Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 29 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 29 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Miljoonat ihmiset voisivat välttää Alzheimerin taudin muuttamalla elintapojaanYLE
YLE 14.7.2014
Potential for primary prevention of Alzheimer’s disease : an analysis of population-based data
The Lancet Neurology. Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2014, Pages 788–794


Astmalääkkeet estävät pituuskasvua – mutta vain sentin
YLE 17.7.2014
Inhaled corticosteroids in children with persistent asthma : dose-response effects on growth
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Jul 17;7:CD009878. [Epub ahead of print]
Inhaled corticosteroids in children with persistent asthma : effects on growth
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Jul 17;7:CD009471. [Epub ahead of print]


Uusi tapa hoitaa C-hepatiitin ja hivin yhteistartuntaa
YLE 20.7.2014
Quantum Leaps, Microeconomics, and the Treatment of Patients With Hepatitis C and HIV Coinfection
JAMA. 2014;312(4):347-348


Antibioottien käyttö lisääntynyt maailmanlaajuisestiPotilaanLääkärilehti
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 16.7.2014
Global antibiotic consumption 2000 to 2010 : an analysis of national pharmaceutical sales data
The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Volume 14, Issue 8, August 2014, Pages 742–750


Statiinit saattavat suurentaa diabetesriskiä
Duodecim 14.7.2014
Statins and the Risk of Diabetes : Evidence From a Large Population-Based Cohort Study
Diabetes Care. Published online before print June 26, 2014


Ilmansaasteet ehkä yhteydessä muistiongelmiinDuodecim
Duodecim 15.7.2014
Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Cognitive Function Among Older US Adults
Am J Epidemiol. First published online: June 24, 2014


Ihmissuhdeongelmat saattavat johtaa ennenaikaiseen kuolemaan
Duodecim 16.7.2014
Stressful social relations and mortality : a prospective cohort study
J Epidemiol Community Health 2014;68:720-727


Lihavuus altistaa pysyvälle eteisvärinälle
Duodecim 18.7.2014
Predisposing Factors Associated With Development of Persistent Compared With Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
J Am Heart Assoc. 2014; 3: e000916


KBT och SSRI ger bäst effekt vid psykogena kramperLäkartidningen2
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CY97
Multicenter Pilot Treatment Trial for Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures : A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online July 02, 2014


Ingen riskminskning av ASA eller klondin vid kirurgi
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZDU
Clonidine in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:1504-1513


Hospitals get guidelines on safe nurse numbersBBC
BBC 15.7.2014
Safe staffing for nursing in adult inpatient wards in acute hospitals
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Safe staffing guideline [SG1]. July 2014


Pre-diabetes label ‘worthless’, researchers claim
BBC 16.7.2014
Original Article:
The epidemic of pre-diabetes : the medicine and the politics
BMJ 2014;349:g4485


Aids epidemic under control by 2030 ‘is possible’
BBC 16.7.2014
Gap report
UNAIDS, 2014


‘Biological pacemaker’ tested in lab
BBC 17.7.2014
Original Article:
Biological pacemaker created by minimally invasive somatic reprogramming in pigs with complete heart block
Sci Transl Med 16 July 2014: Vol. 6, Issue 245, p. 245ra94


Obese women ‘show signs of food learning impairment’
BBC 17.7.2014
Original Article:
Impaired Associative Learning with Food Rewards in Obese Women
Current Biology. Available online 17 July 2014


‘Safer IVF’ with kisspeptin hormone shows promise
BBC 19.7.2014
Original Article:
Kisspeptin-54 triggers egg maturation in women undergoing in vitro fertilization
J Clin Invest. Published July 18, 2014


‘Virtual visits’ lower stress for kids in the hospitalFuturity
Futurity 14.7.2014
Original Article:
Videoconferencing to Reduce Stress Among Hospitalized Children
Pediatrics. Vol. 134, No. 1, July 1, 2014 , pp. e169 -e175


West Nile thrives in Dengue-resistant mosquitoes
Futurity 14.7.2014
Original Article:
Wolbachia Enhances West Nile Virus (WNV) Infection in the Mosquito Culex tarsalis
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Jul 10;8(7):e2965.


Oral med ‘wakes up’ retinal cells so kids can see
Futurity 15.7.2014
Original Article:
Oral 9-cis retinoid for childhood blindness due to Leber congenital amaurosis caused by RPE65 or LRAT mutations : an open-label phase 1b trial
The Lancet. Available online 13 July 2014


Naproxen linked to heart attack risk for older women
Futurity 15.7.2014
Original Article:
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Women : Results From the Women’s Health Initiative
Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2014 Jul;7(4):603-10.


What sleeping brains can tell us about schizophrenia
Futurity 15.7.2014
Original Article:
Intrinsic and Task-Evoked Network Architectures of the Human Brain
Neuron. Volume 83, Issue 1, 2 July 2014, Pages 238–251


Depression can be deadly for older Americans
Futurity 15.7.2014
Original Article:
The Relationship Between Major Depression and Nonsuicide Mortality for U.S. Adults : The Importance of Health Behaviors
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci (2014) 69 (4): 622-632


Why don’t more docs tell heart patients to take aspirin?
Futurity 16.7.2014
Original Article:
Use of Aspirin for Primary and Secondary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in the United States, 2011–2012
J Am Heart Assoc. 2014; 3: e000989


After age 25, we’re more forgetful when we’re distracted
Futurity 16.7.2014
Original Article:
Cognitive Declines in Healthy Aging : Evidence From Multiple Aspects of Interference Resolution
Psychology and Aging. Volume 29(2), June 2014, p 187–204


Tough girls don’t make marriages crumble
Futurity 16.7.2014
Original Article:
Do Daughters Really Cause Divorce? Stress, Pregnancy, and Family Composition
Demography. August 2014, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp 1423-1449


2 drugs work better than 1 to stop cancer
Futurity 17.7.2014
Original Article:
Dual inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and soluble epoxide hydrolase synergistically suppresses primary tumor growth and metastasis
PNAS. Published online before print on July 14, 2014


Fewer strokes for older Americans, but experts worry
Futurity 17.7.2014
Original Article:
Stroke Incidence and Mortality Trends in US Communities, 1987 to 2011
JAMA. 2014;312(3):259-268


These mutant worms can’t get drunk
Futurity 17.7.2014
Original Article:
Conserved Single Residue in the BK Potassium Channel Required for Activation by Alcohol and Intoxication in C. elegans
The Journal of Neuroscience, 16 July 2014, 34(29): 9562-9573


How a missile detector can stop malaria ‘in its tracks’
Futurity 18.7.2014
Original Article:
Diagnosing malaria infected cells at the single cell level using focal plane array Fourier transform infrared imaging spectroscopy
Analyst. First published online 14 Jul 2014




© Koonnut – 24.7.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko



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