Latest publications from the University of Helsinki Tuhat database.


A list of publications by Kirsi Tirri
1.9. 2015

A1 Journal article (refereed)

1. Tirri, K. & Uusikylä, K. 1994. How teachers perceive differentiation of education among the gifted and talented. Gifted and Talented International, 9 (2), 69-73.
2. Tirri, K. 1994. Opetuksen tehokkuustutkimus osana kasvatustieteellistä tutkimusta. Kasvatus 3, 342-346.
3. Tirri, K. 1996. Koulun uskonnonopetuksen kasvatukselliset mahdollisuudet. Teologinen Aikakauskirja 4, 372-379.
4. Tirri, K. 1997. How Finland meets the needs of gifted and talented pupils. High Ability Studies 8 (2), 213-222.
5. Tirri, K. 1999. Teachers’ perceptions of moral dilemmas at school. Journal of Moral Education 28 (1), 31-47.
6. Tirri, K., Husu, J., & Kansanen Pertti 1999. The epistemological stance between the knower and the known. Teaching and Teacher Education 15 (1999), 911-922.
7. Ikonen-Varila, M. & Tirri, K. 1999. Työ ja ammattieettiset ongelmat. Työ ja ihminen 13, 2, 85-94.
8. Tirri, K. & Puolimatka, T. 2000. Teacher authority in schools: a case study from Finland. Journal of Education for Teaching: international research and pedagogy 26 (2), 157-165.
9. Puolimatka, T. & Tirri, K. 2000. Religious education in Finland: Promoting intelligent belief? British Journal of Religious Education 23 (1), Autumn 2000, 38-44.
10. Tallent-Runnels, M., Tirri, K., & Adams, Aida Medina 2000. A Cross-Cultural Study of Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Gifted Children and Programs for Gifted Children. Gifted and Talented International 15 (2), 103-115.
11. Tirri, K. & Tella, S. 2001. Creating a virtual based learning environment for the Finnish school. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, Vol. 11, Nos. 4/5/6, 343-355.
12. Husu, J. & Tirri, K. 2001. Teachers’ Ethical Choices in Sociomoral Settings. Journal of Moral Education, 30 (4), 361-375.
13. Tirri, K. 2001. Finland Olympiad Studies: What factors contribute to the development of academic talent in Finland. Educating Able Children, 5 (2), 56-66.
14. Tirri, K. & Husu, J. 2002. Care and responsibility in “the best interest of the child”: relational voices of ethical dilemmas in teaching. Teachers and Teaching, 8 (1), 65-80.
15. Tirri, K. & Pehkonen, L. 2002. The moral reasoning and scientific argumentation of gifted adolescents. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, Vol. XIII, No. 3, Spring 2002, 120-129.
16. Koro-Ljungberg, M. & Tirri, K. 2002. Beliefs and values of successful scientists. The Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 23, No. 2, 141-155.
17. Tirri, K. & Koro-Ljungberg, M. 2002. Critical incidents in the lives of gifted female Finnish scientists. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, Vol. XIII, No. 4, Summer 2002, 151-162.
18. Tirri, K. & Campbell, J. 2002. Actualizing mathematical giftedness in adulthood. Educating Able Children, 6 (1), 14-20.
19. Tirri, K. 2002. Developing females’ talent: Case studies of Finnish Olympians. Journal of Research in Education, 12 (1), 80-85.
20. Tirri, K., Tallent-Runnells, M., Adams, A., Yuen, M. & Lau, P. 2002. Cross-cultural predictors of teachers’ attitudes toward gifted education: Finland, Hong Kong, and the United States. Journal for the Education of the Gifted 26 (2), 112-131.
21. Tirri, K. 2003. Miten uskontoa opitaan? Teologinen Aikakauskirja 108 (2), 102-106.
22. Tirri, K. & Kansanen, P. 2003. Introduction. Educational Research and Evaluation 9 (1), 3-7.
23. Tirri, K. 2003. The moral concerns and orientations of sixth- and ninth-grade students. Educational Research and Evaluation 9 (1), 93-108.
24. Tirri, K. & Kansanen, P. (Eds.) 2003. Special Issue: Current research on moral education: International perspectives. Educational Research and Evaluation Volume 9 Number 1 March 2003 (134 pages).
25. Husu, J. & Tirri, K. 2003. A case study approach to study one teacher’s moral reflection. Teaching and Teacher Education 19 (3), 345-357.
26. Tirri, K. & Tallent-Runnells, M. 2004. Cross-cultural predictors of teachers’ attitudes toward gifted education. Gifted and Talented International 19 (2), 69-75.
27. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., & Campbell, J. 2004. Cross-cultural predictors of mathematical talent and academic productivity among the Olympians. High Ability Studies 15 (2), 229-242.
28. Tirri, K. 2004. Preadolescents’ moral, spiritual and religious questions after September 11th 2001 terrorist attack. Panorama : international journal of comparative religious education and values 16 (2004) : 2, 145-149.
29. Tirri, K., Tallent-Runnells, M. & Nokelainen, P. 2005. A cross-cultural study of preadolescents’ moral, religious, and spiritual questions. British Journal of Religious Education 27, 207-214.
30. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2005. How do gifted girls perceive the meaning of life? Gifted Education International 19 (3), 266-274.
31. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2005. Teologian ylioppilaiden uskonnolle ja spiritualiteetille antamat merkitykset. Teologinen Aikakauskirja 110 (3), 238-246.
32. Merenti-Välimäki, H-L., Nokelainen, P., & Tirri, K. 2005. Teknisen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijan matemaattinen lahjakkuus itsearvioinnin ja vanhempien vaikutuksen valossa. Ammattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja 3/2005, 32-46.
33. Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P., Ubani, M. 2006. Conceptual definition and empirical validation of a spiritual sensitivity scale. Journal of Empirical Theology 19 (1), 37-62.
34. Ubani, M. & Tirri, K. 2006. How do Finnish preadolescents perceive religion and spirituality? International journal on childrens’ spirituality 11 (3), 357-370.
35. Nokelainen, P., Ryhänen, T., & Tirri, K. 2006. The Intelligence Profile of Finnish Peacekeepers. Gifted and Talented Internationa 20(2), 19-30.
36. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2006. Gifted students and the future. KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 3 (2), 55-66.
37. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., & Merenti-Välimäki, H.-L. 2007. Investigating the Influence of Attribution Styles on the Development of Mathematical Talent. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(1), 64-81.
38. Husu, J., & Tirri, K., 2007. Developing whole school pedagogical values – a case of going through the ethos of “good schooling”. Teaching and teacher education 23 (4), 390-401.
39. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., Campbell, J. R., & Walberg, H. 2007. Factors that Contribute or Hinder Academic Productivity: Comparing two groups of most and least successful Olympians. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13(6), 483-500.
40. Tirri, K., & Nokelainen, P. 2007. Comparison of Academically Average and Gifted Students’ Self-Rated Ethical Sensitivity. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13(6), 587-601.
41. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. (Guest Editors). 2007. Special Issue. Current research on giftedness: international perspectives. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13 (6).
42. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2007. Introduction. Current research on giftedness: international perspectives. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13 (6).
43. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2008. Identification of multiple intelligences with the Multiple Intelligence Profiling Questionnaire III. Psychology Science Quarterly, Volume 50, 2008 (2), 206-221.
