. Kiitos kaikille mukanaolleille!

Aamupäivän ‘Lääkkeiden ympäristövaikutukset – Sääntelyn kehittäminen’ -seminaarin esitykset löytyvät tallenteena täältä.

Vuosi 2019 tuo mukanaan uusia mahdollisuuksia mm. Strategisen tutkimusneuvoston rahoittaman SUDDEN-hankkeen parissa. SUDDEN-hankkeesta lisää täällä ja täällä.

Policy officer Helen Clayton, DG Env, puhumassa EU:n strategisista tavoitteista Pharmaceuticals in the Environment -tiekartan osalta, Tiedekulmassa, 12.12.2018.

Panelistit Ympäristöministeriöstä, Duodecimista, Fimeasta, eduskunnan ympäristövaliokunnasta ja Lääketeollisuus ry:stä keskustelemassa lääkkeiden ympäristövaikutusten sääntelystä, Tiedekulmassa, 12.12.2018.

Lääkkeiden ympäristövaikutukset – Sääntelyn kehittäminen


Aika: keskiviikko 12.12.2018 klo 9-12 (ohjelma)
Paikka: Tiedekulma, Yliopistokatu 4, Helsinki
Ilmoittautumiset 30.11. mennessä:

Helsingin yliopiston Farmasian tiedekunta ja Suomen ympäristökeskus toivottavat kaikki lämpimästi tervetulleeksi keskustelemaan lääkejäämien ympäristövaikutusten sääntelystä regulatorisin keinoin.
Mihin sääntely kohdistuu tällä hetkellä? Mitä muutoksia ajetaan parhaillaan eteenpäin EU-tasolla? Mihin tulisi kiinnittää nykyistä enemmän huomiota?

Tilaisuus järjestetään yhteistyössä Suomen ympäristökeskuksen koordinoiman EPIC-hankkeen sekä Farmasian tiedekunnan Generation Green -hankkeen kanssa. Tilaisuus on myös osa Farmasian tiedekunnan alumnipäivää, joka jatkuu lääketutkimuksen keskeisten tutkimushankkeiden esittelyllä. Myös iltapäivän sessiot ovat avoimia kaikille.



From Reflection to Action

Fall 2016 has brought about many new modes of action 
By Tiina Sikanen, Group leader, Faculty of Pharmacy, UH

The Generation Green team continues to promote interaction between pharmaceutical and environmental sciences. An important collaboration project, EPIC, between the Finnish Environment Institute, the Lappeenranta University of Technology and University of Helsinki (Generation Green team) was initiated in September. The EPIC project, funded by Tekes – The Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and 11 other funders from public and private sectors, aims at efficient treatment of pharmaceutical waste at primary sources, such as hospitals, and pilots new technology for purification of pharmaceuticals from waste waters. The Generation Green team is happy to participate by bringing in a “pharmaceutical touch” to the project.

During the fall, we have also initiated closer cooperation with the Alumni Association of the University of Helsinki in terms of fund raising and other modes of societal interaction. Since spring 2016, you have also been able to follow our latest news via a new Generation Green blog series at The previous entries can be browsed here.

For the time being, the Generation Green team prepares for the research seminar ‘Pharmaceuticals in the Environment – From Troublemakers Toward Bening by Design’ which is to take place on Wed-Fri 9-11 Nov in Helsinki. We are honored to host the renowned experts in the field, including Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer from Leuphana University, Germany, Prof. Tanel Tenson from University of Tartu, Estonia, and Dr. Bengt Mattson from Pfizer, Sweden. The keynote lectures by these international experts are further complemented by those of national lead researchers. As a whole, a two-day programme targeting environmental aspects of pharmaceuticals is ahead of us. Looking forward to inspiring discussions between the experts and up to 60 preregistered participants! More news from the seminar will be posted here in due time.

What’s up, Generation Green?

In which ways have things become greener – or have they?
By Tiina Sikanen, Group leader, Faculty of Pharmacy, UH

Early spring 2016 has kept our team busy. Not only was the Green Pharmacy seminar held on 1 February a great promoter of future collaborations, but the envisioned education reform has also taken its first steps. Continue reading

Generation Green – what does it have to do with students?

by Suvi Sivula, MSc (Pharm) student

Pharmaceutical education prepares students to work in different sectors of the pharmacy field and during various steps of the drug life cycle. If all of the pharmaceutical students gain the same knowledge about Green Pharmacy during their undergraduate studies, it does not matter where they will work later; they already have the green way of thinking when they enter work life so it is not only up to their own or their employers how educated they will be. With acknowledging the issues related to pharmaceuticals, environment, and health, safe acts could be implemented and promoted at workplaces by the new Generation Green. If we want environmental management and sustainable thinking to become a part of our lives as pharmacy professionals, it is time to start working on it.

University students of the present generation are generally well aware of environmental sustainability, but the environmental aspects have not been covered so well in pharmaceutical education.  It feels pretty weird to me that these aspects have come up so late. Continue reading

International Green Pharmacy

by Eeva Teräsalmi
Pharmacy owner, Seitsemän veljeksen apteekki
Vice president, FIP

International Pharmaceutical Federation FIP looks forward to publish its first environmental report “Green pharmacy practice”. This report has been written by a working group consisting of members representing different pharmacy fields from research to practice and education.

The document, “Green Pharmacy Practice – Report for Pharmacists” was prepared by a joint working group of the Board of Pharmacy Practice and Board of Pharmaceutical Science of FIP. The report is intended to inform FIP Member Organizations and individual members of FIP about the environmental issues that surround the medication-use process.

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