UH International Ambassadors

Hey all!

It has been a while since I have written a last blogpost, but I have excuses, including studying and participating in UH International Student Ambassadors project.
November has been really full of events, including International Evening (totally bursting the autumn blues) and welcoming new ambassadors.
What are we doing?

Why I joined?

When I was applying to the University of Helsinki, I was reading through all admissions rules again and again. And then again and again! However, some advice you will never be able to find

Best experiences this year?

1. Great team!
We are active in maintaining our Facebook page. If you have ideas to share or something is still unclear, just drop us a PM in Facebook, we will answer you soon.

2. Study in Finland fairs in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk.
Meeting hundreds of highly motivated students was a great pleasure! I got a chance to travel a bit, share encouragement and passion with prospective students of UH as well as met current students and employees of educational institutions all over Finland.

3. A food hunt youtube video.
Please don`t miss the part with the speaking goat. This piece of art made by Vladislav Banakov and me is the result of videomaking workshop we attended with fellow ambassadors. Click to watch

4. Dance flashmob
We had a couple of exciting training sessions with professional choreographers and had the chance to make up the dance ourselves, bringing our cultures to create a great fusion.  Over 1200 views by now! Click to watch

What is ahead?
We are soon meeting new ambassadors and I am feeling inspired to share my experiences and learn new. We will keep you updated!

Have a great start of the week!