44. Hanhimäki, E. & Tirri, K. 2008. The moral role and characteristics of Finnish urban school principals. Journal of Research in Character Education, 6(1 ), 53-65.
45. Tirri, K. 2008. Who should teach gifted students? Revista Espanola de pedagogia 66 : 240, 315-324.
46. Tirri, K. 2008. Teacher for the gifted students. Poblemy Wczesnej Edukacji: 4(1), 71-78.
47. Hanhimäki, E. & Tirri, K. 2009. Education for ethically sensitive teaching in critical incidents at school. The Journal of Education for Teaching 35 (2), 107-121.
48. Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P., & Mahkonen, M. 2009. How morality and religiosity relate to intelligence? A case study of mathematically talented adolescence. Journal of Empirical Theology 22, 70-87.
49. Hirsto, L. & Tirri, K. 2009. Motivational approaches to studying theology in relation to spirituality. Journal of Empirical Theology 22, 88-102.
50. Van der Zee, T. & Tirri, K. (Guest Editors). 2009. Research on Religious and Spiritual Education. Journal of Empirical Theology 22, 1-6.
51. Tirri, K. (Guest Editor) 2009. Character Education and Giftedness. High Ability Studies Volume 20 (2).
52. Holm, K., Nokelainen, P. & Tirri, K. 2009. Relationship of gender and academic achievement to Finnish students’ intercultural sensitivity. High Ability Studies, 20 (2), 187-200.
53. Tirri, K. & Quinn, B. 2010. Exploring the role of religion and spirituality in the development of purpose: case studies of purposeful youth. British Journal of Religious Education 32 (3), 199-210.
54. Tirri, K. (Guest Editor) 2010. Motivation and Giftedness. High Ability Studies Volume 21 (2) 21, 77-80.
55. Nokelainen, P. & Tirri, K. 2010. Role of Motivation in Mathematically Gifted Adolescents’ Moral and Religious Judgment. High Ability Studies 21 (2), 101-116.
56. Tirri, K. 2011. Combining excellence and ethics: Implications for moral education for the gifted. Roeper Review 33 (1), 59–64.
57. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2011. The Influence of Self-perception of Abilities and Attribution Styles on Academic Choices: Implications for Gifted Education. Roeper Review 33, (1), 26–32.
58. Tirri, K. 2011. Holistic School Pedagogy and Values: Finnish Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives. International Jornal of Educational Research 26.08.2011 In : International Journal of Educational Research.
59. Yeager, D., Trzesniewski, K., Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P. & Dweck, C. 2011. Adolescents’ Implicit Theories Predict Desire for Vengeance After Remembered and Hypothetical Peer Conflicts: Correlational and Experimental Evidence. Developmental Psychology 47 (4), 1090-1107.
60. Marttunen, M., Punamäki, R. & Tirri, K. 2011. Koulusurmille ei ole yksinkertaisia selityksiä. Suomen lääkärilehti 66, 11, p. 891.
61. Tirri, K., Campbell, E., Gearon, L. & Lovat, T. 2012. The Moral Core of Teaching. Special Issue of Educational Research International, 2012.
62. Gholami, K. & Tirri, K. 2012a. The cultural dependence of The Ethical Sensitivity Scale Questionnaire: The case of Iranian Kurdish teachers. Education Research International 2012.
63. Gholami, K. & Tirri, K. 2012b. The teachers’ perceived dimensions of caring practice: A quantitative reflection on the moral aspect of teaching. Education Research International 2012.
64. Campbell. J., Tirri, K., & Cho, S. 2012. Talent Development & Excellence. Special Issue International Academic Olympiads 4 (2), 118s.
65. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2012. Ethical thinking skills of mathematically gifted Finnish students. Talent Development & Excellence 4 (2), 1-13.
66. Tirri, K., Tolppanen, S., Aksela, M., & Kuusisto, E. 2012. A cross-cultural study of gifted students’ scientific, societal and moral questions in science. Education Research International 2012.
67. Kuusisto, E., Tirri, K., & Rissanen, I. 2012. Finnish teachers’ ethical sensitivity. Education Research International 2012.
68. Tirri, K. & Kuusisto, E. 2013. How Finland serves gifted and talented pupils. The Journal for the Education of Gifted 36 (1), 84-96.
69. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2013. Education of Finnish Student Teachers for Purposeful Teaching. The Journal for the Education of Teaching 39 (1), 21-29.
70. Tirri, K. Nokelainen, P. & Komulainen, E. 2013. Can Multiple Intelligences be measured? Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling 55 (4), 438-461.
71. Vivitsou, M., Tirri, K. & Kynäslahti, H. 2014. Social Media in Pedagogical Context: A Study on a Finnish and a Greek Teacher’s Metaphors. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 01/2014.
72. Kuusisto, E. & Tirri. K. 2014. The core of religious education: Finnish student teachers’ pedagogical aims. Journal of Beliefs and Values 35(2). DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2014.953297
73. Bundick, M. & Tirri, K. 2014. Teacher Support and Competencies for Fostering Youth Purpose and Psychological Well-Being: Perspectives from Two Countries. Applied Developmental Science, 18 (3), 148-162.
74. Holm, K., Nokelainen, P. & Tirri, K. 2014. Finnish secondary school students’ interreligious sensitivity. British Journal of Religious Education. 36, 3, 315-331.
75. Kuusisto, A., Kuusisto, E., Holm, K. & Tirri, K. 2014. Gender variance in interreligious sensitivity among Finnish pupils. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality. 19, 1, 5-44.
76. Tirri, K. 2014. The last 40 years in Finnish teacher education. The Journal of the Education for Teaching, 40 (5, 600-609.
77. Tolppanen, S. & Tirri, K. 2014. How an Enrichment Summer Program Is Meeting the Expectations of Gifted Science Students: A Case Study from Finland. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity 2 (1), 103-115.
78. Gholami. K., Kuusisto, E. & Tirri, K. 2014. Is ethical sensitivity in teaching culturally bound? Comparing Finnish and Iranian teachers’ ethical sensitivity. A Journal of Comparative and International Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2014.984588
79. Malin, H., Tirri, K. & Liauw, I. 2015. Adolescent moral motivations for civic engagement: Clues to the political gender gap? Journal of Moral Education 44 (1), 34-50. DOI:10.1080/03057240.2015.1014324
80. Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. (2015). Disagreements in working as a team: A case study of gifted science students. Revista de educacion 368 April-Jun 2015, 10-32.
81. Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E. & Tirri, K. 2015. Finnish teachers’ attitudes to Muslim students and Muslim student integration. The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 54 (2) (2015). DOI: 10.1111/jssr.12190.
82. Laine, S., Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. 2015. Implicit conceptions of giftedness among Finnish teachers. The Journal for the Education of the Gifted (in press).
83. Tirri, K. & Kuusisto, E. 2015. What kinds of profiles do Finnish student teachers have for purposeful teaching? The Journal of Education for Teaching 42:4 (in press)
84. Kuusisto, E., Gholami, K. & Tirri, K. 2015. Finnish and Iranian teachers’ competence for teaching purpose. The Journal of Education for Teaching 42:4 (in press)
85. Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., Hanhimäki, E. & Tirri, K. 2015. Teachers’ mindsets in pedagogical thinking and practice: a case study from Finland. Learning and Instruction (in revision)
86. Laine, S. & Tirri, K. 2015. How Finnish Elementary School Teachers Meet the Needs of Their Gifted Students. High Ability Studies (submitted)

