
This page last updated 14.02.2024

Citation statistics

  • 68 manuscripts published or accepted for publication in international peer-reviewed journals
  • 5 manuscripts published in conference proceedings with a light peer-review process
  • Total citations: 4092
  • Highest citation count: 660
  • Highest first-author paper citation count: 25
  • h-index: 22

Statistics courtesy of SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (

My list of publications as a PDF (outdated, updated 17.4.2023)

Refereed publications in international peer-reviewed journals

[68] Finding reconnection lines and flux rope axes via local coordinates in global ion-kinetic magnetospheric simulationsa, M. Alho, G. Cozzani, I. Zaitsev, F. Tesema Kebede, U. Ganse, M. Battarbee, M. Bussov, M. Dubart, S. Hoilijoki, L. Kotipalo, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, J. Suni, V. Tarvus, A. Workayehu, H. Zhou, and M. Palmroth, Accepted for publication in Annales Geophysicae (2024)

[67] Dayside Pc2 waves associated with flux transfer events in a 3D hybrid-Vlasov simulation, F. Kebede, M. Palmroth, L. Turc, H.Zhou, G. Cozzani, M. Alho, Y. Pfau-Kempf, K. Horaites, I. Zaitsev, M. Grandin, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, A. Workayehu, J. Suni, K. Papadakis, M. Dubart, V. Tarvus, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106756 (2024)

[66] Parametrization of coefficients for sub-grid modeling of pitch-angle diffusion in global magnetospheric hybrid-Vlasov simulations, M. Dubart, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, A. Osmane, F. Spanier, J. Suni, G. Cozzani, K. Horaites, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, V. Tarvus, and M. Palmroth, Physics of Plasmas 30, 123903 (2023)

[65] Local Bow Shock Environment during Magnetosheath Jet Formation: Results from a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation, J. Suni, M. Palmroth, L. Turc, M. Battarbee, G. Cozzani, M. Dubart, U. Ganse, H. George, E. Gordeev, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, V. Tarvus, F. Tesema, and H. Zhou, Annales Geophysicae, 41, 551–568 (2023)

[64] Shocklets and Short Large Amplitude Magnetic Structures (SLAMS) in the high Mach foreshock of Venus, G. Collinson, H. Hietala, F. Plaschke, T. Karlsson, L. Wilson III, M. Archer, M. Battarbee, X. Blanco-Cano, C. Bertucci, D. Long, M. Opher, N. Sergis, L. Gasque, T. Liu, S. Raptis, S. Burne, R. Frahm, T. Zhang, and Y. Futaana, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL104610. (2023)

[63] Magnetospheric Response to a Pressure Pulse in a Three-Dimensional Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation, K. Horaites, E. Rintamäki, I. Zaitsev, L. Turc, M. Grandin, G. Cozzani, H. Zhou, M. Alho, J. Suni, F. Kebede, E. Gordeev, H. George, M. Battarbee, M. Bussov, M. Dubart, U. Ganse, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, V. Tarvus, M. Palmroth, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2023JA031374 (2023)

[62] First 3D hybrid-Vlasov global simulation of auroral proton precipitation and comparison with satellite observations, M. Grandin, T. Luttikhuis, M. Battarbee, G. Cozzani, H. Zhou, L. Turc, Y. Pfau-Kempf, H. George, K. Horaites, E. Gordeev, U. Ganse, K. Papadakis, M. Alho, F. Tesema, J. Suni, M. Dubart, V. Tarvus and M. Palmroth, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 13, 20 (2023)

[61] Magnetotail plasma eruptions driven by magnetic reconnection and kinetic instabilities, M. Palmroth, T. Pulkkinen, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, T. Koskela, I. Zaitsev, M. Alho, G. Cozzani, L. Turc, M. Battarbee, M. Dubart, H. George, E. Gordeev, M. Grandin, K. Horaites, A. Osmane, K. Papadakis, J. Suni, V. Tarvus, H. Zhou, and R. Nakamura. Nat. Geosci. 16, 570–576 (2023)

