Studying at the University of Helsinki: study experience of year 2016

The end of the year is about making new year resolutions and summing up what has happened. I am a bit cautious about new year resolutions, but looking back at what happened is definitely inspiring. This calendar year of studying at the University of Helsinki has been full of bright events and aspirations, meeting new people and certainly learning something new. Every course has been unique and has taught a lot of new, and I did my best in trying to combine everything in ”five-main-things-I-am-going-to-tell-you” style.

Helsinki Law Clinic

I have never been close to start-up culture before, but this year I really learned a lot more about diverse and international start-up scene in Helsinki. For the first time in my life, I consulted a real client, and for the first time, I did it in Finnish, trying to get rid of fear of making stupid mistakes. Finally, I discovered that speaking in language you don`t know on a native level helps you to get rid of legalese and actually makes you more understandable to the clients. Since September, I have been acting as a tutor in Helsinki Law Clinic, supervising my dream team and sharing my experiences. It was partly a challenge as at the same time I was working in St. Petersburg, but again HLC has provided me with a vital skill – working on a distant basis. That is definitely something I try to learn more every day now.

Career coaching

In August, I packed my luggage and left to Saint Petersburg to start my internship in a law firm. Somewhere in August as well, I realized that the requirements to getting well-desired ECTS for internship have changed and I faced a list of tasks at Moodle developed by Career Services of the University of Helsinki. What I especially love about professional development there, is a focus on the future. Projecting on your experience and filling in self-evaluaton forms may sound boring, but for me it has given a chance to list down my aspirations on paper. In those three months between me starting a career course and writing this blog, some of my plans and aspirations have already come true! Also, this course has motivated me to apply for a group mentoring programme (I will write about it a bit later).

Language studies

I have my minor in Legal translation and interpreting (English). Should I say that I thought that I can hardly be surprised by different language courses offered there? Well, I was surprised. I took two German language courses to revive my writing and speaking skills, and found myself making videos on actual social problems, preparing radio podcasts with fellow students, playing childish games at the classroom, attending exhibitions and language cafes. The peer-to-peer supervision of homework helped us to build team spirit and get engaged in other university events. Last week, some German criminal law books from the end of the nineteenth century were given away in our library. It is good to realize that I can read them!

Book exams

By this time, I have already done my research exam, which is seemingly last compulsory exam in my master`s degree. Luckily, law & economics has been the main focus. Or, I would say, life & law & economics, because much of the reasoning I have found in the readings, has to do with general psychology matters. It is a pity that during bachelor studies back home I never had a chance to focus on economics more, partly because of loaded schedule, partly because of lack of flexible study schemes. In Finland, you can apply for an ”inner” exchange to take any university course at any other Finnish university for free (JOO – Flexible Study Right). This internal mobility aspect is something not very common for a Russian student and I am looking forward to get most out of this experience before I graduate.

Starting gradu

Gradu is a Finnish word for master thesis. In contrast to some other countries (in my case, I can compare only with Russian system), there is a flexibility in deadlines and scope of research. I was really determined to start researching topic, that could bring some more light on Russian legislation and legal culture. That is how I focused on analysing risks of enforcing foreign arbitral awards in Russia. My decision was well-supported, and as I progress I will definitely write more about conducting legal research in Finland.

That has been too narrow selection, I acknowledge that. And I had to miss out so many interesting courses. However, if you don`t study at the University of Helsinki, you still can access our study guides: Course descriptions can actually provide good hints on researching different spheres of law. Surely, information on other study subjects is also provided.

Happy New Year!