A3 Chapters in refereed scientific books

87. Tirri, K. 1987. DeTEK – Kehitystä tukeva opettajien evaluointimenetelmä ja sen soveltaminen Suomen oloihin. Teoksessa Meisalo, V. & Sarmavuori, K. (toim.) Ainedidaktiikan tutkimus ja tulevaisuus. Research Report 56, pp. 285-288. Department of Teacher Education. University of Helsinki.
88. Tirri, K. 1992. Opettajien itsearviointi ammatillisen kasvun tukena. Teoksessa Ojanen, S. (toim.) Opettajienkouluttajien evaluaatiokongressi. Bulletins of the Faculty of Education N:o 43, pp. 62-73. University of Joensuu
89. Tirri, K. 1994. Uskonnonopetus luokanopettajan näkökulmasta. Teoksessa Tella, S. & Larmola, A. (toim.). Näytön paikka. Opetuksen kulttuurin arviointi. Ainedidaktiikan symposiumi Helsingissä 4.2.1994. osa 1, 43-50. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutus¬laitoksen tutkimuksia 129.
90. Tirri, K. & Arinen, P. 1994. Kirjoita tai tuhoudu. Opettajaidentiteetin kehityksen dokumentoinnista. Teoksessa Rikkinen, H. & Tella, S. (toim.) Kunne johtaa tieto ja tunne – uudistuva aineenopettajakoulutus. Studia Paedagogica 3, 109-123. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitos.
91. Tirri, K. 1995. Mitä on moraalinen lahjakkuus? Teoksessa Tella, S. (toim.) Juuret ja arvot. Eettisyys ja etnisyys – aineen opettaminen monikulttuurisessa oppimisympäristössä Ainedidaktiikan symposiumi Helsingissä 3.2. 1995. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutus¬laitoksen tutkimuksia 150, 97-105.
92. Tirri, K. 1996. Pedagogically sound approaches to religious education. Teoksessa Tella, S. (ed.) 1996. Nautinnon lähteillä. Aineen opettaminen ja luovuus. Ainedidaktiikan symposiumi Helsingissä 2.2. 1996. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen tutkimuksia 163.
93. Tirri, K. 1996. Opettajan ammatillinen moraali. Teoksessa Pitkänen, P. (toim.) 1996. Kasvatuksen etiikka, 119-130. Helsinki: Oy Edita Ab.
94. Tirri, K. 1997. Eettisen kasvatuksen onnistuneisuuden arviointiperusteita. Teoksessa Jakku-Sihvonen, R. (toim.) Onnistuuko oppiminen? Arviointi 3/1997. Helsinki:Opetushallitus.
95. Tirri, K. 1997. Voiko hyveitä opettaa? Teoksessa Hyveen ritarit. Katsomusaineiden opettajien laatupäivien satoa. Helsinki: Painokartano Ky.
96. Niemi, H. & Tirri, K. 1997. Opettajankoulutuksen vaikuttavuuden arviointi. Teoksessa Ekola, J. (toim.) Opettajankoulutus. Eräitä ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä. Jyväskylän opettajankoulutuslaitoksen opetuksen perusteita ja käytänteitä 29.
97. Tirri, K. & Tella, S. 1997. Educational innovations in Finland as identified by some Finnish decision-makers. In Uljens, M. (Ed) European identity in change. The meeting between German, Russian and Nordic educational traditions. – Vasa : Åbo Akademi, 1997 Pedagogiska rapporter Österbottens högskola, pedagogiska institutionen 1236-3618; nr 10, 78-92.
98. Tirri, K. 1997. Koulun moraalidilemmat ja niiden ratkaisustrategiat: opettajan näkökulma. Didacta Varia 2, 1, 29-52, 1997.
99. Heideman, T., Tertrais, Y. & Tirri, K. 1998. Les politiques des pays de la Communaute europeenne face a l’innovation en education et en formation. In Cross, F. 1998. Rapport final. Observatoire Europeen des innovations en education et en formation, Chapter 4, 41-48. Paris: INRP
100. Tirri, K. 1998. Politique nationale d’innovation Finlande. In Cross, F. 1998. Rapport final. Observatoire Europeen des innovations en education et en formation, Annexes, 287-296. Paris: INRP
101. Tirri, K. 1998. Keskustelua pyöreän pöydän ääressä. Teoksessa Niemi, H. (toim.) Opettaja modernin murroksessa. Juva: WSOY.
102. Tirri, K. 1998. Opettajan ammattietiikka on vuorovaikutusta. Teoksessa Puheenvuoroja opettajan ammattietiikasta. OAJ.
103. Tirri, K. 1998. Uskonnonopetuksen haasteet aikuislukiossa. Teoksessa Pyysiäinen, M. & Seppälä, J. (toim.) Uskonnonopettajan käsikirja. Helsinki:WSOY
104. Kansanen, P., Tirri, K., Meri, M., Krokfors, L., Husu, J., & Jyrhämä, R. 1999. Moral perspectives in teachers´ thinking. In Lang, M. J. Olson, H. Hansen & W. Bünder. (Eds.) Changing Schools/Changing Practices: Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism. (pp. 109-116). Louvain: Garant.
105. Tirri, K. 1999. Eettisten kysymysten äärellä. Teoksessa Niemi, H. (toim.) Opettajankoulutus modernin murroksessa. Tampereen yliopiston julkaisuja TAJU. Tampere: Tampereen Yliopistopaino Oy.
106. Tirri, K. 1999. Kouluyhteisön haasteet seurakunnan työntekijälle. Oppia ikä kaikki – Kirkon oppilaitostyö opin tiellä. Suomen ev. lut. kirkon kirkkohallituksen julkaisuja 1999:1, 57-62.
107. Tirri. K. 2000. L’Edition pedagogique en Finlande. Tendances actuelles de l’edition pedagogique en Finlande. Dans Lachenmaier, F. 2000. L’edition pedagogique en Europe, 104-113.
108. Husu, J. & Tirri, K. (2000). Knowing and going separate ways – moral relevance and moral conflicts in teaching. In M. Meri, K. Uusikylä, M. Talvio, & R. Jyrhämä (Eds.) (2000). Discussions on some pedagogical issues. Research report 222. Department of Teacher Education. Helsinki: Hakapaino.
109. Tirri, K. 2001. Varhaiskasvattajan eettiset haasteet. Teoksessa Salminen, J. (toim.) 2001. Varhaiskasvatuksen uskontokasvatus. Studia Pedagogica 24, 97-106. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen julkaisuja. Hakapaino: Helsinki.
110. Tirri, K. 2001. Matematiikka naisten trauma? Teoksessa Studia Generalia 2000. Matematiikka kulttuurimme perusta – ja trauma, 63-78. Helsingin yliopiston vapaan sivistystyön toimikunta. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino.
111. Nevgi, A. & Tirri, K. 2001. Oppimista edistävät ja estävät tekijät verkko-opiskelussa. Teoksessa P. Sallila & P. Kalli (toim.) Verkot ja teknologia aikuisopiskelun tukena. Aikuiskasvatuksen 42. vuosikirja, 117-151. Jyväskylä: Gummerrus Kirjapaino Oy.
112. Tirri, K. 2002. Opetustyön etiikka. Teoksessa P. Sallila & P. Kalli (toim.) Opettajuuden uusi tuleminen. Aikuiskasvatuksen 43. vuosikirja. Jyväskylä: Gummerrus Kirjapaino Oy.
113. Tirri, K. 2002. Opetustyön keskeiset eettiset ongelmakohdat. Teoksessa Etiikka koulun arjessa. Opetusalan ammattijärjestö. Keuruu: Otava.
114. Tirri, K. 2002. Lapsen uskon maailma ja sen kohtaaminen. Teoksessa S. Saarinen (toim.) Kaikille tilaa riittää. Päivähoidon uskontokasvatus.Helsinki: Lasten Keskus.
115. Tirri, K. & Komulainen, E. 2002. Gardner’s theory applied to produce a self-rated intelligence-profile: an initial modeling and some psychometric results. In H. Niemi & P. Ruohotie (Eds.) Theoretical understandings for learning in the virtual university. Saarijärvi: Saarijärven offset Oy (pp. 147-175).
116. Tirri, K. 2003. The teacher’s integrity. In Oser, F. & Veugelers, W. (Eds.) Teaching in moral and democratic education. Bern: Peter Lang.
117. Tirri, K. 2003. Spiritualiteettiin kasvattaminen. Teoksessa V. Meisalo (toim). 2003. Aineenopettajankoulutuksen vaihtoehdot ja tutkimus 2002, sivut 379-389.
118. Tirri, K., Kallioniemi, A., & Terho, T. 2004. Uskonnonopettajiksi pyrkivien näkemykset uskonnonopetuksen tehtävästä nyky-yhteiskunnassa. Teoksessa V. Meisalo (toim.) Eurooppalainen ulottuvuus: ainedidaktinen symposiumi Helsingissä 6.2.2004. Tutkimuksia 252, s. 380-391. Helsinki : Helsingin yliopiston soveltavan kasvatustieteen laitos.
