Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 32 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 32 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!


Ikääntyneiden omaishoitajat säästävät julkista rahaa vuosittain 2,8 miljardia euroa
YLE 6.8.2014
Sari Kehusmaa: Hoidon menoja hillitsemässä : Heikkokuntoisten kotona asuvien ikäihmisten palvelujen käyttö, omaishoito ja kuntoutus
Tampereen yliopisto, 2014

Riitainen nuori juo itsensä herkemmin humalaan – tytöt jopa poikia aggressiivisempia
YLE 6.8.2014
Alcohol use among adolescents, aggressive behaviour, and internalizing problems
Journal of Adolescence. Volume 37, Issue 6, August 2014, Pages 945–951

Eturauhassyövän seulonta vähentää syöpäkuolemia
YLE 8.8.2014
Screening and prostate cancer mortality : results of the European Randomised Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) at 13 years of follow-up
The Lancet. Available online 6 August 2014

Makkara saattaa nostaa naisen verenpainetta
YLE 8.8.2014
Processed and unprocessed red meat consumption and hypertension in women
Am J Clin Nutr. First published July 30, 2014

Lymfasuonia silmässä – ymmärrystä glaukooman syntyyn ja mahdollisesti apua diagnostiikkaan ja hoitoon
HY. LTDK. Viikon julkaisu, 4.8.2014
The Schlemm’s canal is a VEGF-C/VEGFR-3–responsive lymphatic-like vessel
J Clin Invest. 2014 Jul 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Lymphatic regulator PROX1 determines Schlemm’s canal integrity and identity
J Clin Invest. 2014 Jul 25. [Epub ahead of print]

Väitöstutkija kehitti mittareita unenaikaisen sähköisen status epilepticuksen diagnostiikkaan ja todensi epilepsiakirurgian hyötyjä
Turun yo:n väitöstiedote 6.8.2014
Maria Peltola: Electrical status epilepticus during sleep : Continuous spikes and waves during sleep
University of Turku, 2014

Ympäristökemikaalien luutoksisuus
Oulun yo:n väitöstiedote 8.8.2014
Mikko A. J. Finnilä: Bone toxicity of persistent organic pollutants
University of Oulu, 2014

Uutta tietoa kallon läpäisevästä ultraääniterapiasta
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote 9.8.2014
Aki Pulkkinen: Simulation methods in transcranial ultrasound therapy
University of Eastern Finland, 2014

Vanhemman kuolema lisää myös lapsen kuolleisuusriskiä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 4.8.2014
Mortality after Parental Death in Childhood : A Nationwide Cohort Study from Three Nordic Countries
PLOS Medicine. July 2014,  Volume 11,  Issue 7,  e1001679

Suomalaisesta perimästä apua lääkekehitykseen
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 4.8.2014
Distribution and Medical Impact of Loss-of-Function Variants in the Finnish Founder Population
PLOS Genetics. July 2014,  Volume 10,  Issue 7,  e1004494

Kasvissyönti helpottaisi vesipulaa
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 5.8.2014
Diet change : a solution to reduce water use?
Environ. Res. Lett. 9 074016

Internet auttaa surutyössä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 5.8.2014
Anna Haverinen: Memoria virtualis : death and mourning rituals in online environments
University of Turku, 2014

Raskauksien lyhyt väli ei välttämättä lisää keskosuutta
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 6.8.2014
Re-evaluation of link between interpregnancy interval and adverse birth outcomes : retrospective cohort study matching two intervals per mother
BMJ. 2014; 349: g4333

Perinnöllisen rintasyöpäalttiuden geenitutkimus edistyy
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 7.8.2014
Breast-Cancer Risk in Families with Mutations in PALB2
N Engl J Med 2014; 371:497-506

Ylipaino näyttää suojelevan sepsis-potilasta
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 8.8.2014
Obesity and 1-Year Outcomes in Older Americans With Severe Sepsis
Critical Care Medicine. Volume 42(8), August 2014, p 1766–1774
Comorbidity or Covert Advantage? The Obesity Conundrum
Critical Care Medicine. Volume 42(8), August 2014, p 1935–1936

Keuhkofibroosin hoitoon uusia mahdollisuuksia
SLL. 25 – 32/2014, vsk 69, s. 1858
Efficacy and Safety of Nintedanib in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:2071-2082
A Phase 3 Trial of Pirfenidone in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:2083-2092
Randomized Trial of Acetylcysteine in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:2093-2101

Darapladibi ei vähennä sydänkuolemia tai infarkteja vakaassa sepelvaltimotaudissa
SLL. 25 – 32/2014, vsk 69, s. 1858
Darapladib for Preventing Ischemic Events in Stable Coronary Heart Disease
N Engl J Med 2014; 370:1702-1711

Eturauhassyövän imusolmuke-etäpesäke ei välttämättä merkitse huonoa ennustetta
SLL 25 – 32/2014, vsk 69, s. 1859
Removal of Limited Nodal Disease in Patients Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy : Long-Term Results Confirm a Chance for Cure
The Journal of Urology. Volume 191, Issue 5, May 2014, Pages 1280–1285

