
(Short research summaries in Finnish available on the Finnish pages.)

Published and forthcoming publications:

Thematic issues edited for refereed journals

Näre, L., Wrede, S., & Zechner, M. (2012). Työn Glokalisaatio. Sosiologia, 49 (3), 185-189.

Wrede, S. & Näre, L. (2013). Glocalising Care in the Nordic Countries. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3 (2), 57-99.

Nordberg, C. & Wrede, S. (2015) Street Level Engagements: Migrated Families Encountering the Local Welfare State.  Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 5 (2), 54-98. (This publication is also linked to Nordberg’s Academy of Finland fellowship and to a research network.)

Refereed articles in scientific journals

Näre, L., & Nordberg C. (2015, Published online before print). Neoliberal Postcolonialism in the Media – Constructing Filipino Nurse Subjects in Finland. European Journal of Cultural Studies. DOI: .

Nordberg, C. & Wrede, S. (2015). Introduction: Street-Level Engagements. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 5(2), 54-57. DOI: 10.1515/njmr-2015-0008.

Torres, S., Lindblom, J., & Nordberg, C. (2014). Daily Newspaper Reporting on Elder Care in Sweden and Finland: A Quantitative Content Analysis of Ethnicity- and Migrationrelated Issues. Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion, 5, 1-21. DOI:

Olakivi, A. (2013). “In Case You Can Speak Finnish, There’s No Problem.” Reconstructing Problematic Identity-Positions in Migrant Care Workers’ Organisational Discourse. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3 (2), 91-99. DOI:

Näre, L. (2013). Ideal Workers and Suspects: Employer’s Politics of Recognition and the Migrant Division of Care Labour in Finland. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3 (2), 72-81. DOI:

Wrede, S., & Näre, L. (2013). Glocalising Care in the Nordic Countries – An Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Migration Research, 3 (2), 57-62. DOI: 10.2478/v10202-012-0015-7.

Näre, L. (2012). Hoivatyön glokaaleilla markkinoilla: Filippiiniläisten sairaanhoitajien rekrytointi Suomeen jälkikolonialistisena käytäntönä [In the glocal markets of care work: Filipino nurses recruitment to Finland as a postcolonial practice]. Sosiologia, 49 (3), 206-221.

Torres, S., Lindblom, J., & Nordberg, C. (2012). Medierepresentationer av etnicitets- och migrationsrelaterade frågor inom äldreomsorgen i Sverige och Finland. Sociologisk Forskning, 49 (4), 283-304.

Book chapters

Näre, L., & Holley P. (Forthcoming). Rethinking Methodological Nationalism in Migration Research – Towards Participant Learning in Ethnography. In Bhopal, K. & Deuchar, R. (Eds.), The complexities and dilemmas of researching marginalised groups. London: Routledge.

Niska, M., Olakivi, A., & Vesala, K. M. (2014). Toimintojen tukemisesta toimijuuden hallintaan. Yrittäjämäisyyden virittäminen asiantuntijatyönä. In Myyry, L., Ahola, S., Ahokas, M. & Sakki, I. (Eds.), Arkiajattelu, tieto ja oikeudenmukaisuus, 200–202. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research.

Vaittinen, T., & Näre, L. (2014). Ihmisoikeusnäkökulma työperusteiseen muuttoon: Filippiiniläiset hoitajat ja siivoojat Suomessa. In Niskanen, E. (Ed.), Ihmisoikeudet Aasiassa, 120-141. Into Kustannus.

Nordberg, C. (2012). Localising Global Care Work: A Discourse on Migrant Care Workers in the Nordic Welfare Regime. In Boucher, G., Grindsted, A., & Trinidad L. V. (Eds.), Transnationalism in the Global City, 63-78. DeustoDigital: University of Deusto, Spain.

Master’s theses

Saukkonen, M. (2015). Hoivatyöläiset ja ammatillinen kansalaisuus – Ammatillisen yhteisöllisyyden ja toimijuuden edellytykset kotihoitotyön arjessa. (Care workers and occupational citizenship – preconditions for occupational sense of community and agency in the everyday of home care work.)  Sosiologian oppiaine, Valtiotieellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto.(Discipline of sociology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki).

Other articles in scientific journals

Wrede, S. (2012). Työn glokalisaatio ja eriarvoisuus [The glocalisation of work and inequality]. Sosiologia, 49 (3), 253-259.

Näre, L. (2012). Hoivan uudet paradoksit [New paradoxes of care]. Niin & näin, 72 (1), 92-96.

Book reviews

Nordberg, C. (2013). [Book review] Migration and Welfare in the New Europe: Social Protection and the Challenges of Integration. International Journal of Social Welfare, 22 (1), 111-111. DOI:

Näre, L. (2012). [Book review] Review of Lutz, Helma (2011) The New Maids. Transnational Women and the Care Economy. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 2 (3), 264-266.

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