Dr. Kirsi Tirri is a full Professor of Education and a Research director at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies at the University of Helsinki. She serves as a President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. She is also a Visiting Professor at the St. John’s University, New York, USA. Tirri has been the President of ECHA (European Council for High Ability) for the years 2008-2012 and the President of the SIG International Studies at AERA (American Educational Research Association) for the years 2010-2013.

Her research interests include school pedagogy, moral and religious education, gifted education, teacher education and cross-cultural studies. She has published 12 monographs and numerous journal articles related to these fields. She serves in 13 Editorial Boards of educational journals. She has supervised 21 doctoral dissertations in education and theology and mentored many postdoctoral students who are now professors and researchers in education. She has led the Finnish team in many national and international research projects.

You can read more of her work from the University of Helsinki Tuhat database.