Umpilisäketulehdusta ei aina tarvitse leikata lapsiltakaan
SLL 25 – 32/2014, vsk 69, s. 1859
Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Nonsurgically Managed Uncomplicated Appendicitis
Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Volume 218, Issue 5, May 2014, Pages 905–913
Feasibility of a Nonoperative Management Strategy for Uncomplicated Acute Appendicitis in Children
Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Volume 219, Issue 2, Pages 272–279, August 2014

Akuutti munuaisvaurio tehohoitopotilailla Suomessa
SLL 25 – 32/2014, vsk 69, s. 1883
Sara Nisula: Incidence, biomarkers, and outcome of acute kidney injury in critically ill adults
University of Helsinki, 2014

Minskad dödlighet med mer grönt
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZTM
Fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer : systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
BMJ 2014;349:g4490

Resistent malaria sprids i Asien
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZTR
Spread of Artemisinin Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum Malaria
N Engl J Med 2014; 371:411-423

Konsekvenser av malaria under graviditeten undersökta i Afrika
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZTT
Estimated risk of placental infection and low birthweight attributable to Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa in 2010 : a modelling study
The Lancet Global Health, Volume 2, Issue 8, Pages e460 – e467

Forskare kastar nytt ljus över biologin bakom schizofreni
Forskning.se 7.8.2014
Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci
Nature. 511, 421–427, (24 July 2014)

Ångestdämpande i avloppsvattnet ger abborrar längre liv
Forskning.se 8.8.2014
The conceptual imperfection of aquatic risk assessment tests : highlighting the need for tests designed to detect therapeutic effects of pharmaceutical contaminants
Environ. Res. Lett. 9 084003

Antibiotics use for colds ‘rises 40%’
BBC 4.8.2014
Original Article:
Trends in antibiotic prescribing in primary care for clinical syndromes subject to national recommendations to reduce antibiotic resistance, UK 1995–2011 : analysis of a large database of primary care consultations
J Antimicrob Chemother. First published online: August 4, 2014

Centralise stroke care ‘in super units’ call
BBC 5.8.2014
Original Article:
Impact of centralising acute stroke services in English metropolitan areas on mortality and length of hospital stay : difference-in-differences analysis
BMJ 2014;349:g4757

Daily aspirin ‘cuts bowel and stomach cancer deaths’
BBC 5.8.2014
Original Article:
Estimates of benefits and harms of prophylactic use of aspirin in the general population
Annals of Oncology. First published online: August 5, 2014

Low vitamin D ‘boosts dementia risk’
BBC 7.8.2014
Original Article:
Vitamin D and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer disease
Neurology. Published online before print August 6, 2014

Does breastfeeding protect the heart?
Futurity 4.8.2014
Original Article:
Long-term effects of birth weight and breastfeeding duration on inflammation in early adulthood
Proc. R. Soc. B. 7 June 2014, vol. 281, no. 1784, 20133116

Does a ‘fishy’ lifestyle keep brains healthy?
Futurity 4.8.2014
Original Article:
Regular Fish Consumption and Age-Related Brain Gray Matter Loss
American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Available online 29 July 2014

‘Sweet spot’ in brain stops mice from gaining weight
Futurity 5.8.2014
Original Article:
PPARγ ablation sensitizes proopiomelanocortin neurons to leptin during high-fat feeding
J Clin Invest. Published August 1, 2014

Fabric dissolves to deliver HIV drug faster
Futurity 5.8.2014
Original Article:
Electrospun Solid Dispersions of Maraviroc for Rapid Intravaginal Preexposure Prophylaxis of HIV
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. August 2014 vol. 58 no. 8 4855-4865

This can make the organs in your body transparent
Futurity 6.8.2014
Original Article:
Single-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing
Cell. Volume 158, Issue 4, 14 August 2014, Pages 945–958

Breathe on labels to know if drugs are counterfeit
Futurity 6.8.2014
Original Article:
Scalable Nanopillar Arrays with Layer-by-Layer Patterned Overt and Covert Images
Advanced Materials. Article first published online: 6 Aug 2014

Wearable vapor sensor can ‘smell’ diabetes
Futurity 6.8.2014
Original Article:
Graphene nanoelectronic heterodyne sensor for rapid and sensitive vapour detection
Nature Communications. 5, Article number: 4376

Doctors fail to recommend aspirin therapy
Futurity 6.8.2014
Original Article:
Do Clinicians Recommend Aspirin to Patients for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease?
J Gen Intern Med. 2014 Aug 5. [Epub ahead of print]

See into living brain with lasers and nanotubes
Futurity 7.8.2014
Original Article:
Through-skull fluorescence imaging of the brain in a new near-infrared window
Nature Photonics. Published online 03 August 2014

Glucose ‘control switch’ links both types of diabetes
Futurity 7.8.2014
Original Article:
Hypothalamic prolyl endopeptidase (PREP) regulates pancreatic insulin and glucagon secretion in mice
PNAS. vol. 111 no. 32, 11876-11881

Coated cells act like camo for deadly brain tumors
Futurity 8.8.2014
Original Article:
Natural Killer Cells Eradicate Galectin-1 Deficient Glioma in the Absence of Adaptive Immunity
Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst July 18, 2014

Risk of inheriting autism stems from common genes
Futurity 8.8.2014
Original Article:
Most genetic risk for autism resides with common variation
Nature Genetics. 46, 881–885, (2014)





© Koonnut – 4.9.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko