strategic thinking via schelling

In the course we cover

1. (MM) T. Schelling: Micromotives and Macrobehavior, 1978,
W. W. Norton and Company.

2. (SC) T. Schelling: The Strategy of Conflict, 1980, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

These are required reading and the exam (17.1.2011 at 8 – 10, PR (Main Building), room 5) is based on both the books and the lectures.

Course outline:

Lecture -1. Some basics of game theory: Normal form games.

Lecture 0. Some basics of game theory: Sequential form

Lecture 1. Chapters 1 in MM.

Lecture 2. Chapters 2-3 in MM.

Lecture 3. Chapter 4 in MM.

Lecture 4. Chapter 5 in MM.

Lecture 5. Chapters 6-7 in MM.

Lecture 6. Chapter 1 in SC.

Lecture 7. Chapter 2 in SC.

Lecture 8. Chapter 3 in SC.

Lecture 9. Chapter 4 in SC.

Lecture 10. Modern formulations of some of the preceding