LIFEMAKE Launch Seminar

What makes social life going forward while the world is running into an abyss? In LIFEMAKE, we examine and come in dialogue with individuals and communities that continue to remake their lives in the context of forced displacement, crisis of living, attack on the poor, and persistent gendered, sexualised, classed, and racialised forms of oppression. The looming developments of the present have further highlighted what has been known for a long time: the labour of social reproduction – from caring for children and the elderly to sustaining horizontal networks and communities — has been central to the (re)making of human beings and collectivities.

In the project, we examine these processes in the current moment of the full-scale war in Ukraine and increased political repressions in Belarus and Russia, seeking conversations with other communities whose lives are caught up in the processes of ruination beyond the region.

We want to re-centre life-making and home-making labour from the margins of capitalist production and ask: what are the transformative and reparative capacities of research on social reproduction and life-making in times of displacement, austerity and the crisis of living? What issues, activities, processes and institutions should be critically revised and included in the analysis in this context? What is the role of scholarly work and knowledge production in times of collapse and ruination?

Seminar programme (October 6, the Swedish School of Social Sciences (Snellmaninkatu 12), room 210)

14-15.30 – Panel discussion “Social Reproduction in the Ruins” (with Suvi Salmenniemi, Olga
Davydova-Minguet, Olga Filippova, Majda Hrženjak – moderated by Daria Krivonos)

15.30-16.00 – Coffee break

16.00-17.00 – Presentation of LIFEMAKE project (Daria Krivonos, Olga Tkach, Roman Urbanowicz, research partner – Pauliina Lukinmaa)

From 17 – Socialising and dinner (at own expense)
We are excited to think together about social reproduction and life-making, and pursue emancipatory feminist visions!