[60] Hybrid-Vlasov simulation of soft X-ray emissions at the Earth’s dayside magnetospheric boundaries, M. Grandin, H. Connor, S. Hoilijoki, M. Battarbee, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, K. Papadakis, and M. Palmroth. Earth Planet. Phys., 7(6), 1–18. (2023)

[59] Enabling technology for global 3D+3V hybrid-Vlasov simulations of near Earth space, U. Ganse, T. Koskela, M. Battarbee, Y. Pfau-Kempf, K. Papadakis, M. Alho, M. Bussov, G. Cozzani, M. Dubart, H. George, E. Gordeev, M. Grandin, K. Horaites, J. Suni,
V. Tarvus, F. Tesema Kebede, L. Turc, H Zhou, and M. Palmroth. Physics of Plasmas 30, 042902 (2023)

[58] Transmission of foreshock waves through Earth’s bow shock, L. Turc, O. Roberts, D. Verscharen, A. Dimmock, P. Kajdic, M. Palmroth, Y. Pfau-Kempf, A. Johlander, M. Dubart, E. Kilpua, J. Soucek, K. Takahashi, N. Takahashi, M. Battarbee, and U. Ganse, Nature Physics, 19, 78-86 (2023)

[57] Spatial filtering in a 6D hybrid-Vlasov scheme for alleviating AMR artifacts: a case study with Vlasiator, versions 5.0, 5.1, 5.2.1, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, M. Battarbee, M. Alho, M. Grandin, M. Dubart, L. Turc, H. Zhou, K. Horaites, I. Zaitsev, G. Cozzani, M. Bussov, E. Gordeev, F. Tesema, H. George, J. Suni, V. Tarvus, and M. Palmroth. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 7903–7912 (2022)

[56] Sub-grid modeling of pitch-angle diffusion for ion-scale waves in hybrid-Vlasov simulations with Cartesian velocity space, M. Dubart, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, A. Osmane, F. Spanier, J. Suni, A. Johlander, M. Alho, M. Bussov, G. Cozzani, H. George, M. Grandin, K. Horaites, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, V. Tarvus, L. Turc, I. Zaitsev, H. Zhou, and M. Palmroth. Physics of Plasmas 29, 103902 (2022)

[55] A global view of Pc3 wave activity in near-Earth space: results from hybrid-Vlasov simulations, L. Turc, H. Zhou, V. Tarvus, M. Ala-Lahti, M. Battarbee, Y. Pfau-Kempf, A. Johlander, U. Ganse, M. Dubart, H. George, M. Grandin, K. Horaites, F. Tesema Kebede, J. Suni, M. Alho, K. Papadakis, and M. Palmroth. Front. Astron. Space Sci., 29 September 2022, Sec. Space Physics (2022)

[54] Magnetospheric Responses to Solar Wind Pc5 Density Fluctuations: Results from 2D Hybrid Vlasov Simulation, H. Zhou, L. Turc, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Battarbee, V. Tarvus, M. Dubart, H. George, G. Cozzani, M. Grandin, U. Ganse, M. Alho, A. Johlander, J. Suni, M. Bussov, K. Papadakis, K. Horaites, I. Zaitsev, F. Kebede, E. Gordeev, and M. PalmrothFront. Astron. Space Sci., 02 September 2022, Sec. Space Physics (2022)

[53] Electron signatures of reconnection in a global eVlasiator simulation, M. Alho, M. Battarbee, Y. Pfau-Kempf, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, R. Nakamura, G. Cozzani, U. Ganse, L. Turc, A. Johlander, K. Horaites, V. Tarvus, H. Zhou, M. Grandin, M. Dubart, K. Papadakis, J. Suni, H. George, M. Bussov, and M. Palmroth. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098329. (2022)

