
Here is a list of recent publications. For a complete list, you can check from my profile at the TUHAT database of University of Helsinki

Scientific Articles

Indigenous Peoples’ Self-determination and Long-term Care: Sápmi and Nunavut” Social Work and Policy Studies: Social Justice, Practice and Theory (2018) 1(1):1-40

How Does Culture Relate to Health? A Case Study on Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan” Heritage and Rights of Indigenous Peoples : patrimonio y Derechos de Los Pueblos Indígenas. (2017) Chapter 15. pp. 255- 270. May Castillo M. and Strecker A. (Eds.) Leiden University Press. ISBN: 9789087282998.

Popularizing Science

Worthy Lives and Building Homes” Rasismista ja Rajoista: Maailma rasisminvastaisten tutkijoiden silmin.

Early Articles

Gao I-An Indigenous peoples participating in the United Nations: Self-awareness is a prerequisite for self-determination, Lipao newspaper, Taiwan 2013.

Gao I-An Reflections upon my participation in the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues in 2013 [參加2013年第12屆常設論壇的省思]. Lipao newspaper, Taiwan, 20 June 2013.

Gao I-An Realizing Self-Determination in discussing health, culture, education and human rights, Lipao newspaper, Taiwan, 13 June 2013.

Gao I-An United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2012: A perspective from Atayal youth and woman., Lipao, newspaper, Taiwan, July 2012.

Gao I-An “Framing Health: Explanations of disadvantages in Taiwanese indigenous health from the perspectives of the government, the media and the experts” (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. 2013