Kansantalouden tilinpito ja taloustilastot (KA6g, 5 op)

Tilastovirastot julkaisevat jatkuvasti erilaisia kansantalouden tilaa kuvaavia indikaattoreita. Tällä kurssilla tarkastellaan näitä tilastoja, erityisesti kansantalouden tilinpitoa. Tavoittena on antaa yleiskuva taloustilastojen käsitteistä ja niiden tulkinnasta. Kurssin jälkeen opiskelijalla pitäisi olla käsitys siitä, mitä eri tilastot kertovat makrotalouden tilasta ja miten taloudellista kehitystä voidaan analysoida niiden avulla. Kurssilla tarkastellaan myös tilastojen käyttöä taloudellisen päätöksenteon perustana, taloustilastolukujen luotettavuutta ja tilastokäsitteiden yhteyttä taloustieteessä tarkasteltaviin suureisiin.

Esitiedot: Kurssille osallistuminen ei välttämättä edellytä esitietoja kansantaloustieteestä, mutta makrotaloustieteen peruskäsitteiden tunteminen on hyödyllistä. Osassa kurssin oppimistehtävistä taulukkolaskentaohjelman käyttötaidosta (esim. MS Excel) on etua. Kurssilla käytetään Helsingin yliopiston wikiä (Confluence), jonka käyttötaito on eduksi, mutta wikin käyttöön perehdytetään myös kurssin alussa.

Oppimateriaali: Pääasiallisena oppimateriaalina on Fran

Macroeconometrics (Y1/E1, 5op)

NB1: This an advanced course primarily intended for major subject students of economics. It is possible for students of other faculties to apply for a study right for advanced studies, but the applicant must have a well-grounded reason for her/his application (for instance, post-graduate studies at another faculty of the University). Before applying, the student should have completed the intermediate studies in economics. Further information can be found here. Also, it is expected that the student has acquired the basic skills listed under ‘Prerequisites’ below.

Lecturer: Professor Markku Lanne, consultation hour Wednesdays 13 – 14 (office: B307).

Teaching assistants: Henri Nyberg (office: A310) and Matthijs Lof (office: A312)

Overview: The goal of the course is to provide an introduction to the methods of modern applied macroeconometrics. The different approaches currently used in applied work are reviewed, including the basics of the empirical dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, but the main emphasis is on the analysis of vector autoregressive models. In particular, the identification of economic shocks by various methods and the use of the vector autoregressive framework in policy analysis are discussed.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of macroeconomics, econometrics and time series analysis (for example, Advanced Econometrics or the course in the analysis of stationary time series offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, or equivalent) is assumed. JMulTi is the software package that will be used to demonstrate the methods in class, but any available computer program may be used for the assignments and the term paper. For the benefit of students with inadequate prerequisites, the basics of time series analysis and univariate time series models are reviewed at the beginning of the course.

Textbooks: The lectures will not directly follow any textbook, but the relevant parts of the following may be useful as supplementary reading. In addition, a number of relevant journal articles (to be listed below) will be discussed.

  • Favero (2001): Applied Macroeconometrics. Oxford University Press.
  • Hamilton (1994): Time Series Analysis. Princeton University Press.
  • Lütkepohl (2005): New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis. Springer.
  • Lütkepohl & Krätzig (eds.) (2004): Applied Time Series Econometrics. Cambridge University Press.

Software: JMulTi is the software package used in the course. For most purposes other packages, such as Eviews, can also be used. While Eviews can only be used in the computer lab of the Department of Economics, JMulTi can be downloaded for free from http://www.jmulti.com.

Lectures: 17.9. – 16.10.2009 Thursdays and Fridays 10 – 12, ECONOMICUM SH 1. In addition, the use of JMulTi software is demonstrated on Monday 21 September, 10 – 12 in the computer lab of the Department of Economics.
Lecture slides as well as links to supplementary material such as programs and data used in class will be posted here in advance. Skimming through the slides before the lecture is highly advisable, and you should have the printouts available in class.

Slides Data and Programs Supplemental Material
Slides 1 (added 9.9.) Calibration of an RBC Model, U.S. Consumption Vintages, Finnish GDP Series, Kydland & Prescott (1996)
Slides 2 (added 16.9.) U.S. Investment JMulTi Manual: Initial Analysis, Cecchetti & Debelle (2006)
Slides 3 (added 22.9.) PPP Data Set with description, U.S. Term Structure Data with description JMulTi Manual: VAR Analysis
Slides 4 (added 30.9.) Campbell & Shiller (1987)
Slides 5 (added 7.10.) Stock & Watson (2001)
Slides 6 (added 13.10.) German interest rate and inflation data JMulTi manual: VECM Analysis

Assignments and Exercise Sessions: There will be four homework assignments during the course, each consisting of a number of exercises. The assignments and the data sets will be posted here.