119. Campbell, C. & Tirri, K. 2004. Need for cross-cultural research: expanding needs within and among countries. In J. Campbell, K. Tirri, P. Ruohotie & H. Wahlberg 2004. Cross-cultural research: basic issues, dilemmas and strategies. Saarijärvi: Saarijärven Offset Oy.
120. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., Campbell, C., & Walberg, H. 2004. Isolating factors that contribute or hinder adult productivity: comparing the terman longitudinal studies with the retrospective Olympiad studies. In J. Campbell, K. Tirri, P. Ruohotie & H. Wahlberg 2004. Cross-cultural research: basic issues, dilemmas and strategies. Saarijärvi: Saarijärven Offset Oy.
121. Tirri, K. & Verna, M. 2004. Synthesis and recommendations. In J. Campbell, K. Tirri, P. Ruohotie & H. Wahlberg 2004. Cross-cultural research: basic issues, dilemmas and strategies. Saarijärvi: Saarijärven Offset Oy.
122. Tirri, K. 2004. Spirituality in religious education. In Larsson, R. & Gustavsson, C. (Eds.) Towards a European perspective on religious education. Bibliotheca theologiae practicae 74 (pp. 344-352). Skellefteå: Artos & Norma bokförlag.
123. Tirri, K. 2004. Spiritualiteetti uskontokasvatuksessa. Teoksessa L. Larjo (toim). Teologian uudet virtaukset. Suomalaisen teologisen kirjallisuusseuran julkaisuja 241. Vammala: Vammalan kirjapaino Oy.
124. Tirri, K. 2004. Spiritualiteetti uskontokasvatuksen näkökulmasta. Teoksessa L. Heinonen, J. Luodeslampi & L. Salmensaari (toim.). Lapsityön käsikirja. Helsinki: Kirjapaja.
125. Pruuki, L. & Tirri, K. 2004. Mielekäs oppiminen rippikoulussa. Teoksessa H. Aaltonen, L. Pruuki & P. Saarainen (toim.). Rippikoulun käsikirja. Helsinki: Kirjapaja.
126. Tirri, K. 2004. Eettinen kasvatus ja diakoniatyö. Teoksessa M. Lahtinen & T. Toikkanen (toim.). Anno Domini 2004. Diakoniatieteen vuosikirja. Vammala: Vammalan kirjapaino.
127. Pruuki., L., Tirri, K., Sorri, H. 2005. Opettajien kokemukset mielekkäästä oppimisesta soveltavissa opinnoissa. Teoksessa J. Kivekäs (toim.) Käytännöllinen teologia- teoriaa vai käytäntöä? Suomalaisen teologisen kirjallisuusseuran julkaisuja. Vammala: Vammalan kirjapaino Oy.
128. Tirri, K. 2005. FI-Finland. In F. Mönks (Ed.) Gifted education in 21 European countries: inventory and perspective. Nijmegen : Radboud University, Nijmegen 2005 , 55-59.
129. Tirri, K., Sorri, H., & Pruuki, L. 2006. Teachers’ views on meaningful learning in the context of applied theological studies. In K. Tirri (Ed.). Religion, Spirituality and Identity. Bern: Peter Lang.
130. Tirri, K. 2006. Introduction. In K. Tirri (Ed.). Religion, Spirituality and Identity. Bern: Peter Lang.
131. Tirri, K. & Husu, J. 2006. Pedagogical values behind teachers’ reflection of school ethos. In M. B. Klein (Ed.) New teaching and teacher issues. New York: Nova Science publishers, 163-182.
132. Tirri, K. 2006. Nuoren aikuisen spiritualiteetti Kalliossa. Teoksessa Mikkola, T. & Niemelä. K. (toim.) Urbaani usko. Kirkon tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja.
133. Räsänen, A., Tirri, K., & Nokelainen, P. 2006. The moral and religious reasoning of gifted adolescence. In K, Tirri (Ed.). Nordic Perspectives on Religion, Spirituality and Identity (pp. 97-111). Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
134. Ryhänen, T., Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K. 2006. The spiritual intelligence profile of Finnish peacekeepers. In K, Tirri (Ed.). Nordic Perspectives on Religion, Spirituality and Identity (pp. ). Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
135. Tirri, K. 2006. Introduction. In K, Tirri (Ed.). Nordic Perspectives on Religion, Spirituality and Identity (pp. ). Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
136. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. (Eds.) 2007. Introduction. In K. Tirri & M. Ubani (Eds.) Policies and programs in gifted education. Studia paedagogica 34. Helsingin yliopisto:Soveltavan kasvatustieteen laitos.
137. Tirri, K. 2007. Lahjakas nuori ja eettinen sensitiivisyys. Teoksessa Erilaisuuden valot ja varjot : eettinen kasvatus koulussa, 79-85. Helsinki : Otava.
138. Tirri, K. 2007. Introduction. In K. Tirri (Ed.) Values and foundations in Gifted Education. Bern: Peter Lang.
139. Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P., & Ubani, M. 2007. Do gifted students have spiritual intelligence? In K. Tirri (Ed.) Values and foundations in Gifted Education. Bern: Peter Lang.
140. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2007. Introduction. In K, Tirri & M. Ubani (Eds.) Holistic Education and Giftedness. Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
141. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2007. The differences in the intelligence profiles of Finnish 12-13-year old academically gifted girls and boys. In K. Tirri & M. Ubani (Eds.) Holistic education and Giftedness (pp. 8-15). Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
142. Nokelainen, P., & Tirri, K. 2007. Empirical Investigation of Finnish School Principals’ Emotional Leadership Competencies. In S. Saari & T. Varis (Eds.), Professional Growth (pp. 424 – 438). Hämeenlinna: RCVE.
143. Tirri, K. (2007). Spirituelle Empfindsamkeit junger Erwachsener. In A. A. Bucher (Ed.) Moral, Religion, Politik: Psychologisch-pädagogische Zugänge (pp. 269-277). Münster: LIT Publishers.
144. Tirri, K. (2007). What factors contribute to the development of academic talent in Finland? In Heller.K., & Ziegler, A. (2007). Beyond Stanfards. Paving the Way for the Gifted from Early Childhood to Higher Education. Bad Boll:Germany.
145. Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P., & Holm, K. (2008). Ethical sensitivity of Finnish Lutheran 7th – 9th Grade Students. In F. Oser & W. Veugelers (Eds.) Getting Involved:Global citizenship development and sources of moral values. Rotterdam/Taipei: SensePublishers.
146. Tirri, K. 2008. Spirituality as an expression of post secular religiosity. In H-G. Ziebertz & U. Riegel (Eds.) Europe as a post secular society (EPOS). Reflections on religion and societal cohesion. Empirical studies and theoretical reflections. Muenster: Lit Publisher.
147. Tirri, K. 2008. Les politiques educatives en Finlande pour une education a la divesite. Éduquer par la diversité en Europe, s. 17. EDE : rapport final [ Paris] : Foeven Fédération des Aroeven.
148. Tirri, K. 2008. Ethical sensitivity and giftedness. In T. Balchin (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Gifted Education. Routledge.
149. Muhonen, M. & Tirri, K. 2008. Mitä on kristillinen kasvatus? Teoksessa Johdatus kristilliseen kasvatukseen, 63-82
150. Tirri, K. 2008. Etiikan ”uusi tulo” opettajuuteen ja opettajankoulutukseen. Teoksessa Arto Kallioniemi, Auli Toom, Martin Ubani, Heljä Linnansaari & Kristiina Kumpulainen (toim.) Ihmistä kasvattamassa : koulutus – arvot – uudet avaukset. Professori Hannele Niemen juhlakirja, s. 189-198. Helsinki: Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura.
151. Tirri, K. 2008. Introduction. In K. Tirri (Ed.) Educating moral sensibilities in urban schools. Rotterdam/Taipei: SensePublishers.
