JoVE Clinical Skills – rikasta opetusmateriaaliasi valmiiden videoiden avulla

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) on maailman ainoa vertaisarvioitu tieteellinen videolehti. JoVE-palvelussa on jo yli 5000 videota ja Terkon asiakkailla on käytössään mm. Medicine, Immunology & Infection ja Neuroscience -osiot.

JoVEn uuden Science Education -kokoelman videoista on nyt hankittu mm. uusi Clinical Skills -osio. Siinä on käytettävissä 30 videota, jotka on helppo liittää opetusmateriaaleihin.

Tutustu jo tänään olisiko jostain JoVE Clinical Skills -videosta hyötyä sinun opiskelijoillesi!

JoVE @ Terkko Navigator:

Essentials of Physical Examinations I

JoVE’s premier Clinical Skills collection provides the foundation for performing physical exams. The collection begins by introducing several universal concepts such as inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Techniques for measuring blood pressure and other vital signs are then demonstrated. Finally, the collection culminates with key pulmonary and cardiovascular physical exam techniques that can greatly assist in bedside diagnosis.

Essentials of Physical Examinations II

JoVE Clinical Skills becomes more specialized in the second edition of the series. First, we provide methodology for performing the HEENT exams. We then proceed to demonstrate a series of abdominal exams, including the assessment of acute abdominal pain. Finally, the collection delves into some sensitive procedures such as the male rectal exam, comprehensive breast assessment and evaluation of female pelvic structures.