Researching the European Union seminar: Governing Finnish EU policy and EU-NATO relations

Welcome to the Researching the European Union seminar series session:

Governing Finnish EU policy and EU-NATO relations

17th November 2023
University of Helsinki, U33 room 247


We are delighted to welcome Professor Tapio Raunio and Research Director Hanna Ojanen from Tampere University to present their research on the European Union in our seminar series. The session focuses on governing policies and structures in the context of Finnish EU policy and influence and EU-NATO relations.  


Tapio Raunio (Tampere University): “Still speaking with one voice – or why the Finnish national EU coordination system does not change?”

Hanna Ojanen (Tampere University): “Researching EU-NATO relations”

The seminar series Researching the European Union is organised and chaired by Johanna Kantola and Päivi Leino-Sandberg at the University of Helsinki.