152. Holm, K., Tirri, K., Hanhimäki, E. 2008. How are human rights observed in schools? In K. Tirri (Ed.) Educating moral sensibilities in urban schools. Rotterdam/Taipei: SensePublishers.
153. Tirri, K. 2008. Welche Faktoren leisten in Finnland einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Begabung? In C. Fischer and F. Monks (Hg.) Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Begabung. Munster: Lit Verlag.
154. Tirri, K. 2009. Eettiset ongelmat rippikoulussa. Teoksessa Innanen, T. & Niemelä, K (toim.) Rippikoulun todellisuus, s. 225-237. Tampere: Kirkon tutkimuskeskus.
155. Holm, K. Hanhimäki, E & Tirri, K. 2009. Monographie No. 2 Finlande. Annexes : rapport final EDE [ Paris] : Foéven Fédération des Aroéven, 2009. s. 27-43
156. Tirri, K. 2009. Ethical dilemmas in confirmation school experienced by Finnish confirmation school teachers. In G. Skeie (Ed.) Religious Diversity and Education in Europe, Vol 11, 223-233. Munster: Waxmann.
157. Holm, K., Nokelainen, P., & Tirri, K. 2009. Intercultural and Religious Sensitivity of Finisch Lutheran 7th to 9th grade students. In G. Skeie (Ed.) Religious Diversity and Education in Europe, Vol 11,131-144. Munster: Waxmann.
158. Tirri, K. 2009. Spirituality in Education. In T. Ahlbäck (Ed.) Postmodern spirituality : based on papers read at the Symposium on Postmodern spirituality held at Åbo, Finland on 11-13 June 2008, s. 245-258. Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History.
159. Tirri, K. 2009. Holistic education for gifted students. In S. Weyringer, F. Oswald, B. Seyr (Hg.) ECHA Österreich – ein Markenzeichen für Begabungsförderung und Schulentwicklung, s. 69-79. Wien : Lit Verlag.
160. Tirri, K. & Campbell, J. 2010. Current trends and dilemmas in cross-cultural research. In D. Sharpes (Ed.) Handbook on International Studies in Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.
161. Tirri, K. 2010. Teachers’ values underlying their professional ethics. In T. Lovat et al. (Eds.) International Handbook on Values Education and Student Well-Being, pp. 153-163. New York: Springer.
162. Holm, K., Tirri, K., & Nokelainen, P. 2011. Intercultural and interreligious sensitivity scales. In Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2011. Measuring Multiple Intelligences and Moral Sensitivities in Education. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers pp. 101-120.
163. Tirri, K. 2012. The core of school pedagogy: Finnish teachers’ views on the educational purposefulness of their teaching. In Niemi, H., Toom, A. & Kallioniemi, A. (Eds.) 2012. Miracle of education: The principles and practices of teaching and learning in Finnish schools. Rotterdam : Sense Publishers pp. 55-66.
164. Tirri, K. 2012. Religious and spiritual education as contributors to the development of the whole person. In Van der Zee, T. & Lovat, T. (Eds.) New Perspectives on Religious and Spiritual Education pp. 269-280. Frankfurt: Waxmann.
165. Tirri, K. 2012. What kind of learning environment supports learning of gifted students in science? In Ziegler, A., Fischer, C., Stoeger, H., and Reutlinger, M. (2012). Gifted education as a life-long challenge: Essays in honour of Franz Mönks. Muenster, Germany: LIT-Verlag pp. 13-24.
166. Soini, T., Pietarinen, J., Pyhältö, K. & Tirri, K. 2012. Strategies for well-being and ethically sustainable problem-solving in teacher-student interaction. In the handbook of ethics and student wellbeing. Springer.
167. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2013. Spirituality and education in Finland: Meeting the Socio-Demographic Changes with Empirical Research. In Watson, J., De Souza, M., & Trousdale, A. (Eds.) Global Perspectives on Spirituality in Education (in press).
168. Tirri, K., Toom, A., & Husu, J. 2013. The moral matters of teaching: A Finnish perspective. From teacher thinking to teachers and teaching: the evolution of a research community. Graig, C. J., Meijer, P. C. & Broeckmans, J. (toim.). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, s. 223-239.
169. Tirri, K. 2013. The Hacker ethic for gifted scientists. In Moran, S., Cropley, D., & Kaufman, J. (Eds.) The Ethics of Creativity. Hamshire: Palgrave: Macmillan.
170. Tirri, K., Kuusisto, K. & Aksela, M. 2013. What kind of learning is interactive and meaningful to gifted science students? A case study from the Millennium Youth Camp. In Tirri, K. & Kuusisto, E. 2013 (Eds.) Interaction in Educational Domains. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers pp. 109-121.
171. Ubani, M. & Tirri, K. 2014. Religious education at schools in Finland. Rothgangel , M., Jäggle, M & Skeie. G. (Eds.) Religious education at schools in Europe. Part 3: Northern Europe. Goettingen: Vienna University Press.
172. Tirri, K. 2014. Moral education for high-ability students. Pursuit of Excellence in a Networked Society: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. Wolfensberger, M. V. C., Drayer, L. & Volker, J. J. M. (eds.). Münster: Waxmann, p. 219-224.
173. Tirri, K. & Kuusisto, E. 2015 What factors contribute to the development of gifted female scientists? Insights from two case studies. In Sumida, M & Taber, K. (Eds) International Perspectives on Science Education
for the Gifted: Key issues and challenges. London: Routledge. (in press)
174. Tirri, K., Rissanen, I. & Kuusisto, E. 2015. Finnish teachers and diversity- a case of Muslim students. In D. Sharpes (Ed.) Handbook on comparative and international studies in education.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell (in press)
175. Kuusisto, E., Gholami, K., Schutte, I., Wolfensberger, M. & Tirri, K. 2015. Is ethical sensitivity culturally bound? Multiple case studies from the Netherlands, Finland and Iran. In D. Sharpes (Ed.) Handbook on comparative and international studies in education. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell (in press)
176. Vivitsou, M., Tirri, K. & Kynäslahti, H. 2015. Science teachers’ metaphors of digital technologies and social media in pedagogy in Finland and in Greece. In G.Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou & L. Jain (Eds). Advances in Knowledge Engineering: Paradigms and Applications. Springer. (in press)
177. Toom, A., Husu, J. & Tirri, K. 2015. Cultivating student teachers’ moral competencies in teaching during teacher education. In C. Craig & L. Orland-Barak (Eds.), International Teacher Education: Promising Pedagogies: Volume 3. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (in press)
178. Tirri, K. & Kuusisto, E. 2015. How can purpose be taught? In J. M. Mariano, & S. Moran (Eds.), Youth Purpose Around the World. UK: Palgrave MacMillan (in press)
179. Tirri, K. 2015. Holistic Perspectives on Gifted Education for the 21st Century. In Ambrose, D. & Sternberg, R. (Edits). Gifted education for the 21st century. Sensepublishers (in press).
180. Placier, P., Letseka, M., Seroto, J. , Loh, J., Montecinos, C., Vásquez, N. & Tirri, K. 2015. The History of Initial Teacher Preparation in International Contexts. In Loughran, J (Edit). Handbook of Teacher Education. Routledge. (in press)
181. Tirri, K. & Laine, S. (2015). Teacher education in inclusive education: Lessons from Finland. In Clandinin, J. & Husu, J. (Eds) Handbook of Teacher Education. Sage Publishers (in press)