[52] Estimating inner magnetospheric radial diffusion using a hybrid-Vlasov simulation, H. George, A. Osmane, E. Kilpua, S. Lejosne, L. Turc, M. Grandin, M. Kalliokoski, S. Hoilijoki, U. Ganse, M. Alho, M. Battarbee, M. Bussov, M. Dubart, A. Johlander, T. Manglayev, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, J. Suni, V. Tarvus, H. Zhou, and M. Palmroth. Front. Astron. Space Sci., 18 May 2022 Sec. Space Physics (2022)

[51] Quasi-parallel Shock Reformation Seen by Magnetospheric Multiscale and Ion-kinetic Simulations, A. Johlander, M. Battarbee, L. Turc, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Grandin, J. Suni, V. Tarvus, M. Bussov, H. Zhou, M. Alho, M. Dubart, H. George, K. Papadakis, and M. Palmroth. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096335. (2022)

[50] Connection between foreshock structures and the generation of magnetosheath jets: Vlasiator results, J. Suni, M. Palmroth, L. Turc, M. Battarbee, A. Johlander, V. Tarvus, M. Alho, M. Bussov, M. Dubart, U. Ganse, M. Grandin, K. Horaites, T. Manglayev, K. Papadakis, Y. Pfau-Kempf, and H. Zhou. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL095655 (2021).

[49] Foreshock cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies: A statistical study with a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, V. Tarvus, L. Turc, M. Battarbee, J. Suni, X. Blanco-Cano, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Alho, M. Dubart, M. Grandin, A. Johlander, K. Papadakis, and M. Palmroth. Annales Geophysicae, 39, 911–928, (2021)

[48] Ion Acceleration Efficiency at the Earth’s Bow Shock: Observations and Simulation Results, A. Johlander, M. Battarbee, A. Vaivads, L. Turc, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, M. Grandin, M. Dubart, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, D. Caprioli, C. Haggerty, S. J. Schwartz, B. L. Giles, and M. Palmroth. The Astrophysical Journal Vol.914, 82 (2021)

[47] Ion distribution functions in magnetotail reconnection: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulation results, A. Runov, M. Grandin, M. Palmroth, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, H. Hietala, S. Hoilijoki, E. Kilpua, Y. Pfau-Kempf, S. Toledo-Redondo, L. Turc, and D. Turner. Ann. Geophys., 39, 599–612 (2021)

[46] Magnetosheath jet evolution as a function of lifetime: Global hybrid-Vlasov simulations compared to MMS observations, M. Palmroth, S. Raptis, J. Suni, T. Karlsson, L. Turc, A. Johlander, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, X. Blanco-Cano, M. Akhavan-Tafti, M. Battarbee, M. Dubart, M. Grandin, V. Tarvus, and A. Osmane. Ann. Geophys., 39, 289–308 (2021)

[45] Propagation of Ultralow-Frequency Waves From the Ion Foreshock Into the Magnetosphere During the Passage of a Magnetic Cloud, K. Takahashi, L. Turc, E. Kilpua, N. Takahashi, A. Dimmock, P. Kajdic, M. Palmroth, Y. Pfau-Kempf, J. Soucek, T. Motoba, M. Hartinger, A. Artemyev, H. Singer, U. Ganse, and M. Battarbee. JGR: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028474 (2021)

[44] Vlasov simulation of electrons in the context of hybrid global models: an eVlasiator approach, M. Battarbee, T. Brito, M. Alho, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Grandin, U. ganse, K. Papadakis, A. Johlander, L. Turc, M. Dubart, and M. Palmroth. Ann. Geophys. 39, 85–103 (2021)

[43] Resolution dependence of magnetosheath waves in global hybrid-Vlasov simulations, M. Dubart, U. Ganse, A. Osmane, A. Johlander, M. Battarbee, M. Grandin, Y. Pfau-Kempf, L. Turc, and M. Palmroth. Ann. Geophys. 38, 1283–1298 (2020)

[42] Hybrid-Vlasov simulation of auroral proton precipitation in the cusps: Comparison of northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field driving, M. Grandin, L. Turc, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, A. Johlander, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Dubart, and M. Palmroth. J. Space Weather Space Clim., Vol. 10, 51, (2020)

