Studying law in Finland – strong sides that surprised me/my article from LinkedIn

Recently, I published an article in Russian about studying law in Finland describing basic and universal things that actually served as a reason for me to pursue LL.M. in Finland. I listed things that you most probably know, but still they come as a strong benefit that you cannot take for granted if you come from abroad, having studied in a really different culture:

Freedom of studies

I was really positively surprised about the freedom I was given in planning my studies, prioritising spheres of law on my own and just setting own deadlines. In my article in Russian, I described how it actually helps to develop some sort of business intuition, self-organisation and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. No matter in what professional sphere you will end up, it is amazing.

Academic research tied to your life

In my bachelor studies outside Finland, I perceived it as an extended academic writing assignment. Here it turns out to be an inspiring academic entrepreneurship effort. When you are not restricted in the scope of jurisdictions you can research, when you can choose sphere of law according to your interests (and come up with interdisciplinary research) you actually learn more about yourself and your professional interests. Not to mention the freedom of research planning that allows you to balance your research and work.

Study, work and study when you work

Actually, a long paragraph of my original article is dedicated to work-study balance that Finnish students get. A possibility to start internships in law-firms from the very beginning of the studies, combine it with studies (which may happen at two universities at the same time) and attend lectures organised by your employer is definitely something that amazes me.

Photo by Alexandra Shtromberg