A4 articles in refereed conference proceedings
182. Tirri, K. & Tirri, H. 1995. Applying teacher effectiveness models in international, cross-cultural context: a case study. Resources in Education. Id number ED 376120, March 1995.
183. Tirri, K. 1995. Cross-cultural differences in the self-evaluations of American and Finnish elementary teachers. Resources in Education, ED 383689, April 1995.
184. Tirri, K. 1996. The themes of moral dilemmas formulated by preadolescents. Resources in Education, ED 399046, April 1996.
185. Tirri, H., Silander, T. & Tirri, K. 1997. Bayesian finite mixtures for nonlinear modeling of educational data. Resources in Education. Papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, March 24-28, 1997. – Springfield (VA): ERIC Document Reproduction Service [distr.], 1997. 1 microfilm (19 s.)
186. Tirri, H., Silander, T. & Tirri, K. 1997. Using neural networks for descriptive statistical analysis of educational data. Resources in Education. Papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, March 24-28, 1997. – Springfield (VA): ERIC Document Reproduction Service [distr.], 1997. 1 microfilm (21 s.)
187. Tirri, K. 1998. How Finnish teachers identify and solve moral dilemmas at school: a case study. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Chicago, May 1997. Resources in Education, ED 418906, September 1998.
188. Tirri, K., Tallent-Runnels, M., & Adams, Aida Medina 1998. Cross-Cultural Study of Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Gifted Children and Programs for Gifted Children. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Diego, April 1998. Resources in Education, ED 420936, December 1998.
189. Tirri, K. 1999. Teachers’ and students’ views on distributing justice at school. Resources in Education, ED 424229.
190. Tirri, K. 1999. How Finnish teachers view their professional ethos: a case study. Resources in Education, ED 425133.
191. Tirri, K. & Pehkonen, L. 1999. The moral reasoning of adolescents gifted inscience: a case study. A paper presented at the ECHA conference. Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, ED 429398.
192. Tirri, K. & Tallent-Runnels, M. 1999. Cross-cultural predictors of teachers’ attitudes toward gifted education. Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, ED 430332
193. Tirri, K. 2000. In search of moral sensitivity in teaching and learning. A paper presented at the EARLI conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, August 1999. Resources in Education, ED 434286.
194. Tirri, K. 2000. Ethical conflicts in early childhood education. A paper presented at the EECERA conference in Helsinki, Finland, September 1999. Resources in Education, ED 433940.
195. Tirri, K. 2000. The development of empathy and role-taking skills in grades six to nine. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans, April 2000. Resources in Education, ED 440753.
196. Tirri, K. 2000. Finland Olympiad studies: What factors contribute to the development of academic talent in Finland? A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans, April 2000. Resources in Education, ED 442735.
197. Tirri, K. & Husu, J. 2000. Uncovering a relational epistemology of ethical dilemmas in early childhood education. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans, April 2000. Resources in Education, ED 440104.
198. Tirri, K. 2001. Actualizing mathematical giftedness in adulthood. A paper presented at the ECHA-conference in Debrecen, Hungary, August 2000. In the book of abstracts p. 92. Resources in Education, ED 449587.
199. Tirri, K. & Pehkonen, L. 2001. The moral reasoning and scientific argumentation of gifted adolescents. A paper presented at the ECHA-conference in Debrecen, Hungary, August 2000. In the book of abstracts, p. 93. Resources in Education, ED 449586.
200. Tirri, K. 2001. Actualizing talent in science: Case studies of Finnish Olympians. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Seattle, April 2001. Resources in Education, ED 452067.
201. Tirri, K. 2001. What can we learn from teachers’ moral mistakes? A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Seattle, April 2001. Resources in Education, ED 454175.
202. Nokelainen, P., Silander, T., Tirri, H., Nevgi, A., & Tirri, K. 2001. Modeling students’ views on the advantages of web-based learning with Bayesian networks. In the Proceedings of the tenth international PEG conference. Intelligent Computer and Communications Technology – Learning in On-Line Communities, pp. 101-108.
203. Sunal, C., Sunal, D., & Tirri, K. 2001. Using evidence in scientific reasoning: Exploring characteristics of middle school students’ argumentation. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Seattle, April 2001. Resources in Education, ED 451572.
204. Tirri, K, & Nevgi, A, 2001. Students’ views on learning in virtual university. A paper presented at the Innovation in Higher Education conference in Helsinki, Finland, August 2000. Resources in Education, ED 448121.
205. Tirri, K. & Nevgi, A. 2001. In search of a good virtual teacher. A paper presented at the ECER conference in Edinburg, Scotland, September 2000. Resources in Education, ED 448122.
206. Husu, J. & Tirri, K. 2002. Constructing moral reference points in teachers’ practical reflection: the case of smoking. A paper presented at the EARLI conference in Fribourg, Switzerland, August 2001. Resources in Education, ED 456111.
207. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., & Campbell. 2002. Cross-cultural predictors of computer literacy among academic Olympians. A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans, April 2002. Resources in Education, ED.
208. Tirri, K., Komulainen, E., Nokelainen, P., & Tirri, H. 2002. Conceptual modeling of self-rated intelligence-profile. In the proceedings of 2nd International Self-Concept Research Conference. Sydney : 2002.
209. Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P. & Merenti-Välimaa, H-L. 2002. Self-attributions of mathematically gifted. In the proceedings of 2nd International Self-Concept Research Conference. Sydney : 2002.
210. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., & Merenti-Välimäki, H-L. 2004. Factors contributing to the development of mathematical talent. In H. W. Marsh, J. Baumert, G. E. Richards & U. Trautwein (Eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Self-Concept Research Conference, pp. 690-700. University of Western Sydney, Self Research Centre.
211. Räsänen, A., Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2004. The differences in religious thinking between gifted students and average-ability students. In the proceedings of 9th ECHA conference, Pamplona, Spain.
212. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. 2004. Do gifted students have spiritual intelligence? In the proceedings of 9th ECHA conference, Pamplona, Spain.
213. Tirri, K. 2004. Current research in religious and moral education. In the proceedings of 9th ECHA conference, Pamplona, Spain.
214. Tirri, K. 2005. Spiritual sensitivity of the academically gifted. In the proceedings of the 4th international conference “developmental distinctiveness and potential realization of gifted children”. Slovania: Bratislava.
215. Nokelainen, P., Tirri, K., & Ruohotie, P. 2007. Comprehensive School Teacher’s Evaluations on their Principals Emotional Leadership Abilities. In the proceedings of Nordic Conference on Religious Education, Stavanger, Norway.
216. Tirri, K., Nokelainen, P., & Holm, K. 2007. Ethical Sensitivity of Finnish 7th – 9th Graders. In the proceedings of Nordic Conference on Religious Education, Stavanger, Norway.
217. Holm, K., Nokelainen, P., & Tirri, K. 2007. Intercultural and Religious Sensitivity of the 7th – 9th Graders in the Context of Religious Education at School. In the proceedings of Nordic Conference on Religious Education, Stavanger, Norway.
218. Tirri, K. 2008. Gifted students as citizens for the future. Keynote address in the proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Singapore.
219. Vivitsou, M., Tirri, K. & Kynäslahti, H. 2014. Thinking Science through teachers’ experiences with digital technologies: Toward a ‘naturalistic’ pedagogical landscape? In P Anastasiades, N Zaranis, V Oikonomides, M Kalogiannakis (Eds). ICTs in Education, p. 895-903.