[41] Hybrid-Vlasov modeling of three-dimensional dayside magnetopause reconnection, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Palmroth, A. Johlander, L. Turc, M. Alho, M. Battarbee, M. Dubart, M. Grandin, and U. Ganse. Physics of Plasmas 27, 092903, (2020)

[40] Helium in the Earth’s foreshock: a global Vlasiator survey, M. Battarbee, X. Blanco-Cano, L. Turc, P. Kajdic, A. Johlander, V. Tarvus, S. Fuselier, K. Trattner, M. Alho, T. Brito, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Akhavan-Tafti, T. Karlsson, S. Raptis, M. Dubart, M. Grandin, J. Suni, and M. Palmroth. Ann. Geophys., 38, 1081–1099, (2020)

[39] Asymmetries in the Earth’s dayside magnetosheath: results from global hybrid-Vlasov simulations, L. Turc, V. Tarvus, A. Dimmock, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, A. Johlander, M. Grandin, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Dubart, and M. Palmroth. Ann. Geophys. 38, 1045–1062, (2020)

[38] 3D propagation of relativistic solar protons through interplanetary space, S. Dalla, G. De Nolfo, A. Bruno, J. Giacalone, T. Laitinen, S. Thomas, M. Battarbee, M.S. Marsh. Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 639, A105 (2020)

[37] Non-locality of the Earth’s quasi-parallel bow shock: injection of thermal protons in a hybrid-Vlasov simulation, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, L. Turc, T. Brito, M. Grandin, T. Koskela, and M. Palmroth. Ann. Geophys., 38, 625–643 (2020)

[36] Comparative Analysis of the Vlasiator Simulations and MMS Observations of Multiple X-Line Reconnection and Flux Transfer Events, M. Akhavan-Tafti, M. Palmroth, J. Slavin, M. Battarbee, U. Ganse, M. Grandin, G. Le, D. Gershman, J. Eastwood, J. Stawarz. JGR: Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027410 (2020)

[35] Comprehensive Characterization of Solar Eruptions With Remote and In Situ Observations, and Modeling: The Major Solar Events on 4 November 2015, I. H. Cairns, K. Kozarev, N. V. Nitta, N. Agueda, M. Battarbee, E. P. Carley, N. Dresing, R. Gómez-Herrero, K.-L. Klein, D. Lario, J. Pomoell, C. Salas-Matamoros, A. M. Veronig, B. Li, and P. McCauley, Sol Phys 295, 32 (2020)

[34] First observations of the disruption of the Earth’s foreshock wave field during magnetic clouds, L. Turc, O. Roberts, M. Archer, M. Palmroth, M. Battarbee, T. Brito, U. Ganse, M. Grandin, Y. Pfau-Kempf, C. P. Escoubet, I. Dandouras. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 1264412653 (2019)

[33] Hybrid-Vlasov modelling of nightside auroral proton precipitation during southward interplanetary magnetic field conditions, M. Grandin, M. Battarbee, A. Osmane, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, L. Turc, T. Brito, T. Koskela, M. Dubart, and M. Palmroth, Ann. Geophys., 37, 791–806 (2019)

[32] FORESAIL‐1 CubeSat Mission to Measure Radiation Belt Losses and Demonstrate Deorbiting, M. Palmroth, J. Praks, R. Vainio, P. Janhunen, E. K. J. Kilpua et al. (FORESAIL collaboration), JGR: Space Physics, 124 (2019)

[31] Properties of magnetic reconnection and FTEs on the dayside magnetopause with and without positive IMF Bx component during southward IMF, S. Hoilijoki, U. Ganse, D. G. Sibeck, P. A. Cassak, L. Turc, M. Battarbee, R. C. Fear, X. Blanco-Cano, A. P. Dimmock, E. K. J. Kilpua, R. Jarvinen, L. Juusola, Y. Pfau-Kempf, and M. Palmroth, JGR: Space Physics, 124 (2019)

