New badge for ISHA Helsinki

Hello all!
It has come time for ISHA Helsinki to renew our boiler suit badge. Instead of designing the badge within the board we have decided to create a competition to WHICH ALL OF OUR MEMBERS/FOLLOWERS CAN PARTICIPATE! As such you will have time until the 30th of March to create a blueprint ( a drawing should be more than enough) for the new badge and send it to the society’s board. The winner gets to have a surprise present. The board is looking forward to your suggestions!

You can send your ideas to:

Link to the event: New Badge

WHAT: New ISHA boiler suit badge
WHERE: Everywhere
WHEN: From now until the 30th of March
WHY: You get to design a badge that is uniquely your creation!
MITÄ: ISHA:n uusi haalarimerkki
MISSÄ: Kaikkialla
MILLOIN: Aina 30.päivään asti
MIKSI: Pääset suunnittelemaan omannäköisesi haalarimerkin!