CLT361 Grammar Engineering

  • Time: November 28 – December 2, 2016, daily from 14:15 – 18:00
  • Teachers: Aarne Ranta (Gothenburg), Elizaveta Zimina (Tampere)
  • Course coordination: Jörg Tiedemann
  • Place:
    • U40, A116 (Monday)
    • U40, A114 (Tuesday/Wednesday)
    • Alexandria K131 (Thursday)
    • U40 sali 19 (Friday)
  • Registration: WebOodi

This year we will have a special course on the Grammatical Framework (GF) developed at Chalmers in Gothenburg (see also this Google Tech Talk). The course will be taught as an intensive course during one week from November 28 until December 2, 2016.

The course will include a hands-on introduction, with the purpose that everyone will be able to write their own GF grammars. We will also discuss

  • domain-specific application grammars
  • wide-coverage grammars

Preliminary Schedule

  • Day 1: Introduction: overview (1h) and hands-on tutorial (3h)
  • Day 2: Multilingual syntactic structures in GF: the Resource Grammar Library, with comparison to Universal Dependencies
  • Day 3: Towards wide-coverage: layered interlinguas and the use external resources such as Omorfi
  • Day 4: Domain-specific systems: semantic grammars and their applications
  • Day 5: some more topics; getting started with the assignments

Background on GF (Video)

Grammatical Framework (GF) is a grammar formalism for multilingual grammars and their applications. Together with implementation it forms a framework for performing various Natural Language Processing tasks. A GF grammar is based on an abstract syntax, i.e. a tree representation connecting parse trees and logical forms, and one or more concrete syntaxes, which designate the way of mapping of abstract syntax trees on to strings and vice versa. One of the main results, the GF Resource Grammar Library (RGL) is a set of natural language grammars built on the basis of a common abstract syntax for over 30 languages. The RGL aims at sound descriptions of natural languages in terms of the linguistics structure.