Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 26 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 26 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Keski-iän verenpaine voi vaikuttaa muistin heikkenemiseen eläkkeelläYLE
YLE 23.6.2014
Joint effect of mid- and late-life blood pressure on the brain : The AGES-Reykjavik Study
Neurology. June 17, 2014, vol. 82, no. 24, 2187-2195


Koira voi vähentää lapsen diabetesriskiä
YLE 24.6.2014
Microbial Exposure in Infancy and Subsequent Appearance of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus–Associated Autoantibodies : A Cohort Study
JAMA Pediatr. Published online June 23, 2014


Julkisuuden lihaksikas ihannemies aiheuttaa hintelälle nuorelle kovia paineita
YLE 24.6.2014
Vamos tekee vaikutuksen – Vamos-nuorten hyvinvointikokemukset ja tulevaisuuden odotukset
Helsingin Diakonissalaitos. HDL raportti # 1/2014


Masennuslääkkeet luultua turvallisempia raskauden aikana
YLE 25.6.2014
Antidepressant Use in Pregnancy and the Risk of Cardiac Defects
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:2397-2407


D-vitamiini suojaa korkealta verenpaineelta
YLE 26.6.2014
Association of vitamin D status with arterial blood pressure and hypertension risk : a mendelian randomisation study
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, Early Online Publication, 26 June 2014


Joka kolmas britti diabeteksen kynnyksellä
YLE 27.6.2014
Prevalence of prediabetes in England from 2003 to 2011 : population-based, cross-sectional study
BMJ Open 2014;4:e005002


Huntingtonin tauti ja hermosolujen kuolemaa välittävät mekanismitHY
HY. LTDK. Viikon julkaisu 24.6.2014
Ubiquitin-specific protease-14 reduces cellular aggregates and protects against mutant huntingtin-induced cell degeneration : involvement of the proteasome and ER stress-activated kinase IRE1α
Hum Mol Genet. First published online: June 20, 2014


Raskausajan mielikuvat vanhemman ja lapsen välisen suhteen ennustajina riskiperheissäTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote 27.6.2014
Marjo Flykt: Prenatal representations predicting parent-child relationship in transition to parenthood : Risk and family dynamic considerations
University of Tampere, 2014


Iho hallitsee käsivarren pehmytkudosten mekaanisia ominaisuuksiaItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote 27.6.2014
Jarkko Iivarinen: Diagnostics of human forearm soft tissues using indentation and suction measurements : experimental and modeling analysis
University of Eastern Finland, 2014


Aspiriini voi vähentää rintasyöpäkuolleisuutta
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 23.6.2014
Aspirin use and survival after the diagnosis of breast cancer : a population-based cohort study
British Journal of Cancer advance online publication 19 June 2014


MARAK ehkäisee parisuhdeväkivaltaaPotilaanLääkärilehti
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 23.6.2014
MARAK moniammatillista apua väkivallan uhrille – Arviointiraportti
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL. Työpaperi 21/2014


Yhteinen näkökulma yhtenäistää aivojen toimintaa
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 27.6.2014
Synchronous brain activity across individuals underlies shared psychological perspectives
NeuroImage. Available online 14 June 2014


Talouskriisi ja työttömyys yhteydessä itsemurhien lisääntymiseenDuodecim
Duodecim 24.6.2014
Impact of unemployment variations on suicide mortality in Western European countries (2000–2010)
J Epidemiol Community Health. Published Online First 18 June 2014


Ylä- ja alapaine ennakoivat erilaisia sydän- ja verisuoniriskejä
Duodecim 24.6.2014
Blood pressure and incidence of twelve cardiovascular diseases: lifetime risks, healthy life-years lost, and age-specific associations in 1•25 million people
The Lancet, Volume 383, Issue 9932, Pages 1899 – 1911


Uniapnea altistaa diabetekselle
Duodecim 25.6.2014
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Incident Diabetes : A Historical Cohort Study
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. First published online 04 Jun 2014


