Antero Olakivi

AnteroMy research in the Glocalising Care Work -project examines how the transforming care work ‘regime’ constructs particular subjectivities for

1) senior professionals with ‘managerial’ duties and

2) migrant care workers with ‘front-line’ care duties (see the sub-projects one and three).

The subjectification processes are examined from the perspective of ‘interessement’ and ‘agencement’: by asking how care workers and their managers are constructed as agents for, and subjects of, a complex network of interests, such as their clients’ wellbeing, the ethics of care, their own professional autonomy, and the economic productivity of public care provision. Special attention is paid on the discursive strategies, negotiations and translations that enable stakeholders to serve multiple, even conflicting interests at once. These translations are examined as attempts to align stakeholders’ ‘own’ interests with more distant, political and economic targets.

Theoretically, the sub-project combines perspectives from the sociology of knowledge and the studies in governmentality. I work in the project as a doctoral candidate and plan to defend my PhD in late 2016. Besides the Glocalising Care Work -project and the Academy of Finland, my research has been funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and the Finnish Work Environment Fund.

For more information on my research activities, please consult the University of Helsinki database TUHAT.

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