
My name is Alexandra, I am a second year master degree student of the University of Helsinki (International Business Law). I am from the Republic of Karelia, which is the border region of the Russian Federation. I first came to Finland when I was five years and I fell in love with this country.

 What I am saying is too cliché, but I need to say that ‒ getting admitted there has been my dream since 13 years old. At that time I did not know that I would be a lawyer (neither did I know that I would find my passion in international commercial arbitration and energy law), but I knew that studying in the heart of Helsinki is something cool!

I did not hesitate when I was offered a great chance to lead this blog. First reason is a bit selfish –  I like being read about and being heard (maybe that is why I have chosen law, who knows). But the main reason is really altruistic – I got half of my inspiration from experiences shared by my friends and colleagues, lawyers or not. And, of course, I want to keep my student adventures fresh in my mind!

In my blog I will write about main challenges and adventures of studying and living in Helsinki. I honestly cannot decide what will be more exciting  – experiences of consulting first clients in life or collecting free furniture across Helsinki and suburbs – so I will have to write about everything!

I will keep my blog alive every week, I promise!

I try to be a generator of ideas, but not always succeed. If you have questions or ideas, drop me a message (

You can also follow me through other channels: (only architecture, nature and people. My instagram account is private but I accept subscription requests from accounts that do not look like spam) (I write about local events)

Please, note, that this blog reflects my personal thoughts but not necessarily the official position of the University of Helsinki or any of its institutions, departments or employees.

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