Greek and Latin in an Age of Massive Collections and Global Philology

Gregory Crane

What are the implications of scale for Greek and Latin? Scale includes not only new, more expressive forms of publishing particular scholarly judgments (such as morpho-syntactic analyses) and the challenge of working with billions of words in Greek and (especially) in Latin – hundreds of thousands of documents in post-classical Latin are already available in digital form and these sources will, when analyzed with automated methods, allow us to reimagine the development of European culture. This potential renaissance in the study of Greek and Latin has implications also for a global public and scholarly community, one where centers of gravity from outside of Europe and the Americas are taking shape.


Gregory Crane is Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Digital Humanities (U of Leipzig) and Winnick Family Chair of Technology and Entrepreneurship (Tufts U). He completed his doctorate in Classical Philology at Harvard University and subsequently worked there as an assistant professor. He owes his reputation as a pioneer of Digital Humanities to his development of the Perseus Digital Library, a comprehensive, freely accessible online library for source material in Classics. From 1985, he was involved in planning the Perseus Project as a co-director and is now its Editor-in-Chief.