[30] Fast plasma sheet flows and X line motion in the Earth’s magnetotail: results from a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, L. Juusola, S. Hoilijoki, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, R. Jarvinen, M. Battarbee, E. Kilpua, L. Turc, and M. Palmroth, Ann. Geophys., 36, 1183-1199 (2018)

[29] Magnetosheath jet properties and evolution as determined by a global hybrid-Vlasov simulation, M. Palmroth, H. Hietala, F. Plaschke, M. Archer, T. Karlsson, X. Blanco-Cano, D. Sibeck, P. Kajdic, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Battarbee, and L. Turc, Ann. Geophys., 36, 1171-1182 (2018)

[28] Precision Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Nitrogen and its Primary and Secondary Components with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 051103 – Published 31.07.2018 (2018)

[27] Observation of Complex Time Structures in the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 051102 – Published 31.07.2018 (2018)

[26] Observation of Fine Time Structures in the Cosmic Proton and Helium Fluxes with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 051101 – Published 31.07.2018 (2018)

[25] A possible source mechanism for magnetotail current sheet flapping, L. Juusola, Y. Pfau-Kempf, U. Ganse, M. Battarbee, T. Brito, M. Grandin, L. Turc, and M. Palmroth, Ann. Geophys., 36, 1027-1035 (2018)

[24] On the importance of spatial and velocity resolution in the hybrid-Vlasov modeling of collisionless shocks, Pfau-Kempf, Y., Battarbee, M., Ganse, U., Hoilijoki, S., Turc, L., von Alfthan, S., Vainio, R., and Palmroth, M., Frontiers in Physics Vol. 6 p. 44 (2018)

[23] Vlasov methods in space physics and astrophysics, M. Palmroth, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, M. Battarbee, L. Turc, T. Brito, M. Grandin, S. Hoilijoki, A. Sandroos, and S. von Alfthan, Living Rev Comput Astrophys 4:1 (2018)

[22] Foreshock properties at typical and enhanced interplanetary magnetic field strengths: results from hybrid-Vlasov simulations, L. Turc, U. Ganse, Y. Pfau-Kempf, S. Hoilijoki, M. Battarbee, L. Juusola, R. Jarvinen, T. Brito, M. Grandin, and M. Palmroth, JGR: Space Physics 123 (2018)

[21] Cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global magnetospheric simulation, X. Blanco-Cano, M. Battarbee, L. Turc, A. P. Dimmock, E. K. J. Kilpua, S. Hoilijoki, U. Ganse, D. G. Sibeck, P. A. Cassak, R. C. Fear, R. Jarvinen, L. Juusola, Y. Pfau-Kempf, R. Vainio, and M. Palmroth, Ann. Geophys., 36, 1081-1097 (2018)

[20] Observation of New Properties of Secondary Cosmic Rays Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 021101 – Published 11.01.2018 (2018)

[19] Observation of the Identical Rigidity Dependence of He, C, and O Cosmic Rays at High Rigidities by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 251101 – Published 18.12.2017 (2017)

[18] Modelling solar energetic particle transport near a wavy heliospheric current sheet, M. Battarbee, S. Dalla, and M. S. Marsh The Astrophysical Journal Vol.854, 23 (2018)

[17] Multi-spacecraft observations and transport simulations of solar energetic particles for the May 17th 2012 event, M. Battarbee, J. Guo, S. Dalla, R. Wimmer-Schweingruber, B. Swalwell, and D. Lawrence Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 612, A116 (2018)

[16] Modelling of proton acceleration in application to a ground level enhancement A. Afanasiev, R. Vainio, A. P. Rouillard, M. Battarbee, A. Aran, and P. Zucca Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 614, A4 (2018)

[15] Solar Energetic Particle transport near a Heliospheric Current Sheet M. Battarbee, S. Dalla, and M. S. Marsh The Astrophysical Journal Vol. 836, 138 (2017)

[14] Solar Energetic Particle drifts and the energy dependence of 1 AU charge states S. Dalla, M. S. Marsh, and M. Battarbee The Astrophysical Journal Vol. 834, 167 (2017)

