Charlotte van de Lijn started as postdoctoral researcher in the YLLI-project

Charlotte van der Lijn is a new Postdoctoral Researcher in the YLLI-project at the University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Geography. She started in the beginning of December 2020.

She has completed her university courses in the UK – Her undergraduate degree was in BA Human Geography with a year abroad in Oulu at the University of Leicester 2012–2016, followed by her MSc in Applied Geographic Information Systems at the University of Sheffield 2016-2017. Her thesis was based on increasing accessibility for the visually impaired population in the Peak District National Park, Sheffield, UK using GIS analyses. Her PhD is in Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield 2017–2020. She researched online housing search in the UK with Rightmove data using novel GIS methods to identify the spatial extent of housing market areas. Her research interests are: applied spatial analysis and GIS, social-inequality, and collective/individual decision-making. In the YLLI-project she will contribute to the GIS data analysis and accessibility modelling.

Photo: archives of Charlotte van der Lijn

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