Assignment 1 (due 30.9.) West German Macrodata (Excercise 2), CPI Data (Exercise 3)
Assignment 2 (due 7.10.) West German Macrodata
Assignment 3 (due 14.10.) West German Macrodata
Assignment 4 (due 20.10.) PPP Data Set with description, U.S. Term Structure Data with description

Typically the exercises will involve small-scale empirical analyses employing methods presented in class, but there may be some analytical problems as well. In class, I will demonstrate the practical implementation of econometric methods with JMulTi, but you are free to use any software package for the assignments. There will be four exercise sessions: Thursdays 1.10., 8.10., 15.10. and Wednesday 21.10., 12 – 14 in the computer lab of the Department of Economics. For credit, the solution of the assignment should be uploaded to the BSCW area of the course (see below) by 1 p.m. on the day preceding the excercise session, and you must also be prepared to present your solution at the exercise session. The assignments are graded on a scale the from 0 to 5 (see Grading below). It is possible to revise the solutions to exercises submitted by each deadline; the grading is based on the final solutions resubmitted by Monday 2 November, 2009 (1 p.m.). The grading criteria are the following:

0 1 2 3 4 5
Less than 50% of the exercises done At least 50% of the exercises done showing good effort At least 50% of the exercises done and some solutions are very good At least 75% of the exercises done showing good effort or at least 50% of the exercises done and some solutions are excellent At least 90% of the exercises done showing good effort and the solutions are mostly very good At least 90% of the exercises done showing good effort and the solutions are mostly excellent

Tutorials: On Mondays 28.9., 5.10., 12.10. and 19.10, 10 – 12, Matthijs Lof will be in the computer lab of the Department of Economics to help with the assignments and the use of the JMulTi software package.

Timetable of Lectures and Other Sessions

Thursday 17 September, 10 – 12 Lecture 1 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Friday 18 September, 10 – 12 Lecture 2 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Monday 21 September, 10 – 12 JMulTi demo (COMPUTER LAB)
Thursday 24 September, 10 – 12 Lecture 3 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Friday 25 September, 10 – 12 Lecture 4 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Monday 28 September, 10 – 12 Tutorial 1 (COMPUTER LAB)
Thursday 1 October, 10 – 12 Lecture 5 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Thursday 1 October, 12 – 14 Exercise session 1 (COMPUTER LAB)
Friday 2 October, 10 – 12 Lecture 6 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Monday 5 October, 10 – 12 Tutorial 2 (COMPUTER LAB)
Thursday 8 October, 10 – 12 Lecture 7 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Thursday 8 October, 12 – 14 Exercise session 2 (COMPUTER LAB)
Friday 9 October, 10 – 12 Lecture 8 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Monday 12 October, 10 – 12 Tutorial 3 (COMPUTER LAB)
Thursday 15 October, 10 – 12 Lecture 9 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Thursday 15 October, 12 – 14 Exercise session 3 (COMPUTER LAB)
Friday 16 October, 10 – 12 Lecture 10 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Monday 19 October, 10 – 12 Tutorial 4 (COMPUTER LAB)
Wednesday 21 October, 12 – 14 Exercise session 4 (COMPUTER LAB)

Term Paper: 35% of the grade is based on a term paper (see below) that is an emprical research report written on a given topic, employing the methods covered in the course. The term paper should be returned by e-mail to Henri Nyberg by Monday 2 November, 2009 (1 p.m.).

Grading: The final grade of the course is computed as the weighted average of the grades of the final exam (45%), the term paper (35%) and the homework assignments (20%). All three parts are separately graded on a scale from 0 to 5, and in order to pass the course you must get at least 1 in each.

Exams: See the Study guide.

BSCW: All learning material will be made available through the BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) tool. The BSCW folder of the course can be found at https://bscw.helsinki.fi/bscw/bscw.cgi/0/3847247. For the access right to this folder, send an e-mail message containing your own e-mail address (of the form firstname.surname@helsinki.fi if you are a student at the University of Helsinki) to Henri Nyberg. Instructions on the BSCW are available at http://ok.helsinki.fi/index.php?page=277&language=1 (in Finnish) and at http://bscw.fit.fraunhofer.de/bscw_help-4.2/english/contents.html (in English).