B2 Contribution to book/other compilations (non-refereed)

220. Tirri, K., & Kuusisto, E. (2013). Introduction. In K. Tirri, & E. Kuusisto (Eds.), Interaction in Educational Domains. (pp. 1-4). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
221. Kuusisto, E., & Tirri, K. (2013). Kasvun ajattelutapa opettajilla ja vanhemmilla: Tapaustutkimus suomalaisista kouluista. In Uusi oppiminen. (pp. 14-34). (Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu; No. 8/2013). Helsinki: Eduskunta.
222. Tirri, K. 2015. What makes teaching purposeful? The Journal of Education for Teaching 42:4 (in press)
223. Tirri, K. 2013. Voices from Teacher Educator Editorial Board. Teacher Educator. 48, 1, 6.
224. Tirri, K. 2013. Voices in Education: What other countries and disciplines have to offer. Teacher Educator. 48, 3, p. 163-169.
225. Tirri, K. & Jahnukainen, M. 2013. Vuorovaikutus kasvatuksen kentillä: Kasvatustieteen päivät 2012 Helsingin yliopistossa. Kasvatus. 44, 1, 93-94.
226. Tirri, K. 2014. Voices in education: technology. Teacher Educator. 49, 4, 229
227. Marchant, G. J., Mulvihill, T. M., Martin, L. E., The members of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Teacher Educator & Tirri, K. 2015 . Voices in education: Professional teacher associations: [Feature article] Teacher Educator. 50, 1, 1-8.

