Study entities

Master-level module

FOR-208 Forest resource management and geoinformatics 25 cr

Choose at least 25 cr of the following courses:
cr timing
FOR-254 Metsävarojen inventointi- ja suunnitteluprojekti 10 periods III-IV (even years)
FOR-256 Metsävarojen hallinnan ja geoinformatiikan vaihtuvasisältöiset erikoistumisopinnot 1-5 I-II
 FOR-258 GIS-analyysi ja mallinnus 5 IV (even years)
FOR-260 Advanced 3D remote sensing of forests 5 I (odd years)
FOR-263 Operations research in forest resource management 5 IV (even years)
FOR-283 Open GIS 5 online course
FOR-286 Simulation of forest growth 5 II
Recommended courses: cr timing
FOR-007 Tilastollisia malleja: Yleistettyjen lineaaristen mallien perusteet 5 period III
FOR-008 Tilastollinen ennustaminen ja otanta 5 IV (even years)
FOR-009 Statistical modeling with R software 5 IV (odd years)

Study entity in geoinformatics for students outside forest science study programmes