Vähäkaloriset makeutusaineet tukevat laihduttamista – vaikutus silti vaatimaton
Duodecim 26.6.2014
Low-calorie sweeteners and body weight and composition : a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies
Am J Clin Nutr. First published June 18, 2014


Tulehduskipulääkkeet vaarallisia hyytymislääkityksellä oleville eteisvärinäpotilaille
Duodecim 27.6.2014
Bleeding Risk of Patients With Acute Venous Thromboembolism Taking Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or Aspirin
JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(6):947-953


Koppling mellan kort sömntid och beta-amyloidLäkartidningen2
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CYRI
Effect of 1 Night of Total Sleep Deprivation on Cerebrospinal Fluid β-Amyloid 42 in Healthy Middle-Aged Men : A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Neurol. Published online June 02, 2014


Olika antidepressiva gav liknande viktökning
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CYTX
An Electronic Health Records Study of Long-Term Weight Gain Following Antidepressant Use
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online June 04, 2014


Ingen effekt av simvastatin vid subaraknoidalblödning
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CYTU
Simvastatin in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (STASH) : a multicentre randomised phase 3 trial
The Lancet Neurology. Volume 13, Issue 7, July 2014, Pages 666–675


»Börja parkinsonbehandling med L-dopa«
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CYRL
Long-term effectiveness of dopamine agonists and monoamine oxidase B inhibitors compared with levodopa as initial treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD MED) : a large, open-label, pragmatic randomised trial
The Lancet. Available online 11 June 2014


Kirurgi och vaccination i kostnadsjämförelse
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CYTW
Cost-effectiveness of surgery and its policy implications for global health : a systematic review and analysis
The Lancet Global Health, Volume 2, Issue 6, Pages e334 – e345, June 2014


PTSD och depression kopplat till risk för prematur förlossning
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CYRM
Pregnant Women With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Risk of Preterm Birth
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online June 11, 2014


Minskad inflammation i fettväven ökade sjukdomsrisk hos mössForskning
Forskning.se 23.6.2014
Adipocyte Inflammation Is Essential for Healthy Adipose Tissue Expansion and Remodeling
Cell Metabolism. Volume 20, Issue 1, p103–118, 1 July 2014


Att motverka kränkningar i vården
Forskning.se 23.6.2014
Anke Zbikowski: Counteracting Abuse in Health Care from a Staff Perspective : Ethical Aspects and Practical Implications
Linköping University, 2014


Formaldehyd kan ligga bakom hudeksem med oklart ursprung
Forskning.se 23.6.2014
Inese Dubnika Hauksson: Contact allergy to formaldehyde : Diagnosis and clinical relevance.
Lund University, 2014


Depressionsbehandling via nätet lika bra som traditionell behandling
Forskning.se 24.6.2014
Internet-Based Therapy for Mild to Moderate Depression in Swedish Primary Care : Short Term Results from the PRIM-NET Randomized Controlled Trial
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Published online: 09 Jun 2014


Barn i Europa äter ett hekto socker om dagen
Forskning.se 26.6.2014
European children’s sugar intake on weekdays versus weekends : the IDEFICS study
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) 68, 822–828


Call for better information before heart operationsBBC
BBC 24.6.2014
Original Article:
The Whole Truth About Coronary Stents : The Elephant in the Room
JAMA Intern Med. Published online June 23, 2014


Breast cancer drug hope from leukaemia research
BBC 26.6.2014
Original Article:
Expression of RUNX1 Correlates with Poor Patient Prognosis in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
PLOS One. June 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 6,  e100759


Organ transplants: ‘Supercooling’ keeps organs fresh
BBC 29.6.2014
Original Article:
Supercooling enables long-term transplantation survival following 4 days of liver preservation
Nature Medicine. 20, 790–793, (2014)


Uterus ‘switch’ lets childbirth get goingFuturity
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
Diminished hERG K+ channel activity facilitates strong human labour contractions but is dysregulated in obese women
Nature Communications. 5, Article number: 4108