Tentative Outline

Depending on time constraints, the list of topics is subject to change. The material marked with an asterisk (*) is required reading for the exam (only the parts covered in class).

1. Introduction to Macroeconometrics

2. Review of Univariate ARIMA Processes

3. Vector Autoregression (VAR)

4. Cointegration and Vector Error Correction (VEC) Models

  • Hamilton, Chapters 18 – 20.
  • Lütkepohl, Chapters 6 – 8.
  • Lütkepohl & Krätzig, Chapter 3.

5. Structural VAR and VEC models

  • Lütkepohl, Chapter 9.
  • Lütkepohl & Krätzig, Chapter 4
  • Favero, Chapter 6.

Tutkielmaseminaari 2010 – 2011

Tästä pääset kirjautumaan seminaarin wikisivulle.

Tutkielmaseminaarissani keskitytään pääasiassa empiiriseen makrotaloustieteeseen, empiiriseen rahoitukseen ja ekonometriaan. Alla oleva lista sisältää joitakin aihepiirejä, joihin pro gradu -tutkielman aihe voi liittyä. Aiheen täsmentämiseksi on syytä ottaa yhteyttä minuun hyvissä ajoin ennen seminaarityöskentelyn aloittamista. Mainitut tutkielmaprojektit edellyttävät ekonometristen menetelmien (aikasarja-analyysin) tuntemusta ja ekonometristen ohjelmistojen käyttötaitoa.

1. Suomen makrotalouden “tyylitellyt faktat”

2. Reaaliaikaisten makrotaloudellisten havaintoaineistojen analyysi

3. Suhdanneindikaattorit

4. Kyselyaineistoihin perustuva taloudellisten odotusten mallintaminen

  • Kuluttajien odotusten vaikutukset makrotaloudessa ja rahoitusmarkkinoilla

5. Tilastojulkistusten vaikutukset makrotaloudessa ja rahoitusmarkkinoilla

6. GARCH-mallien makrotaloudelliset ja rahoitussovellukset

  • Makrotaloudellinen volatiilisuus ja talouskasvu

8. Talousennusteet

  • Talousennusteiden osuvuuden arviointi
  • Talousennusteiden päivittäminen

9. Empiirinen makrorahoitus (asset pricing)

10. Empiirinen rahatalous (monetary economics)

11. Ei-kausaaliset aikasarjamallit

Empirical Macroeconomics (Y1/E1, 5op)

NB: This an advanced course primarily intended for major subject students of economics. It is possible for students of other faculties to apply for a study right for advanced studies, but the applicant must have a well-grounded reason for her/his application (for instance, post-graduate studies at another faculty of the University). Before applying, the student should have completed the intermediate studies in economics. Further information can be found here. Also, it is expected that the student has acquired the basic skills listed under ‘Prerequisites’ below.

Lecturer: Professor Markku Lanne, consultation hour Wednesdays 13 – 14 (office: B307).

Teaching assistant: Helinä Laakkonen (office: A319).

Overview: The goal of the course is to provide an introduction to business cycle analysis and the methods of modern empirical macroeconomics. The topics include the measurement of the business cycle, and dating and predicting business cycle turning points. Some econometric models suitable for capturing the behavior of macroeconomic time series are introduced. Issues relating to the construction of macroeconomic data are also covered. In particular, many macroeconomic variables are subject to revisions that must be taken into account in empirical work, and the properties of revisions as well as methods to deal with them are discussed.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of macroeconomics, econometrics and time series analysis (for example, Advanced Econometrics or the course in the analysis of stationary time series offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, or equivalent) is assumed. Eviews and R are the software packages that will be used to demonstrate the methods in class, but any available computer program may be used for the assignments and the term paper.

Textbooks: The lectures will not directly follow any textbook, but the relevant parts of the following may be useful as supplementary reading. In addition, a number of relevant journal articles are listed below.

  • DeJong & Dave (2007): Structural Macroeconometrics. Princeton University Press.
  • Hamilton (1994): Time Series Analysis. Princeton University Press.
  • Harvey (1993): Time Series Models. Second Edition. Harvester-Wheatsheaf.
  • Soerensen & Whitta-Jacobsen (2005): Introducing Advanced Macroeconomics: Growth & Business Cycles. McGraw-Hill.

Lectures: 24 hours, 23 March to 4 May, 2009, Mondays and Wednesdays 10 – 12, ECONOMICUM SH 1. The lecture on Monday 27 April. is devoted to assignments (see below). In addition, there will be one excercise session on Wednesday 8 April (8 – 10, ECONOMICUM SH 1) and Thursday 16 April (8 – 10, ECONOMICUM SH 1). The lectures on Wednesday 22 April. and Wednesday 29 April are devoted to a problem-based group assignment. Presence at these lectures in compulsory.