[13] Precision Measurement of the Boron to Carbon Flux Ratio in Cosmic Rays from 1.9 GV to 2.6 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 231102 – Published 28.11.2016

[12] Antiproton Flux, Antiproton-to-Proton Flux Ratio, and Properties of Elementary Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 091103 – Published 26.08.2016

[11] Self-consistent Monte Carlo simulations of proton acceleration in coronal shocks: Effect of anisottropic pitch-angle scattering of particles A. Afanasiev, M. Battarbee, and R. Vainio Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 584, A81 (2015)

[10] Precision Measurement of the Helium Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays of Rigidities 1.9 GV to 3 TV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 211101 – Published 17.11.2016

[9] Precision Measurement of the Proton Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 1 GeV to 1.8 TeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 171103 – Published 30.04.2015

[8] A semi-analytical foreshock model for energetic storm particle events inside 1 AU R. Vainio, A. Pönni, M. Battarbee, H. E. J. Koskinen, A. Afanasiev and T. Laitinen J. Space Weather Space Clim. 4, A08 (2014)

[7] Precision Measurement of the (e+ + e-) Flux in Primary Cosmic Rays from 0.5 GeV to 1 TeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 221102 – Published 26.11.2014

[6] High Statistics Measurement of the Positron Fraction in Primary Cosmic Rays of 0.5-500 GeV with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station L. Accardo et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 121101 – Published 18.9.2014

[5] Electron and Positron Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station M. Aguilar et al. (AMS Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 121102 – Published 18.9.2014

[4] Injection of thermal and suprathermal seed particles into coronal shocks of varying obliquity M. Battarbee, R. Vainio, T. Laitinen and H. Hietala Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 558, A110 (2013)

[3] Particle scattering in turbulent plasmas with amplified wave modes S. Lange, F. Spanier, M. Battarbee, R. Vainio and T. Laitinen Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 553, A129 (2013)

[2] The first SEPServer event catalogue ~68-MeV solar proton events observed at 1 AU in 1996-2010 R. Vainio, E. Valtonen, B. Heber et al. J. Space Weather Space Clim. 3, A12 (2013)

[1] Heavy-ion acceleration and self-generated waves in coronal shocks M. Battarbee, T. Laitinen and R. Vainio Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 535, A34 (2011)
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Publications in conference proceedings without a peer-review

[5] Application of Test Particle Simulations to Solar Energetic Particle Forecasting, S. Dalla, B. Swalwell, M. Battarbee, M. S. Marsh, T. Laitinen, and S. Proctor, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13 (S335), 268-271. (2018)

[4] Forecasting Solar Energetic Particle Fluence with Multi-Spacecraft Observations, T. Laitinen, S. Dalla, M. Battarbee, and M. S. Marsh Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13 (S335), 298-300. (2018)

[3] Particle acceleration and foreshock evolution in heliospheric shocks from self-consistent Monte Carlo simulations, A. Afanasiev, R. Vainio, M. Battarbee, M. Palmroth, S. von Alfthan, and Y. Kempf, Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015) 209 (2015)

[2] Heavy Ion Acceleration and Self-Generated Waves in Coronal Shocks, M. Battarbee, T. Laitinen, and R. Vainio, Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2011) Vol. 10 p. 92 (2011)

[1] Acceleration of Energetic Particles Through Self-Generated Waves in a Decelerating Coronal Shock M. Battarbee, T. Laitinen, R. Vainio and N. Agueda, Copyright (2010) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 2010 and may be found at
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Theses and dissertations

PhD thesis: Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles in coronal shocks through self-generated turbulence (2013)
E-publication, Annales Universitatis Turkuensis A I 475
ADS entry

M.Sc. thesis: On the effect of solar flare locations and magnetic field turbulence on detected particle flux anisotropy
(Auringon soihtupurkausten sijainnin ja magneettikentän turbulenssin vaikutuksesta havaittuun hiukkasvuon anisotropiaan)
PDF, only available in Finnish