Digital Monumenta Germaniae Historica (dMGH)

The digital Monumenta Germaniae Historica offers digital versions of classic MGH published source material. The site is in German and the material is focused on the Middle Ages and Central Europe.

The MGH are a research institution with a long and rich history. With over 200 years experience in publishing Medieval source material in text-critical editions and scholarly research on the Middle Ages in Germany and Europe, the MGH embody the classical tradition of source-oriented Medieval scholarship.

The MGH editions are one of the most reputable publications of source material for the history of the Middle Ages. They appear in the following series:

  • Scriptores (historiography)
  • Leges (laws)
  • Diplomata (charters)
  • Epistolae (letters)
  • Antiquitates (antiquities = poetry, necrologies)

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