On Wednesday 1 April, 10 – 12, instead of a lecture, there will be a session on the use of the R and Eviews software packages (at the computer lab of the Department of Economics).

Lecture slides as well as links to supplementary material such as programs and data used in class will be posted here in advance. Skimming through the slides before the lecture is highly advisable, and you should have the printouts available in class.

Slides Data and Supplemental Material Programs
Slides 1 (added 19.3.) Figures and Tables for Introduction sim_ar1.prg
Notes on Eviews and R (added 27.3.) Quarterly U.S. CPI Inflation 1970:1 – 2006:4
Slides 2 (added 2.4.) U.S. Macroeconomic Data Set with Description fixed_cycle.r
spectrum.r spectrum_estimation.r
Slides 3 (added 13.4.) filters.r
Slides 4 (added 3.5.)

Assignments: There will be three homework assignments during the course, each consisting of a number of exercises. The assignments and the data sets will be posted here.

Typically the exercises will involve small-scale empirical analyses employing methods presented in class, but there may be some analytical problems as well. In class, the practical implementation of econometric methods will be illustrated with Eviews and R, but you are free to use any software package for the assignments. For credit, the solutions of the assignment (a hardcopy or e-mail attachment) should be returned to Helinä Laakkonen by 10 a.m. on the work day preceding each excercise session, and you must also be prepared to present your solution at the exercise session. Each assignment is graded on the scale from 0 to 5 (see Grading below). The grading criteria are the following:

0 1 2 3 4 5
Less than 50% of the exercises done At least 50% of the exercises done showing good effort At least 50% of the exercises done and some solutions are very good At least 75% of the exercises done showing good effort or at least 50% of the exercises done and some solutions are excellent At least 90% of the exercises done showing good effort and the solutions are mostly very good At least 90% of the exercises done showing good effort and the solutions are mostly excellent

Problem-based Group Assignment: 15% of the grade is based on a problem-based assignment solved in small groups. The lectures on Wednesday 22 April and Wednesday 29 April are devoted to this assignment. Attendance at these lectures is compulsory. Further information will be posted here in due course.

Timetable of Lectures and Other Sessions

Monday 23 March, 10-12 Lecture 1 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Wednesday 25 March, 10-12 Lecture 2 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Monday 30 March, 10-12 Lecture 3 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Wednesday 1 April, 10-12 Session on Eviews and R (Computer lab)
Monday 6 April, 10-12 Lecture 4 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Wednesday 8 April, 8-10 Excercise session 1 (ECONOMICUM SH 1, Solutions must be returned by 10 a.m. on Tuesday 7 April)
Wednesday 8 April, 10-12 Lecture 5 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Wednesday 15 April, 10-12 Lecture 6 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Thursday 16 April, 8-10 Exercise session 2 (ECONOMICUM SH 1, Solutions must be returned by 10 a.m. on Wednesday 15 April)
Monday 20 April, 10-12 Lecture 7 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)
Wednesday 22 April, 10-12 Lecture 8 (ECONOMICUM SH 1, problem-based group assignment)
Monday 27 April, 10-12 Exercise session 3 (ECONOMICUM SH 1, Solutions must be returned by 10 a.m. on Friday 24 April)
Wednesday 29 April, 10-12 Lecture 9 (ECONOMICUM SH 1, problem-based group assignment)
Monday 4 May, 10-12 Lecture 10 (ECONOMICUM SH 1)

Term Paper: 35% of the grade is based on a term paper (see below) that is an emprical research report written on the given topic, employing the methods covered in the course. The term paper should be returned to Helinä Laakkonen by Monday 18 May, 2009 (3 p.m).

Grading: The final grade of the course is computed as the weighted average of the grades of the final exam (35%), the term paper (35%), the homework assignments (15%), and the problem-based group assignment (15%). All four parts are separately graded on a scale from 0 to 5, and in order to pass the course you must get at least 1 in each.

Exams: Final exam 7 May, 2009, retake exam 25 May .2009.

BSCW: All learning material will be made available through the BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) tool. The BSCW folder of the course can be found at https://kampela.it.helsinki.fi/bscw/bscw.cgi/0/2997506. For the access right to this folder, send an e-mail message containing your own e-mail address (of the form firstname.surname@helsinki.fi if you are a student at the University of Helsinki) to Helinä Laakkonen. Instructions on the BSCW are available at http://ok.helsinki.fi/index.php?page=277&language=1 (in Finnish) and at http://bscw.fit.fraunhofer.de/bscw_help-4.2/english/contents.html (in English).