C Scientific books (monographs)

228. Tirri, K. 1993. Evaluating teacher effectiveness by self-assessment: a cross-cultural study. Research Report 122. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. Resources in Education, ED 365668.
229. Tirri, K. 1995. Ala-asteen oppilaiden identifioimien moraaliongelmien teemat ja sosiaaliset suhteet. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen tutkimuksia 153.
230. Niemi, H. & Tirri, K. 1997. Valmiudet opettajan ammattiin opettajien ja opettajien kouluttajien arvioimina. Tampereen yliopiston opettajan-koulutuslaitoksen julkaisuja A 10/ 1997.
231. Tirri, K. 1998. Koulu moraalisena yhteisönä. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen julkaisuja 187.
232. Tirri, K. & Kesola, A. 1998. Uskonto ala-asteen arjessa ja juhlassa. Helsinki: Lastenkeskus.
233. Tella, S. & Tirri, K. 1999. Educational Innovations in Finnish and European Contexts. Research Report 200. Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki. Resources in Education, ED 453278.
234. Tirri, K. & Kallioniemi, A. 1999. Luokanopettajaksi opiskelevien käsitykset uskonnosta koulun oppiaineena. Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen julkaisuja 208.
235. Tirri, K. 1999. Opettajan ammattietiikka. Juva: WSOY.
236. Tirri, K. 2000. Valitse viisaasti verkossa. Lapsi- ja nuorisotyöntekijöiden eettiset valinnat. Suomen ev.lut. kirkon kirkkohallituksen julkaisuja 2000:7.
237. Kansanen, P., Tirri, K., Meri, M., Krokfors, L., Husu, J., & Jyrhämä, R. 2000. Teachers’ pedagogical thinking: Theoretical landscapes, practical challenges. American University Studies XIV: Education. New York: Peter Lang.
238. Nevgi, A. & Tirri, K. 2003. Hyvää verkko-opetusta etsimässä. Oppimista edistävät ja estävät tekijät verkko-oppimisympäristöissä – opiskelijoiden kokemukset ja opettajien arviot. Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia 15. Suomen kasvatustieteellinen seura. Turku.
239. Raija-Leena Punamäki, Kirsi Tirri, Petri Nokelainen, Mauri Marttunen & 2011. Väkivaltakäyttäytyminen ja koulusurmat: Yhteiskunnalliset, kehitykselliset ja sosiaaliset tekijät. Tiedeakatemian julkaisuja 2.
240. Tirri, K. & Nokelainen, P. 2011. Measuring multiple intelligences and moral sensitivities in education. Rotterdam/Taipei: SensePublishers.

C2 Edited Books

241. Niemi, H. & Tirri, K. (Eds.) 1996. Effectiveness of teacher education. New challenges and approaches to evaluation. Reports from the Department of Teacher Education in Tampere University A 6/1996. Resources in Education, ED 425147.
242. Campbell, J., Tirri, K., Ruohotie, P. & Wahlberg, H. (Eds.) 2004. Cross-cultural research: basic issues, dilemmas and strategies. Saarijärvi: Saarijärven Offset Oy.
243. Tirri, K. (Ed.) 2006. Religion, Spirituality and Identity. Bern: Peter Lang.
244. Tirri, K. (Ed.) 2006. Nordic perspectices on religion, spirituality and identity. Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
245. Tirri, K. (Ed.) 2007. Values and foundations in Gifted Education. Bern: Peter Lang.
246. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. (Eds.) 2007. Holistic Education and Giftedness. Helsinki, Finland: University of Helsinki.
247. Tirri, K. & Ubani, M. (Eds.) 2007. Policies and programs in gifted education. Studia paedagogica 34. Helsingin yliopisto:Soveltavan kasvatustieteen laitos.
248. Porkka, J.; Luukkonen, L.; Tirri, K., Toivanen, M-L (toim.) 2008. Johdatus kristilliseen kasvatukseen. Helsinki: Lasten keskus/LK-kirjat.
249. Tirri, K. (Ed.) 2008. Educating moral sensibilities in urban schools. Rotterdam/Taipei: SensePublishers.
250. Tirri, K. & Kuusisto, E. (Eds.) 2013. Interaction in Educational Domains. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.

E Publications intended for general public

251. Tirri, K. 1995. Kirja-arvostelu Kalevi Tammisen kirjasta “Religious development in childhood and youth. An empirical study”. Suomalaisen tiedeakatemian toimituksia. Helsinki 1991. Teologinen Aikakauskirja 4, 369-371, 1995.
252. Tirri, K. 1996. Kirja-arvostelu kirjasta Jackson, P., Boostrom, R. & Hansen, D. 1993. Moral Life of Schools. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Didacta Varia 1 (1996) : 2, s. 133-134.
253. Tirri, K. 1998. Kirja-arvostelu kirjasta Van Manen, M. & Levering, B. 1996. Childhood’s secrets: intimacy, privacy, and the self reconsidered. New York. Didacta Varia 3 (1998) : 1, s. 48-49.
254. Tirri, K. 1998. Kirja-arvostelu kirjasta Nash, R. J. 1996. Real World Ethics: frameworks for educators and human service professionals. New York 1996. Didacta Varia 3 (1998) : 2, s. 67-69.
255. Tirri, K. 1999. Kirja-arvostelu kirjasta Puolimatka, T. 1997. Opetusta vai indoktrinaatiota? Valta ja manipulaatio opetuksessa. Tampere: Kirjayhtymä. Teologinen Aikakauskirja 5/1999, 478-479.
256. Tirri, K. 1999. Kirja-arvostelu kirjasta Keene, M. 1998. Introducing Christianity. Westminster John Knox Press. Louisville, Kentucky 1998. Teologinen Aikakauskirja 5/1999, 479-480.
257. Tirri, K. 2006. Book review: Fontana, D. 2003. Psychology, religion and spirituality. Malden, MA. Journal of Empirical Theology 19(2), 245-246.
258. Tirri, K. 1995. Moniarvoisuus on haaste uskonnondidaktiikalle. Kristillinen kasvatus 2, 20-23, 1995.
259. Tirri, K. 1996. Opettajan ammatillinen moraali. Kristillinen kasvatus, 2, 14-17, 1996.
260. Tirri,K. 1996. Pedagogisesti soveltuvia lähestymistapoja uskonnonopetukseen. Kristillinen kasvatus, 4-5, 22-25, 1996.
261. Tirri,K. 1996. Pedagogisesti soveltuvia lähestymistapoja uskonnonopetukseen. Luokanopettaja 2, 3-6, 1996.
262. Tirri,K. 2000. Demokratiaa kouluun pyöreästä pöydästä. Maailmanpyörä 3/2000, 22-23.
263. Tirri, K. 2001. Lapsen uskon maailma ja sen kohtaaminen. Kristillinen kasvatus 1/2001, 3-7.
264. Tirri,K. 2001. Lapsen spiritualiteetti herkkyyttä toiselle todellisuudelle. Pikkuväki 2/2001, 8-10.
265. Tirri, K. 2001. Vloga ucitelja na Finskem. Vzgoja, marec 2001, 15-16.
266. Tirri, K. 2001. Opetustyön keskeiset eettiset ongelmakohdat. Opettaja 44-45, 18-19.
267. Tirri, K. & Span, P. 2001. Finland: Stimulering van begaafde kinderen. Talent, Jaargang 3, Nr. 8, December 2001, 12.
268. Tirri, K. 2005. Mielekkään oppimisen edellytykset rippikoulussa. Crux 1, 2005, 37-38.
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I1 Audiovisual materials

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