Housing. Part 1

I was thinking about what to write next, and the question of housing jumped into my mind. I live in HOAS apartment myself, and have actually never rented housing from private market in Finland. But as HOAS is the most viable option, I will focus on it.
First, first five things you should necessarily know about housing in Helsinki:

1. Private space. Unless you are an exchange student, you will get your own room in the apartment with 3-4 rooms. In my home country, there are usually 3-4 students living in the same room, and I have no idea how one can manage study and rest in such conditions. In contrast, student housing in Finland gives you a great chance both to socialize and study in silence.

2. You should hurry up. The lack of supply of student housing is one of challenges of living in Helsinki. However, international students are prioritized over those students who already live in Helsinki area and just decide to move to student housing. So, you should not worry about that as long as you carefully fill in application form.

3. Nature is so close. I have lived in three different student apartments, in Joensuu and Helsinki. And I am always lucky to have a view at the forest from my room window. After returning to my Helsinki home from business trips, I always feel so excited to breathe in some fresh air.

4. Flexibility. You have the right to reapply and change your housing after having lived in a student apartment for a certain period of time. You can fill in your wishes, visit customer service and share your concerns, and you definitely will be heard.

5. Living together means learning more. Regardless whether you live in studio, shared apartment, friend apartment or family apartment, you will always have a chance to meet your neighbors at all kinds of parties and sport activities organised by tenants committee of your housing block or other tenant committees. That is how I learned some Finnish board games, tasted some traditional Finnish food and drinks, learned more Finnish and just had fun when taking longer way to party was impossible because of tight schedule!20161218_155914

I will soon describe the process of settling down in a new housing – stay tuned!