TOM 16.08.2017

Venue: Biomedicum 1, Meeting room 8-9, P-floor

Timing: 15:30 onwards

Presenter: Lea Urpa, FIMM-EMBL Rotation PhD student, FIMM

FocusedMDS: Interactive, intuitive visualization of high-dimensional data

Dealing with high-dimensional data is increasingly necessary in biological sciences. When the number of features or measures in a dataset far outnumbers the individuals measured (ie gene expression data, patient registry data), discovering structures and relationships in the data can be challenging. Existing widely-used visualization methods may also give misleading representations. We present focusedMDS, an intuitive, interactive multidimensional scaling tool for high-dimensional data exploration. If time allows, we will also introduce FINEMAPviewer, an interactive visualization tool for GWAS and FINEMAP results.