Sweet and Smoky Beetroot Salad

Times like these I find myself asking… Is a roasted beet worth it? It’s messier than boiling. And it takes longer than boiling. To be perfectly honest… I’m really not sure. But if you’ve never tried, give it a shot! I will admit it’s rather convenient if you’re roasting other veggies at the same time, and walking […]

Herby nightshades + chanterelle sauce

Anyone else frustrated and/or terrified that S and K Market own a combined 86% of the food market in Finland? (Almost) all of the ingredients in this recipe are not only seasonally-appropriate, but also sourced from places that aren’t-Prisma and are grown by people I know and want to support. The turnip and zucchini were gifted […]

Welcome back to Kasviskeskiviikko!

  Anyone else power-pose when you look at your plate and realize the meal you’ve just prepared is entirely corn, wheat, and rice-free? Roughly 51% of all global food consumption comes from these three crops. We condemn a globalized food system built upon mono-cropped agriculture and yet… we’ve accepted the presence of these three crops into almost […]