How nerves get neighbors to take out the trash
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
Transcellular degradation of axonal mitochondria
PNAS. Published online before print on June 16, 2014


Depressed young women more likely to die from heart disease
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
Sex and Age Differences in the Association of Depression With Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease and Adverse Cardiovascular Events
J Am Heart Assoc. 2014; 3: e000741


Living near pesticides in pregnancy ups autism risk
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Prenatal Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticides : The CHARGE Study
Environ Health Perspect. 2014 Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print]


X-rays unlock milk’s fatty secrets
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
pH-Responsive Micelles Based on Caprylic Acid
Langmuir, 2014, 30 (25), pp 7296–7303


Looking beyond brain plaque to treat Alzheimer’s
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
Tonic inhibition in dentate gyrus impairs long-term potentiation and memory in an Alzhiemer’s disease model
Nature Communications. 5, Article number: 4159


Viruses bloom in patients with lingering sepsis
Futurity 23.6.2014
Original Article:
Reactivation of Multiple Viruses in Patients with Sepsis
PLOS One. June 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 6,  e98819


Can a mouthguard sensor make football safer?
Futurity 24.6.2014
Original Article:
A Head Impact Detection System Using SVM Classification and Proximity Sensing in an Instrumented Mouthguard
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2014 Apr 25. [Epub ahead of print]


Fly-through brain images could unravel how we think
Futurity 25.6.2014
Original Article:
Advanced CLARITY for rapid and high-resolution imaging of intact tissues
Nature Protocols. 9, 1682–1697, (2014)


Lab-on-a-chip tracks down ‘most wanted’ microbe
Futurity 25.6.2014
Original Article:
Individually addressable arrays of replica microbial cultures enabled by splitting SlipChips
Integrative Biology. First published online 23 Jun 2014


More midwives would save millions of lives
Futurity 26.6.2014
Original Article:
The projected effect of scaling up midwifery
The Lancet. Available online 22 June 2014


Lack of wedded bliss linked to heart attack risk
Futurity 26.6.2014
Original Article:
Daily Marital Interaction Quality and Carotid Artery Intima-Medial Thickness in Healthy Middle-Aged Adults
Psychosomatic Medicine. Volume 76(5), June 2014, p 347–354


To improve clinical trials, offer better odds
Futurity 26.6.2014
Original Article:
Can Response-Adaptive Randomization Increase Participation in Acute Stroke Trials?
Stroke. 2014; 45: 2131-2133


Does marijuana make it harder to quit other drugs?
Futurity 27.6.2014
Original Article:
Marijuana use and achievement of abstinence from alcohol and other drugs among people with substance dependence : A prospective cohort study
Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Available online 18 June 2014


Cholesterol ‘quality’ may change during menopause
Futurity 27.6.2014
Original Article:
Lipoprotein subclasses and endogenous sex hormones in women at midlife
J Lipid Res. 2014 May 22;55(7):1498-1504.


How to live with the toxic side effects of HIV drugs
Futurity 27.6.2014
Original Article:
Should Expectations about the Rate of New Antiretroviral Drug Development Impact the Timing of HIV Treatment Initiation and Expectations about Treatment Benefits?
PLOS One. June 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 6,  e98354


Kids with autism often have parents with similar traits
Futurity 27.6.2014
Original Article:
Parental Social Responsiveness and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Offspring
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online June 18, 2014


Aspirin may lower pancreatic cancer risk by half
Futurity 29.6.2014
Original Article:
Case–Control Study of Aspirin Use and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Published OnlineFirst June 26, 2014


Why older adults should aim for 8 hours of sleep
Futurity 29.6.2014
Original Article:
Cross-Sectional Study of Sleep Quantity and Quality and Amnestic and Non-Amnestic Cognitive Function in an Ageing Population : The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA)
PLOS One. June 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 6,  e100991





© Koonnut – 8.7.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko