Teaching 2017-2018



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Research methods for doctoral students, 2017-2018

Menetelmäopintoja jatko-opiskelijoille, 2017-2018

This page contains information on teaching and courses on research methods in 2017-2018. The page will be updated during the year – Please contact us if you wish courses or teaching to be added to the page. Please also note that access to some courses may be restricted and remember to consult your supervisor and unit about whether the course can be accepted as a part of your doctoral degree.



Below is a list of some courses organised by the Centre for Research Methods, Bachelor’s and Master’s Programme in Social Research, Master’s Programme in Mathematics and Statistics, Master’s Programme in Data Science, Master’s Programme in Contemporary Societies, Master’s Programme in Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Age, Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences and its Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, Doctoral School in Biological, Environmental and Food Sciences, Doctoral Program in Population Health, and Doctoral Programme of School, Education, Society and Culture. More detailed information on the individual courses can be found by clicking the name of the course.

I teaching period (4.9.-22.10.)

II teaching period (30.10.-17.12.)

III teaching period (15.1.-4.3.)

IV teaching period (12.3.-6.5.)