Tentative Outline

Depending on time constraints, the list of topics is subject to change. The material marked with an asterisk (*) is required reading for the exam (only the parts covered in class).

1. Introduction

  • Soerensen & Whitta-Jacobsen, Chapter 14.*

2. ARIMA Processes in Time Domain

  • Hamilton, Chapters 3, 15 and 17.

3. Spectral Analysis

  • Hamilton, Chapter 6.
  • Harvey, Chapters 6 and 7.2.

4. Measuring Business Cycles

5. Locating and Predicting Turning Points

6. Stylized Facts

7. Real-Time Data and Data Revisions

Volatility Modeling (Y1/E1, 5op)

Overview: In the course, we study the empirical modeling of the volatility (i.e., the unconditional and conditional variance) of economic variables. In particular, we concentrate on the specification, estimation and interpretation of different univariate generalized conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. The approach is applied, and the applications are mainly macroeconomic, such as the modeling of growth and inflation uncertainty.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of macroeconomics, econometrics and statistics is assumed. Moreover, previous experience with time series and knowledge of linear time series models is helpful, although such models are reviewed briefly at the beginning of the course. Eviews is the software package that will be used to demonstrate the methods in class, but any available computer program may be used for the assignments and the term paper.

Textbooks: The lectures will not directly follow any textbook, but the relevant parts of the following may be useful as supplementary reading.

  • Franses & van Dijk: Non-Linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance, Cambridge University Press.
  • Tsay: Analysis of Financial Time Series. Wiley.
  • Taylor: Asset Price Dynamics, Volatility, and Prediction. Princeton University Press.

Lectures: 24 hours, 16.3. – 4.5.2007 (23.3 and 30.3. excepted) Wednesdays and Fridays 12 – 14, ECONOMICUM SH 1.
Lecture slides as well as links to supplementary material such as programs and data used in class will be posted here in advance. Skimming through the slides before the lecture is highly advisable, and you should have the printouts available in class.

Slides 1 (added 14.3.) Inflation and output growth data
Slides 2 (added 19.3.) sim_AR1.prg
Slides 3 (added 26.3.) sim_MA1.prg
Slides 4 (added 2.4.) sim_ARCH1.prg
Slides 5 (added 10.4.) sim_GARCH11.prg
Slides 6 (added 12.4.)
Slides 7 (added 18.4.)
Slides 8 (added 26.4.)
Slides 9 (added 1.5.)

Assignments: There will be two homework assignments during the course, each consisting of a number of exercises. The assignments and the data sets will be posted on this page, and the solutions should be turned in by the due date for credit (see below). Typically the exercises will involve small-scale empirical analyses employing methods presented in class, but there may be some analytical problems as well. In class, I will demonstrate the practical implementation of econometric methods with Eviews, but you are free to use any software package for the assignments.

Assignment 1 (added 4.4., due 13.4.) CANrgdp.txt
Assignment 2 (added 19.4., due 27.4.) GHOS.xls

Term Paper: 40% of the grade will be based on a term paper (see below) that is an emprical research report written on a given topic, employing the methods covered in the course.

Grading: The final grade of the course consists of the final exam (40%), the term paper (40%) and the two homework assignments (10% each). All three parts are separately graded on a scale from 1 to 5, and in order to pass the course you must get at least 1 in each.

Exams: Final exam 18.5.2007 (12 – 14, ECONOMICUM SH 3-4), retake exam 30.5.2007 (12 – 14, ECONOMICUM SH 3-4).

BSCW: All teaching material will be made available through the BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) tool. The BSCW folder of the course can be found at https://kampela.it.helsinki.fi/bscw/bscw.cgi/0/2622940. For the access right to this folder, send an e-mail message containing your own e-mail address (of the form firstname.surname@helsinki.fi if you are a student at the University of Helsinki) to the lecturer. Instructions on the BSCW are available at http://ok.helsinki.fi/index.php?page=277&language=1 (in Finnish) and at http://bscw.fit.fraunhofer.de/bscw_help-4.2/english/contents.html (in English).

Tentative Outline

Depending on time constraints, the list of topics is subject to change. The articles marked with an asterisk (*) are required reading for the exam.

1. Introduction

2. Linear Models for Conditional Mean

3. Linear GARCH Models

4. Nonlinear GARCH Models

5. Forecasting

6. GARCH-in-Mean Model